
Friday, September 23, 2016

Recap: 'Three Pointers and Puppies'

Bringing Up Bates "Three Pointers and Puppies"
  • Tori, Carlin, and Josie, along with their friend Courtney visit The Crown College of the Bible, located near their home. Josie, who will soon graduate from high school, has already started taking college classes online and is planning to take a few on-campus courses in fall 2016. 
  • Tori and Josie try to convince Carlin to study music on campus rather than liberal arts online. Carlin is unsure about being tied down because she enjoys traveling to help with children at various conferences.
  • "You said that you wanted to teach piano," Tori reminds her sister. "It's hard to teach piano if you don't have a degree in it," Josie chimes in. Tori is in school for education, and Josie is considering pursuing a cosmetology degree. 
  • Gil, Kelly, and most of the kids head up to Fort Wayne, Indiana, to watch the boys participate in New Heights Basketball Camp. 
  • When asked if they would ever want to attend a basketball camp, Callie, Ellie, and Addallee's responses are quite entertaining. Callie says no because she "hates sweat." Addalle's answer is the same. "I'd have to take a bath," she says. But Ellie is game for it (no pun intended).
  • This the first time that all the boys have played on organized teams. The family enjoys watching the "unconventional" tactics that they have developed over the years. 
  • "I don't think anybody will ever see defense like Nathan," says Carlin.
  • "I think it was really good for our kids to get to go somewhere where they could have fun playing sports, being challenged by people that can play really, really good," says Kelly. "But more than that, it was a place where the coaches really wanted the boys to work on their character."
  • "For the boys in our family, no matter what your personality is sitting on the couch when you're hanging around with the rest of the family, when you get on the court, when you get on the field,  it changes," says Zach. "You're automatically in it for blood."
  • Gil and Kelly are especially amazed by Isaiah's performance. He hasn't played a lot of basketball, but he does very well and ends up winning an award.
  • Michael and Brandon drive three hours from Chicago to hang out with the family at basketball camp. Michael, who also has first responder and EMT training, has recently finished her associate degree in medical health science. While the Keilens say they are not planning to stay in Chicago forever, they aren't sure what the next step is at this point.
  • Warden and Isaiah make it to the finals in their junior varsity league, but they end up losing by two points. 
  • "I try to tell the boys...if you know you controlled your attitude, if you gave it 100 percent, then you're a winner in the things that matter," says Gil.
  • Back at home, Chad meets Erin, Katie, and Carson at the local animal shelter to look at dogs.
  • "We're going to go get a dog!" announces Erin. "I brought a box."
  • "You seriously brought a box?" Chad asks, laughing. "Honey, we're just looking for a dog, just looking, not necessarily going to get one. 
  • Carson absolutely loves dogs and often walks around the house "woofing" and panting, according to Erin. "It's so cute--why are you laughing?" Erin asks Chad. "I'm laughing because your brothers and sisters taught him how to pant like a dog and woof."


  1. I liked the episode but Carlin's outfit was too much. At first I thought she had a tatoo on her neck then I realized it is suppose to be a choker. Now she is blonde?? What is wrong with her natural hair color, it was beautiful. Loved watching the boys play basketball and their parents supporting them. Made me smile.

    1. Why so critical of Carlin? You're one of those women who critisize girls/ women who try to look nice, exercise, wear make-up, change hair color etc.. Aren't you? Always judging by the outward appearsance. Now if you want to "keep it all natural" by all means do so, but let Carlin have fun with different styles and hair color.

    2. Her outfit was cute and age appropriate. What's wrong with highlights?

    3. My girls each have a tattoo--I took them to get them. Matching sister tattoos! They are beautiful girls who love the Lord--so not sure about your outrage about a " potential " tattoo.

    4. So many people here named anonymous it is hard to keep everyone straight :) But seriously, I doubt God is real concerned about s girl putting highlights in their hair.

    5. This goes beyond highlights to me it appears she is altering herself because she is unhappy about the way she looks. I don't think you should compromise how God created you. Enhance your look do not alter your look. I hope others can receive this without getting defensive. Criticism is hard but when you put yourself out there, you need to be strong enough to take it.

    6. @Annonymous 10:07. I've altered my look through plastic surgery per my husband's request. I had a lovely Christian doctor, and it was a wonderful gift to my husband. For those curious ( human nature) I had a tummy tuck and liposuction after our last child was born. Not only was our Dr. a Christian, but his surgical nurses and staff as well. It was a lovely experience. husband was thrilled ( as was I) to have the original version of his wife back. I've encouraged my daughters, nieces, and other young women to have a "mommy make-over" when family size is complete as well. It's amazing what is does for the "mommies" self-esteem, and that only translates into her marriage and every aspect of her life.

  2. I love this family, especially the fact that they seem to let their children grow somewhat into their own people. I am thrilled beyond belief that the kids seem to seek higher education. Yay for the Bates! However, why do they all go to Crown? Are they allowed to go to a different college? There are other Christian colleges out there. Just wondering.

    1. I obviously can't speak for the family, but perhaps they attend Crown because it is close to home and the kids don't have to pay room and board, making it more affordable. I have no idea how much the family receives for the TV show, but it probably is not enough to send 19 kids away to college. Just a thought.

    2. Good thought, I'm sure there is much we do not understand about raising a large family.

  3. I'm so happy the are going to adopt a dog from the shelter and not buy a puppy. There are many wonderful puppies and older dogs are local animal shelters that deserve loving, forever homes. Thank the Lord.

    1. We adopted a 7 year old golden retriever from a shelter. He was one of the greatest loves of my life. I believe he was sent to by God as within a year our oldest daughter died, and that beautiful dog was my companion and comfort like no other.

    2. I am so sorry for your lost! :-( Glad your dog was able to comfort you

  4. This was a typo: When asked if they would ever want to attend a basketball camp, Callie, Ellie, and Addallee's responses are quite entertaining. Callie says no because she "hates sweat." Addalle's answer is the same. "I'd have to take a bath," she says. But Addallee is game for it (no pun intended)." You meant Ellie was game for it. :) Also, you put two ands in this sentence: "Tori is in school for education, and and Josie is considering pursuing a cosmetology degree." I know some will say I'm criticizing, but I'm not. I just thought I would point it out. Everyone makes mistakes.

  5. I enjoy this family. Thanks for the update!

  6. We watched and enjoyed this episode thoroughly. I am wondering if anyone can give me info about how to find that basketball camp. My boys are very interested in participating in it. Thanks!


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