
Sunday, January 22, 2017

Gil Bates: 'We care for you'

"Getting a purity ring from my parents is really special, and it shows how much they care about me and want the best for me."

-Katie Bates

Thursday evening on Bringing Up Bates (click here to read our recap), Gil and Kelly Bates gave Katie Bates a gold heart purity ring. In this deleted scene, they further explain the significance of the ring and why they spend time and money on a fine piece of jewelry, a bouquet of flowers, and a fancy dinner for each of their teenage daughters.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. I'm so thankful that mom had these types of talks with me instead of mom and dad. I'm also thankful that I was more important than my purity and my brother and I were equal.

  2. I wish the same thing for my daughter and for my son too, stay pure, waiting for the right person...

  3. Where is this new church building located? Could you post some pictures?

  4. Beautiful girl! Maybe we'll start seeing her featured more since she's now of courting age?

  5. I am going to assume they have the same type of conversations with their sons. Do they also get a purity ring?

  6. If a girl wearing a purity ring makes a "mistake", but confesses and is really, really sorry is she allowed back in the purity club?

    1. Dear, anonymous. Throughout the Bible it says that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and that if we ask for forgiveness He will forgive us. If you truly repent God will forgive you and if you want to change for the better He will help you no matter what you did. I know numerous Christians who have made mistakes and are now wonderful people of God. I've made mistakes myself and I'm still working on fixing them. One thing that has helped me with my struggles is by doing a Bible reading plan and filling my life with God's word. If you have questions about purity I recommend reading Before You Meet Prince Charming by Sarah Mally. It is a book recommended by the Duggars who are friends of the Bates. In the book she talks about purity and relationships. No matter what you did or if your still struggling with it, Jesus is right their with you helping you on your way and you are not the only one or first to make a mistake. I'll be praying for you.

    2. Anon@11:59- I think 10:06 was being sarcastic about the "purity club."

  7. I'm curious - do they explain how they deal with this with their sons? I think it's great they do this with their daughters and make a big deal about it, because I've worked with a number of teen girls who think their worth is in the interest of a guy, and they will do anything to get it.

  8. anonymous @ 9/29: NO, they don't do this with their sons.

  9. The guys get the same talk, not sure about the jewelry though😉I think it's sweet, some dad's could care less or are not even present in their kids life and those are the ones who usually end up pregnant.

  10. If they guys get the same talk, why not broadcast THAT talk on TV for all to see like they embarrass the daughters with that? Why no "visual reminder ring" for the guys? Not balanced or fair.

    1. I think at that age, boys would need a "visual reminder" more than girls do.

  11. Where is the restaurant you all went to?

  12. Hi! I loved this episode! Can you get any ring and it counts as a purity ring or is it a specific ring you have to buy? I'm 15 and would like a purity ring and I some rings that I could make my purity ring if there is no specific ring you need. :)

    1. purity is in your heart not in the ring. I'm sure you can use any ring or not a ring at all.


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