
Thursday, October 6, 2016

New Keilen Snapshot

Michael and Brandon Keilen are coming up on their 14-month wedding anniversary. We know you all enjoy seeing photos of this happy, Chicago suburbs-dwelling couple, so we posted one below.

They will be featured on next week's episode of Bringing Up Bates, as they travel to Tennessee to meet niece Kaci Lynn Bates.

Michaela (Bates) Keilen and Brandon Keilen

Photo courtesy of


  1. Cute picture of Brandon & Michaela.

  2. What suburb of Chicago for they live in?

    1. I would like to know myself. I live about 40 minutes from downtown. We could be neighbors and I not even know it!

  3. Love this picture, Michaela and Branden look so happy and what lovely examples they have been. They always make an effort to be there for their family, it is always a treat to see them on the show.

  4. Oh how I am inspired by this family! It makes me so sad, their show is not available in Canada. Maybe some day. Blessings to all!

  5. Young, happy and in love is the best place to celebrate GODS grace:):)

  6. I'm picturing in my head many people wishing this was a full length picture of this couple to look at Michaela's stomach to see if there is a baby bump lol. If we are all honest,its a question many are wondering.

    1. I think it is rude and insensitive to express that curiosity, whether by "honestly" speculating or coming right out and asking a woman if she is pregnant. A couple's intentions on starting a family are a private matter, unless they wish to voluntarily divulge the information without being pressured. You may unintentionally make someone very uncomfortable or anxious, especially if they are trying unsuccessfully to conceive. Saying nothing at all is the kindest thing you can do. Michaela and Brandon may be postponing starting a family for any number of good reasons.

    2. But maybe perhaps you shouldn't be wondering. She could have the same problem as her sister Erin and if she does, people on a constant baby watch for her is a cruel reminder of what she does not have. She will have a child when she is blessed with one and until that time comes, we shouldn't speculate.

    3. How would YOU feel if such speculation was focused on you!?

      They both come from large,Godly families, so I think the answer is obvious...they plan on a family.

      Everything happens in the Lord's timing.

    4. The original poster is right! This family is known to pose this way for the intention of creating speculation on pregnancy. Their entire doctrine is based on it. She/He were well within appropriate boundaries with that comment.

    5. @9:26. You are correct. Seems to be a bunch of pious responses to your comment. You and I both know everyone is wondering, and watching, every picture of Michael and Brandon for "baby bump". They also selected to pose in a manner to keep the suspence going. After all their entire doctrine and tv shows are based on how quickly and how many children each married couple can produce. But remember you did say "if we are all honest"..I believe there just may be a few "liar, liar pants on fire" holier-than-though syndrome going on here.

    6. Anon@ 10:48 Just because you can be honest, doesn't mean you should. It doesn't matter what their doctrine is on family planning, stuff happens... infertility, a new and stressful job, a desire to finish an education. If you are wondering and watching every picture for a "baby bump", I think your curiosity is getting the best of you.

    7. If @9:26 wants to wonder, let him/her wonder! Sheesh!

  7. beautiful couple...are they planning a family?

    1. I am sure you mean no harm, but yours is a very insensitive question. It is really no one's business one way or the other. I am sure they will make any announcement should they find themselves expecting a child. If they don't, they should not be judged for not having children.

    2. none of your business!

    3. @Betty Flores -- don't pay attention to these unkind comments. You have every right to ask a good question here. I don't like to see people pounce on someone like you who asked an innocent question. God bless you and just ignore those two.

    4. I don't see any judgement in Betty's question. Judging a person for not having children IS wrong, but that's not what she did.

    5. I always wonder. Everytime I see a picture of them. Guess I'm waiting for happy news. Very normal.

  8. Don't apologize for not being able to blog! There are no blogging rules that you should feel you have to fulfill. And in all honesty I think we as a people need to unplug from technology every once in a while. We have become way too reliant in wanting to know something at a moments notice. Who remembers the good ol days where you had to wait for next weeks episode to find out anything about your show??? I miss those days!

  9. The Bates Family has let us have the pleasure of watching their fammily and now their family growing
    with grandchildren - NO ONE means any harm by wondering or asking. WE all extend our blessing and good thoughts to each and every family member.

    1. I have no doubt that people are just curious and mean no harm. I was never able to have biological children,and I can assure you that
      every time someone innocently asked if we were planning to have children or speculated on whether or not I was pregnant, it hurt terribly. I got very tired of having to explain our situation. Invariably, there was "helpful" advice offered up, like "If you adopt, you'll be sure to get pregnant."

    2. Did you ever think that the reason many people are asking and wondering is because these Bates and Duggar-types have children lickety-split and one after the other? They're not like you and me. Well, at least not like me.

  10. Beautiful couple!! So happy for them


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