
Sunday, January 1, 2017

Celebrating the Bates Patriarch

Wishing the Bates dad a very happy birthday! At age 52, he has 19 children and five (soon to be six, when Lexi Mae Webster makes her grand debut) grandchildren.

Did you know that Gil and Kelly Bates only planned to have one or two children? They also planned to wait about five years after marriage. But if you remember our birthday post from two days ago, their oldest son, Zach Bates, was born on December 30, 1988, only 11 days after Gil and Kelly's first wedding anniversary.

Photo courtesy of UP


  1. Happy Birthday Gil Enjoy your day! Happy New Year to the family.

  2. Happy birthday Gil! I didn't realize they had Zach so close to their anniversary.

  3. Happy birthday Gil!! You're a great father and set a great role model!!

  4. They should have stuck to those plans. Nobody needs 19 children.

    1. Their 19 kids are blessings from God. It may be a lot to handle but they've done an awesome job. They decided to follow God's plan and it worked out well. They're wonderful parents.

    2. I think they have done a better job rearing 19 than most people do rearing 1 or 2. By the way, I am sure the youngest 17 or thankful they had 19 :-)

    3. Denise Dunn- I will agree that from what I see in the media about the Bates, they have done a remarkable job raising their huge family. It is a good thing that they are encouraging their children to become independent. However, I think it a bit arrogant and audacious to assume "God's plan" is being followed. No one can know that. The fact of the matter is, the Bates stepped up to the plate. The best anyone can do is use the brains and common sense God has given us. Some people are simply not cut out to have children for any number of reasons. Some would have a hard time providing for the physical and emotional needs of one, let alone 19, and birth control should be their ongoing companion. If someone expects to be blessed with children, they'd better make dang sure they are capable of blessing the child with a loving and stable home.

    4. I agree, Denise and Bates Fan.

    5. I agree also Denise and Bates Fan!

  5. Happy Birthday


  6. Happy Birthday Gil and Happy New Year to you and your family. Praying 2017 brings many blessings to you all.

  7. Wishing you a day of happiness and a year of blessings. God Bless you.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  8. I didn't know they had planned to have so few children! Why did they change their minds?

  9. Happy Belated Birthday Gil! Hope you had a good day and Happy New Year.


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