
Friday, January 6, 2017

Tori and Bobby Ride the Swing

On last night's season five premiere episode of Bringing Up Bates (click here for recap), we watched Gil Bates and the kids trick Kelly Bates into taking a ride on the massive swing at The Wilds, the overnight camp that Jackson, Warden, and Isaiah Bates attend.

After Gil and Kelly's ride is over, Tori Bates and boyfriend Bobby Smith take a turn. Just like her mama, Tori is quite freaked out. And as her parents look on, they wonder if they should be allowing the young couple to snuggle up so close to each other. Watch the ordeal in the video below:

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Gil and Kelly Jo are more relaxed with Tori and Bobby because they have wisely realized extreme man-made rules are ridiculous. Same with their realizing not all dancing leads to immorality. That's what I like about Gil and Kelly Jo. They aren't mindless robots. They think and re-evaluate ideologies for themselves and their family without compromising their faith in The Lord. Besides...Tori has already let everyone know she and Bobby are going to get married!!

    1. I 100% agree with you and was about to post something along Jose same lines of what you said!!


    2. Agreed. There's no point in imposing those extreme rules that mortify our spirit.

  2. JimBob and Michelle sure could use some parenting lessons from Gil and Kelly Jo. Can you just imagine one of the Duggar Daughters pushing JimBob in the lake? Can you imagine the Duggar kids tricking Michelle into going on that swing? Can you imagine a Duggar dating?? Oh boy... The Bates know how to enjoy each other and actually have a sense of humor. They tease, joke, laugh with each other and sometimes at each other like normal healthy families. Gil and Kelly Jo as well as their children don't lecture all the time about how many Scripture versus they've memorized. They don't try to prove how "Christian" they are. Gil and Kelly Jo actually hug their children and call them by name!! Now I'm waiting to see those dance lessons. That sure will be fun!

    1. Find it interesting when viewers feel the need to compare the two families, makes it sound as though they are competing against each other. Somehow I think they are both above this kind of pettiness and don't see it that way at all.

    2. Well...everyone has their own family rules. NO need to tell Jim Bob and Michelle to do something just because another family is doing that. Don't compare their families, they have their own values.

    3. The two different families have completely different personalities. They should not be compared. The Duggars are more reserved while the Bates are more outspoken. There is nothing wrong with either family. I think both sets of parents are raising their children to the best of their abilities, and they are the ones who will answer to God for how they raised their kids. I love both of these families. I don't have to agree 100% with everything either one does, but I can respect their choices.

    4. I agree with you, 6:29. The Bates are definitely more fun-loving and less rigid. Their children also talk in less of a canned way.

  3. There is NO way I would have gone on that swing. LOL I think everyone that went on it is very brave.

  4. Gil's jokes about not allowing them in that bungee swing don't go over well. They need to cut that out. It's because we all know he is half heartedly serious. Time to quit breathing for your grown children, give them the space, room and opportunities that you had growing up.

    1. Exactly. After all not allowing your adult children some freedom means you don't trust your own education system. Yo don't trust how you raised them.

    2. And no matter how well they were raised, some kids will still make mistakes on their own, but it's part of growing up and the learning process.

  5. It seems to me that there comes a time when parents should have confidence in their performance as parents and have confidence in their children to do what's right when out by themselves, whether it's to the store for milk, or on a real modern date with chaperones guarding. Parents have to give their children the opportunity to put in to practice those beliefs that they say they also believe in. If always heavily guarded, limited contact with others, how are these young people going to put in it practice and develop and strengthen those skills when NEVER met with temptation. Didn't Jesus meet temptation when ALONE in the desert? Yes, He did. He put in to practice His beliefs when no one was watching. Why don't these parents allow their children a life outside of their home ( age appropriate)? From the looks of their ages on this header everyone from Katie on up should be afforded this freedom.

  6. Great first episode and really enjoyed the show. As for the way would I ride that contraption. I would be yelling my head off! Proud of Kelly Jo for trying something new.

  7. I just absolutely LOVE Tori and Bobby together they are seriously so cute together and they just fit for each other!

  8. Does anyone know where this episode will be on Amazon? Last season a day after the episode aired it would be on Amazon.

  9. The operative phrase here is "grown children." Tori Bates is 21. As an adult still living under her parents' roof, she is obligated to comply with household rules and be respectful. But as an adult, she also needs to have a chance to live life, make choices, and learn from her experiences. If she's been taught well, and I think she has, she'll either make good choices from the start, or she might make a few mistakes but quickly correct them. I think Gill and Kelly realize this and are allowing their kids these opportunities.

  10. Ahhhhh, this is so refreshing to see! An adult woman allowed to be near and actually touch the man she loves. So refreshing and real. Good for you Bates.

    1. Yes, unlike others who won't even let their kid walk next to a guy or sit in the car seat with a guy without inserting themselves between them. And those silly side happy to see Tori and Bobby hug normally.

  11. If Gil and Kelly are really "thinking through" those severe rules, why don't they allow their kids to dress the way they want to? The silly "skirt thing" should be Kelly's business FOR KELLY. Her daughters should be allowed to wear what they want. ( no one is saying short shorts, etc.), but nice looking WOMEN'S slacks, shorts, capris, etc. are OK. I'll believe this when I see those girls dressing the way they want to and IN FRONT OF THEIR PARENTS.


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