
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Gil and Kelly on Music Lessons

"Gil and I...were not very musical, but looking back, we wished that it was an avenue that we had pursued, so we started each child with piano. And then if they wanted to further that...then they could."

-Kelly Bates

Some of the Bates children have chosen to learn other instruments and even pursue music as a career, while others have decided to focus their time and energy on non-musical pursuits. Does your family place a high importance on music education?

If you haven't already, be sure to enter our giveaway of Lawson Bates' upcoming CD. (Click here for details.)

Photo courtesy of UP


  1. Some of my fondest memories of my youth are of playing in the high school band and singing in the choir. There is something so satisfying about working with others to create beautiful music. My own kids were in band and made wonderful friends in the process. I have to say that their public school music teachers were all first rate!

  2. My parents also started each of my siblings in piano. Now 4 of the 5 of us still play piano and I teach flute. Music is a huge part of my life now. If it wasn't as important to my parents early on, then I probably wouldn't have the same appreciation for it now. I am thankful for the gift of music that God has given!


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