
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Recap: 'From the Couch--Bates Go To Florida'

Bringing Up Bates "From the Couch: Bates Go To Florida"
  • It's Christmastime 2014. As they show opens on Alyssa in her Florida home, Lawson says he couldn't imagine living in such quietude. "I think I'm going to stick around at the loud, noisy house of chaos for a while," he states, although he does plan to eventually get married.
  • Alyssa, who used to be the main chef before she moved to Florida, prepares a meal for everyone. Lawson claims that he has lost weight since Alyssa left Tennessee.
  • Later, everyone heads to the beach. This is the first time that the youngest kids have seen the ocean. 
  • As Carlin, Lawson, and Nathan watch footage of themselves and the rest of the family enjoying the cold water, they comment on the background songs. "I'm telling you, the songs just really bring the mood to the whole atmosphere," says Carlin. 
  • The clan also visits the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, home of Winter, the dolphin that stars in Dolphin Tale and Dolphin Tale 2. Lawson, Carlin, and Katie poke fun at their dad as they watch him try to work out a deal on admission for the family. 
  • After picking oranges at an orchard, the Bates take a monster truck ride through a swamp. The film crew captures the adventure with their drone, but sadly, it hits a tree limb and plummets into the swamp. 
  • Best quotes from the show:
    • Lawson Bates: "That's something that is never going to change, Katie's sass. She's still dishing it out."
    • Gil Bates: "We like beaches, and we like people. We just like people to have all of their clothes on at the beaches."
    • Gil Bates: "Sometimes life is hard, but you can't give up. You just keep trying with whatever you've got left."
    • Carlin: "Me and Tori always talk over each other." Lawson: "Carlin, I think you talk over everybody."


  1. I normally enjoy the Bates when I can get the channel it comes on, but I started watching the episode this week and was quite bored with it. I only watched less than 30 minutes.

  2. I understand that the Bates family has their own view of how to dress on the beach, but I'm curious as to why Gil thinks that other people should conform to his views. Not everyone has the same hangups about bodies, and some people feel comfortable wearing swimsuits on the beach.

    1. I understand that they want their kids to dress modestly which is fine, but I feel that wearing dresses at the beach attracts more attention than if they wore shorts. Plus, I've seen older pictures of Gil and Kelly wearing shorts. Do they feel that they were immodest or ungodly then. And even Gil's own parents and siblings wear shorts. Are they also ungodly? If they wanted to really be biblical, they would all wear robes like everyone did back in Jesus' time. Men didn't wear jeans. In fact, some men wore skirts (gladiators) and others wore robes.

    2. Kathy -- great points about which I've wondered, as well.

  3. OK I'm the grammar police but it isn't "me and Tori". It is Tori and I. Also don't understand why they say Alyssa moved up there. Florida is south of Tennessee so Alyssa moved down there. I know Gil and Kelly value education so I really wish they'd address the grammar thing in their home school curriculum.

    1. Believe it or not, proper grammar isn't a big deal to a lot of people - especially country people.

    2. I agree with you Kathy! I hate poor grammar. It makes intelligent people sound ignorant. I'm in sales and I wouldn't hire someone with poor grammar. But..since working outside the home is not what they strive for I imagine they just think it's quaint.

    3. Great points, but I've noticed that kids tend to talk like that, whether educated or not. I'm always correcting my kids, even though they've heard me say it a million times. What's really wrong is when adults do.

    4. It's Tori and me.

  4. why would you bother going to the beach with all your clothes on ?? You should stay home then

    1. Some people go to the beach to swim, not expose their bodies

    2. Agree..and stop judging those of us who do enjoy the beach in "normal" swim suits!

    3. I agree. Stay home or use a swimming pool. It would not hurt to have the girls wear bike shorts or something similar under their skirts to make it easier to swim. But long jeans/pants on the males is ridiculous. Telling the kids not to look at people wearing swim attire would seem to make them curious.

    4. I am not completely understanding your logic... So if I go hiking in jean capris and a t-shirt instead of what everyone else would call "proper hiking attire" then I should stay home and out of the woods? So if we do not wear what the world says we should wear in certain atmospheres, that means we have no right to enjoy that environment??

    5. @JM K
      I love your comment! I don't understand it either.

  5. I love the Bates show and hope it continues forever. However, I just want to tell the producers that the couch episodes are very boring. Just sayin... I mean, why? Thanks for listening.

  6. These are time-waster episodes. Nothing new and totally boring. This is not the Bates family's fault. It is UP's fault. Come on, UP, get it together and give us new and good episodes. The Bates family has enough interesting characters that many new episodes can be aired. Enough with the couch episodes...

  7. @JM...nope! We are saying STOP judging the rest of us! I'm a Christian, and have raised beautiful Christian daughters. We live in Florida, and go to the beach and wear bikinis. We are created in the image of God both beautiful in feature and form. If your particular denomination teaches you have to dress in "modest" swim wear then have at it. But please...quit with the whole shaming that girls are causing men to sin.

  8. When I get a little tired of slathering all the sunscreen on my body, I may wear a light weight pair of pants and a long sleeve shirt in the ocean! However, I don't really pay attention to what other people are wearing. I really don't understand why a family would go to the beach if they don't like everyone else's swimwear.


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