
Monday, January 23, 2017

Happy 27th, Michaela!

Wishing Michaela Bates Keilen a very happy 27th birthday! Did you know that Michaela has a degree from Roane State Community College? In addition to being the loving wife of Brandon Keilen, she also works as a nanny.

Michael and Brandon Keilen have been married 17 months, and they both love children but are having difficulties starting a family. The Keilens will open up about their fertility struggles this Thursday on an all new episode of Bringing Up Bates.

Photo courtesy of UP


  1. Happy Birthday Michaela! May God continue to richly bless your life. Thanks for being an inspiration to others.

  2. Wishing you a day of happiness and a year of blessings. God Bless you and yours.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  3. Happy birthday, your family will start with your husband when god feels you are both ready.

    1. So, couples who were never able to conceive were never "ready" according to God? I don't think so. That's placing undo guilt and burden on them. Not being able to have biological children means there were physiological reasons for infertility and medical interventions were not successful.

    2. That is a cruel remark Lori, to insinuate they are not ready. Infertility is an illness and deserves to be cured as much as any other medical problem. Would you let your child suffer from an untreated ear infection or appendicitis because it was God's will? Of course not! Our reproductive systems deserve care and treatment as much as the rest of our bodies.

    3. Annie -- Lori's remark was not cruel at all, and it was rude of you to reprimand her. Her point was that if these folks make a point to trust God for the number of children they will have, then shouldn't they also trust him for the timing of starting their family?

    4. God has a plan and soon it will reveal your blessings for the babies will soon be a reality keep trusting him

    5. Bates is the only reality show I watch on occasion. Michaella is so nice and a special person. I wish I was half as nice as she is. She is sweet,kind,patient, so soft spoken. I have the sweetest niece going through the same thing. Her cousins and friends are having babies and they cannot, not yet anyway. I know it hurts, but she is always happy for everyone. All the best and Happy Birthday!! Sending prayers your way

  4. Happy birthday Michaella.

  5. Happy Birthday and may the Lord bless you and your husband. Prayerfully hoping you get everything you want and pray for.

  6. May the lord bless you on your special day
    Beautiful lady πŸ’•

  7. Happy Birthday Michaela! Enjoy your day.

  8. Happy birthday and we hope you have a great yearπŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

  9. Happy Birthday sweet Michealla! God will provide someday! Just think of the Taylor's. We met you at the grad party for Trace and Carlin and are Taylor's neighbors. We were at her baby shower in Nov. #2 after how many years? God still does miracles! Can't wait to see what Brandon did for your birthday πŸ€—

  10. They just started trying. Wait. Then wait. They could always adopt. Maybe God wants them to adopt children.

  11. Happy Birthday, Michaella. I pray God will abundantly bless you.
    You're an awesome older sister in so many ways.

  12. Happy Birthday, always remember that God's timing is perfect! Continue to trust Him...

  13. Happy Birthday, always remember that God's timing is perfect! Continue to trust Him...

  14. Happy Birthday Michaella! I hope you had a wonderful day! Today is my daughter's 11th birthday also. We enjoy watching you and your family together. You are all a true inspiration to us. I honestly wish that I knew of your family when I was much younger. I would have done so many things differently. Seeing your family has had a tremendous impact on me and I strive everyday to live by your example. I'm still a work in progress but you all have truly changed my life for the better. Thank you for sharing your lives because it makes me strive to be a better mother and better person in general. God bless!

  15. Happy Birthday! Prayers for you both. Understand your struggle as we have been there.

  16. May your day be an extra blessed one.Blessings to you and yoursπŸ˜‡πŸ•‡

  17. Happy birthday to you☺

  18. Happy Birthday to her!

  19. Michaela - Happy Birthday!
    I'm so sorry you are struggling to start your family. We are struggling to have a second baby. It's SO hard.
    I'll be sending alll my positive thoughts and prayers your way.

  20. Why so much emphasis on conception? Has her husband been tested? He should be checked also. Not always the woman's issue. I think they put undo pressure on the woman to conceive and to conceive as often as possible. This day to day lifestyle isn't always for every woman. Some just aren't equipped to handle multiple children. Nothing wrong with that.

    1. She came from a big family. Maybe she wants a big family! Or even just one to start! Nothing wrong with that either if that's what SHE wants!

    2. Why the projection? According to what Michaela and Brandon have stated, they truly want to start a family. It's important to
      THEM. If they do see a specialist, standard procedure is to test both the man and woman. Usually the man is tested first, because it is less invasive.

  21. Happy Birthday, Michaela! You are a beautiful woman of God, inside and out. I pray that our Lord will bless you abundantly. I can empathize with you, not being able to start a family. My husband and I have been trying for six years. I got pregnant last year, only for my pregnancy to end in a miscarriage, but we know that our baby is with the Lord. We continue to trust, even though it is difficult and we will pray for you!

  22. I know first hand from personal experience that couples who struggle with infertility are often bombarded with well-intentioned advice, the most frequent being: it must be God's will, or you can always adopt. Those words are condescending and patronizing. The best thing that others can do is simply acknowledge the stress and heartache. Whether or not miscarriage is involved, infertility is a profound loss. I sincerely hope that the Keilens are able to fulfill their dream of having a family one day. I also hope they understand that if it doesn't work out biologically, they must give themselves permission to grieve. Professional counseling can help tremendously through this difficult journey.

  23. Hope you had a lovely birthday.we are struggling to conceive too,I will add you and Brandon to our prayers

  24. Not being able to conceive is heartbreaking, every month filled with hope, then disappointment,after enough montha it can really cause stress. Praying your hope to have a baby happens soon.

  25. Hope you had a happy birthday.
    Love you Michaela! You are my favorite Bates.

  26. You seem like a very sweet girl. Happy Birthday.

  27. Don't rush her.

    Maybe God is protecting her, for a reason.

  28. Once I looked into my baby boy's eyes for the first time it all made sense. The many, many months of hurt and disappointment flashed quickly by in my mind. The fertility struggle my husband and I endured was the path we were meant to take to get to our sweet boy.

  29. It saddens me when women tear each other down. Life is hard enough without having that. No one should be discussing Michaela and Brandon's fertility but them. What they want to share is fine, but that doesn't give anyone the right to talk about it or add to the misery of struggling to have a child. Plus it doesn't help being on a TV show and everyone wondering why they weren't pregnant yet,and a million other things.
    Give Michaela and Brandon the privacy they deserve.Pray for them, but don't question them or badger them about what they are doing.That is their personal business and no one elses.

  30. Happy birthday my husband and I had one through invitro and since then having been trying to have one naturally. Our baby is 6 now and we are debating invitro again. It is a big commitment everyday at the doctor for 12 months sometimes longer but we are considering it

  31. You're in our Prayers. God Bless you both.

  32. It's impressive that you are getting thoughts from this piece of writing as
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