
Monday, October 10, 2016

Michael the 'Baby Hog'

Michael (Bates) Keilen and Kaci Lynn Bates

"When Michael comes to town, everybody knows that whoever the baby is, it's going to Michael, hands down, and she keeps it as long as she can keep it." 

-Whitney Bates

On this week's new episode of Bringing Up Bates, Michaela and Brandon Keilen arrive in Tennessee to meet the newest addition to the family, Kaci Lynn Bates.

Michaela, who has loved babies from the time she was "knee-high," according to Mama Kelly Bates, drives her sisters bonkers when she won't let anyone else have a turn holding Kaci. Check out this sneak peek video:

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. I hope she soon finds herself preggers with her own baby. I think she'll make an excellent Mom.

    1. I hate the word "preggers!" Please, just use the word "pregnant."

    2. I hate that word too. That and "prego." Prego is a spaghetti sauce!

  2. I see a lot of pain in Michael and Brandon's eyes. I really hope God blesses them with a little one, you can tell they have been waiting.

    1. My goodness, such projection! They appear perfectly happy and have only been married a little over a year. Perhaps they choose to postpone having a family for whatever reason. There's no law stating they can't practice birth control.

    2. to Oct 10 @ 1:43, I dont see where you see "a lot of pain" in their eyes?? Michaela is always smiling and mostly her husband is too. She seems quite content holding other peoples babies and so you and others should not assume there is even an issue within this couple. How can you tell "they have been waiting"? What makes you think that i'm sincerely curious?

    3. I think they look very happy. There's nothing wrong with spending time as a couple before starting a family. I think she holds onto her siblings babies becauce she doesn't get to see them very often.

    4. They already said they desire a baby now, but she's not been able to conceive. They announced that while they are trusting and content in God, they are beginning to look into infertility.

  3. Micheal is beautiful!!

  4. I was like that in my family. I was the official baby hog.

  5. Yeap, I am hoping the next pregnancy news is from Michaela and Brandon.

  6. Sleeping through the night at 3 weeks??? They should not sleep for more than 4 hours at a time at that age! Just more unreal expectations from this reality tv family.

    1. My son started sleeping through the night at 5 weeks. My doctor said part of it has to do with weight....around 11 pounds. My son weighed 8.5 lbs. at birth so it didn't take him long to reach that weight. Every baby is different so I wouldn't rule out one sleeping through the night even though this baby looks pretty tiny compared to my son.

    2. My three week old sleeps for 5 hours, eats, and goes back to sleep for 4 hours. So, it's OK if their baby is sleeping through the night!

    3. How is that setting unrealistic expectations for other babies. Everyone knows each baby is different.

    4. It is entirely possible. My kids were sleeping through the night (8 hours straight) by 7 weeks, 3 weeks, and 4-5 weeks, respectively. My granddaughter slept through the night around 3-4 weeks. It is healthy for both mother and baby to encourage that learning sooner.

    5. "They should not sleep for more than 4 hours at a time at that age" - are you saying that as in, it's wrong for them to sleep more than four hours a night, or as in it's not normal to sleep more than four hours at a time? The only reason I can think of why a newborn shouldn't is that they need to eat often. My last baby had a really hard time waking up to eat and lost weight the first few weeks because of it. But that's ridiculous to say that this family is having unrealistic expectations of a little one sleeping through the night. You can't "make" a newborn sleep through the night. You can expect all you want, but that doesn't affect reality.

    6. I slept through the night from birth. So its possible

  7. I hope she becomes a mom herself one day, having biological children, through adoption or foster care. I think she would be very loving and caring.

    1. I hope so, too. She is a precious girl and would make a great mom.

  8. 😲 Micheal and I are like twins l ❤️ baby's and I have blond hair so does she but I live in South Carolina and I am only 14 and a bates lover 😍😍😍

  9. Slightly off topic, but is there any chance that Michael and Brandon will be moving to Texas, to follow the two other couples from the same ministry in Chicago (Anna Duggar's sister Priscilla and her husband David, and their friends Robert and his wife Kendalyn)?


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