
Sunday, December 25, 2016

Keilens to Share Family Plans in New Season

We hope you're having a wonderful Christmas! UP just released a promo video for the upcoming season of Bringing Up Bates, set to premiere Thursday, January 5th, at 9pm ET/8pm CT. For those who have wondered about Michaela and Brandon Keilen's plans to start a family, that will be addressed this season. Watch the preview below:

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. I really hope they are not sharing this information to get people off of their backs. I understand that they are reality stars but fans need to stop thinking that they have a right to know every detail of their lives.

    1. I don't think it would be to get people off their backs. Having had trouble in that area myself it was easier to let people know what was going on so they would quit asking and speculating. It must be 100x harder being a reality star, especially coming from a large always expanding family. I think it takes courage for them to address this. But your comment just proves that they will be judged if they stay quiet or address the fertility issue. Stay strong Brandon and Michaela, god will bring you through this.

    2. It's their choice whether to share or not, but it was already obvious to people with a bit of common sense and sensibility that they were having trouble. With the love of children that they both have, not having announced a pregnancy for a year and a half after the wedding it could mean only that. Also because they're not so young that you would say "maybe they're just waiting", especially coming from their background.
      It's such a personal and delicate topic that I hope people will get off their back.

  2. Looks like an exciting season. Can't wait to watch it.

  3. Did I hear correct that someone said there was going to be a new sister in the family?

    1. Hope he isn't referring to Alyssa new baby, that wouldn't be a sister

    2. That's what I heard as well...

    3. Allie Jane is going to be a big sister.

    4. I believe they are referring to Lexi, who will be Allie Webster's sister (Alyssa is pregnant).

    5. I heard that, too, and assume the phrase was included to make people eager to watch the new season. I think they're referring to Alyssa & John Webster's baby girl who is due January 27th. They are naming her Lexi Mae, and she will be Allie Jane's new sister.

  4. Do you know who the blonde girl who can be seen a lot in the background of season 4?

    1. I think it's a friend of Carlin's

    2. Her name is Courtney & she is always with the girls all the time! She even travels with them!

  5. They made a choice to place their family in the "limelight", so to speak so they will have to live with consequences.

    1. No being in the "limelight" does not give "fans" a right to know every detail of your life.

    2. Very don't have a right to know but many fans expect to know.

    3. You lose your privacy when you put yourself on TV.

    4. When you choose to put yourself in the public eye in exchange for money, don't be surprised or upset when the public wants to know about your life.

  6. I feel badly for these married Bates and Duggars children. The pressure to reproduce is overwhelming. The fact that the girls do not have any other goals only makes the pressure greater. Wife and babies...or nothing. Sad.

    1. That's completely untrue and nasty to spew. If you watch the show, then you know it's untrue.

    2. Yes, that is the # goal for the girls, to marry and become mothers of many children. Just watch the show and you will see it's true.

    3. You have been raised in a society that teaches you that any woman who wants to devote her life to raising happy kids and a great family is "less than" those who choose careers. You are wrong to look down on this and think it is less fulfilling than the modern lifestyle.

    4. Jody Houser, you are so right. Each woman/family needs to determine what's right for them. I think women need to stop "picking" on each other. What I want and what you want is most likely different and its a waste if time & energy to condemn each others choice.

    5. I believe there is more pressure with the Duggars than with the Bats family, although Alyssa did say that when Ally was 3 months old people were asking her if she was pregnant again. That would be two babies in one year which is a little soon IMHO.

    6. I hope that for every couple that if they have no children, whether because of medical reasons or by choice (and that includes a decision not to adopt) that they are not judged or pitied. I have been happily married for 15 years. Medical intervention did not solve our infertility, and adoption was not for us, and we have wonderful, fully fulfilling lives. It is possible. No doubt more difficult in a religious family/community.

  7. I really admire people who share about fertility issues. It gives others more tools to deal with the topic and show support better. Thanks Michaela & Brandon. May the Lord give you comfort and hope in these trying times.

  8. As a couple who have spent 13 years trying to have a family biologically and through adoption, we admire Michaela and Brandon for being open about their struggles with an issue that is so very private.

    1. Agreed. 15 years of infertility and blessed with 1 child on medication 8 years ago. It is a struggle few people understand and worthy of sharing and being open about. I commend them.

  9. Brandon and Michael seem like a very loving couple and I am sorry that starting a family is proving to be difficult. I can relate and it is heartbreaking. I have to disagree with Brandon's summation that God is saying "not now." (If it makes them feel better to think this, that's ok, too.) It does not seem logical to me that He would make these kinds of calls. I find more comfort in the idea that we are all at the mercy of time and chance. Obviously, we make personal choices and decisions that help steer the direction of our lives. However, I would have been angry with God had He decided I would never have biological children. I believe it was just one of those things that happened while we were busy making other plans.
    With today's advancements in reproductive technology, hopefully the Keilens will be able to have children. If not, may they find their hearts open to adoption.

    1. I am grateful to God every sigle day that he chose not to give us bio children. We might not have gone through the (difficult) adoption process otherwise and my son is my heart. I can't imagine my life without him and now we won't pass on our (likely hereditary) infertility for someone else to suffer through.

  10. My husband and I have been struggling with infertility for almost 2 years. We didn't tell our families and friends for most of the first year and it truly felt so much better for people to know what we were going through. I pray that their struggles are not as severe as ours are and that they can start growing their family soon!!!

  11. Prayers for them.I tried for 2 years before we had our little guy.I know friends who have struggled for much longer than that. It's hard and emotional. It was sweet of them to update their fans.

  12. This is why I think it is terribly rude for anyone to ask a couple about their plans for starting a family or drop hints about whether or not they are expecting. Unless they are willing to share information without pressure, intentions about having children, whether biologically, through adoption, or not at all, are an entirely private matter. You never know if there are sensitive issues at play.

    1. Then maybe they should stop promoting "Children are a blessing" so much, because it's creating a pressure. While it is true that children are a blessing, it's also true that some couples will be unable to have biological children and that God can and will bless these couples also.

  13. I hope that God chooses to bless Michaela and Brandon with a baby this year, or maybe even twins! I hope Tori gets engaged and then married. I hope all of the unmarried older gets begin courtships. I hope Whitney gets pregnant again. I would hope that Erin gets pregnant again too, except that she's had so much trouble, she might want a break from difficult pregnancies.

    1. I have trouble thinking od a Good who plays chess with people's destinies and sends time deciding if people can have babies or not.
      Michaela and Brandon might have health issues that prevent them from conceiving and the only way they can (possibly) overcome that is by going to the doctor.

    2. I am sure they are seeking professional help. I believe his dad is a doctor is, but I can remember in which episode it was mentioned.

  14. Brandon and Michaela, I am not a real faithful person and at time put my soul in the hands of God. I remember the 3 sons I lost to premature labor and delivery.. all of my sons lived long enough to give something to someone else life. That was a course of 20 years, finally I was given my 4th son, at 1lb,3oz, 26weeks at birth he has given our family the most happiness. He is now 32, a beautiful wife, an amazing little lady with another little lady due on her exact sisters birthday.. keep faith, find help where you can and cherish life.. that is all that matters.


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