
Thursday, November 24, 2016

Bates Thanksgiving 2016

Happy Thanksgiving to our American readers! May we all take this day to thank God for the many blessings we have been given.

What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish? The Bates have a tradition of spending the holiday with Gil's parents, Papa Bill and Mama Jane, in South Carolina.

Mama Jane usually makes one large turkey, one turkey breast, and a ham. She also prepares mac 'n cheese (the Bates' favorite side), sweet potato casserole with double the toppings, and dressing.

Let's take a poll to see what y'all call that delicious turkey companion dish. Is it dressing or stuffing? The Bates, as well as many other Southerners, call it dressing. What do you think?


  1. My favorite food for thanksgiving is stuffing. It's the only time of year we ever get it. The Lord has blessed us greatly. As far as I can tell we believe what the Bates do! I'm thankful for this blog as well. Thanks!

  2. I call it stuffing and my husband calls it dressing! Must be because he was born in Tennessee.

  3. Haha its stuffing to us yankees. :)

  4. When I was a kid, we called it dressing, but now I call it stuffing. What's really funny is in the market they sell Mrs. Cubbinson's Dressing and also Mrs. Cubbinson's Stuffing but they look the same to me. Maybe someone knows the difference?
    My favorite dish is sweet potato casserole, with lots of marshmallows.

  5. I was born and raised in the North and we always called it stuffing. I married and move to the South where my husband and all his family and the rest of the South call it dressing. I finally found out this year what the difference is..... Northerners normally stuff their turkey with "stuffing" whereas Southerners do not stuff their turkey they make it on the side and call it a dressing. This year we are celebrating Thanksgiving with my husband family and my mother-in-law will be making rice dressing and cornbread dressing.

  6. I'm in NJ and I call it stuffing. It's my favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner.

  7. We call it stuffing.

  8. Dressing. And Thanksgiving is not complete without mashed taters and gravy, lots of gravy.

  9. I'm from Pennsylvania and we call it dressing...but a lot of people up here call it stuffing.

  10. From the south here....and it's Dressing! :) Love your sweet family. May the Lord continue to bless each one of you.

  11. My favorite dish is Nana Pam's ambrosia. My son and husband both like the turkey. Our family calls it stuffing. Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. Technically I think if it is cooked inside the bird it is stuffing if it is cooked outside it is dressing. :) My Grandpa prefers stuffing with the liver chopped up and added.

    1. From Indiana and my family calls it dressing. I agree with Elizabeth's comment.

    2. Sounds like a logical answer I'll start calling it dressing for two reasons, first we always eat it outside the bird and second I live on the border between north and south I like to consider myself a southerner because I like there talk etc. so I'll start calling it dressing as most southerners do.

  13. It is definitely dressing! And my momma still calls the gravy, giblets gravy. She will ask if I'm making giblets gravy every year. And I say, "just regular gravy this year momma"

  14. It's dressing, and we also have peas, collards, green bean casserole, sauted asparagus, mashed potatoes along with the mac'cheese and sweet potato casserole. We also had 9 desserts! Oh, I forgot the oyster dressing, also. Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Depends on how the dish is made. If cooked inside the turkey, it is stuffing. If cooked on its own, it is dressing.

  16. I live in GA and my family always calls it stuffing

  17. Ranch dressing, cornbread stuffing! Or is it ranch stuffing & cornbread dressing? I don't think so. But whatever you want to call it doesn't really bother me. I just love my homemade cornbread & biscuit stuffing!!

  18. I call it stuffing.

  19. If it is inside the bird, it is stuffing. If in a separate dish, it is dressing.

    I think it is time the Bates host the dinner for Mama Jane and Papa Bill. More room in the Bates' house and less stress for Mama Jane.

  20. Born and raised in Indiana and I call it dressing. We don't stuff the bird, we dress the table. haha.

  21. Its dressing in Honea Path....also I am pretty sure I seen some of you guys black Friday shopping in the Anderson Mall:)

  22. North Dakota and its stuffing. I cook it on the side but its still stuffing!

    1. A fellow North Dakotan and yep,stuffing, no matter how its cooked!

  23. Cranberries are a must with turkey dinner! Great time to get a dose of veggies... Mashed potatoes, sweet potato, turnip, corn, homemade bread... Always extended family too!

  24. dressing (I'm a Kentuckian/Tennessean)

  25. It's stuffing because you stuff the bird with it.

  26. I just discovered Bringing Up Bates. What a refreshing, positive and wholesome show. I find myself smiling while I watch each episode. Thanks for sharing this island of happiness in this crazy time we live in

  27. My mother is from England and she calls it dressing, but my mother-in-law is from Europe and calls it stuffing. My husband and I and our kids call it stuffing. We live in Toronto, and our Thanksgiving in Canada is in October (earlier harvest), and our dinner is turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, beets, turnip & carrots, squash, green beans, brussel sprouts, and coleslaw (oil&vinegar, not mayo). Pumpkin pie for dessert.

  28. We always cook it outside the turkey and call it stuffing. Dressing is what you put on salad. I'm from PA.

  29. Proud Missourian, and we call it stuffing.


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