
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Big Sister Allie Jane

Before the arrival of Lexi Mae Webster, Alyssa and John Webster did their best to prepare soon-to-be-two-year-old Allie Jane Webster. In the video below, Alyssa shares how she thinks her daughter will react when her little sister is born. How did your older children respond to the arrival of their younger siblings? (Click here to view pictures of Lexi Mae.)

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Alyssa was very realistic in this video with her expectation that Allie Jane was in for a rude awakening. No matter how much you try to prepare the first child, it shakes up their whole world when a new baby comes home, especially when they are still a baby themselves. My daughter was just a little older than Allie when our second child arrived. She was jealous, but fortunately she never took it out on him, never bit him, or hurt him, but she did take it out on the house instead. She dumped boxes of cereal on the floor, threw stuff in the toilet, squeezed out shampoo etc....

  2. I think these times the media tries to make a mountain out of a mole hill. And maby it is more about not making a selffullfillingprophecy where just because you are so focused on something you kind of make it happen. Children will mirror there parents for quite a bit... So I think just not put to much stress on them. I never was a jealous older child and I think lotts off that is thanks to my parents and as siblings it will bring us closer together.

  3. Allie is so adorable! I don't think every first child is jealous of the second child. It depends on the child.

  4. Two year old stuff new baby or not. Sweet terrible twos!

  5. My oldest didn't do anything mean to his brand new baby brother, but he was mad at me!! He was 19 months old at the time. I think the key is to still give the oldest as much attention as possible, while making it a big deal for them to "help" with the new sibling.

    1. Great point, and let the older child know that that you got him or her a baby sister or brother -- so the older child sees the new baby as a gift to himself.

  6. Will Lexi be added to the header soon?

  7. My older son had no problem whatsoever when his little brother was born. He was 3 1/2 yrs old. Don't understand this jealousy of another baby. Today they are in their mid twenties and still close brothers.


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