
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Erin's New Year's Resolution

"It's so easy to let the little things just really get you worked up or stressed. I just want to remind make every moment count."
-Erin Bates Paine

As the end of 2016 approaches, Erin Bates Paine shares her New Year's resolution. Do you have any goals for 2017?

The premiere of Bringing Up Bates season five is just one week away. Tune in to UP on Thursday, January 5th, at 9pm ET/8pm CT.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. I am reminded of an old adage, that everything experienced in life, good or bad, is only temporary. Whether you're going through a hardship, or surrounded by love and joy; take a deep breath, embrace the moment and remember, "this too shall pass."

    1. What a great piece of wisdom to share, sincerely, thank you!

  2. I usually post my goals on January 1st on my blog but a couple of goals I have in mind are to read through the Bible and to be a little kinder to people who post negative comments on the Duggar blog. Lord willing, I plan to use the plan called Bible reading for shirkers and slackers. It's a good plan that I have used before. I really want to be nicer to the people who post negative comments to even the nicest posts. I know the Lord would like for me to control my tongue and show the love of Christ.

    1. Thanks for sharing,its good for us all to be reminded to be kind to one another like Ellen says on her show every day! Also, I bet its hard to bite your tongue at times since you have your own blog and no doubt you maybe see negative things at times on your own blog?

  3. Can't wait. I love their show.

  4. My new years resolution is to be in God's word everyday and to be a witness for Jesus Christ! Congrats Erin!

  5. That's a good resolution. It's nice to see that she has goals other than having babies.

  6. A young lady wise beyond her years

  7. Wishing all a Blessed,Healthy and Happy 2017.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  8. Ha! A family joke with us..because our youngest son
    was really smart..We always said !..
    He was wise behind his ears...!..😃...
    .guess you had to be there.....😉

  9. Start each day in the Bible and cut out sugar.


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