
Friday, November 11, 2016

Brandon's Hidden Talent

Over the next several days, our opportunities to blog will be limited, but we still have plenty of entertaining Bates content to share with y'all while we're away from the computer.

We went through dozens of video clips from the past four seasons of Bringing Up Bates and chose our favorites (some that aired on the show and some that are bloopers/deleted scenes). For many of you, this will probably be your first time seeing them.

The first clip is in honor of upcoming American Thanksgiving. During Thanksgiving 2014, Brandon Keilen, Michael Bates' then-boyfriend, shares his hidden talent with the Bates family.

(Have you entered our CD giveaway? Click here for info.)

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Is there any way to view Brandon's entire video he made? Like on YouTube or something?

  2. Wow! That's amazing! Thank you (2) for working so hard on your blog!

  3. Must make this into a DVD and sell it for other children to enjoy! Of course, tweek it a little, but it looks amazing!!

  4. He needs to make it into a DVD and sell it so other children can enjoy it! Of course he needs to "tweek" it a little, but it looks amazing! I see an actual children's book as well!!! Do not waste that talent.


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