
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Adorable Bates Grandbabies

Now that Lexi Mae Webster has arrived, Gil and Kelly Bates have six adorable grandchildren. Last week, we shared a six-month portrait of Brooklyn Paine and a few snapshots from the Websters' recent photo shoot. Now it's time for updated pictures of Bradley Bates, Carson Paine, and Kaci Lynn Bates.

Bradley, the oldest Bates grandchild, turned two in October. His little sister, Kaci Lynn, is seven months old. According to parents Zach and Whitney Bates, the two are inseparable, and Bradley loves giving Kaci hugs and kisses.

 Bradley Bates and Kaci Lynn Bates

As of today, Carson is 21 months old. His little sister, Brooklyn Elise, arrived when he was just shy of 15 months.

 Carson Paine

With two kids who are so close in age, you can imagine how close the bond is between Whitney Bates and Erin Paine.

Whitney Bates, Kaci Lynn Bates, Brooklyn Paine, Erin Bates Paine

Photos courtesy of, Zach and Whitney Bates


  1. That's a lot of grandbabies in just over two years!!!! In my family, it took 15 years to have six grandchildren...that's a big difference!!! They are a busy family. Happy for them, they are very lucky

  2. They are an adorable batch of little ones!

  3. Oh how precious! They are so cute!

  4. They are such sweethearts. They are closely knit into each other's hearts forever.

  5. This is absolutely adorable! Carson looks so cute, Kaci and Bradley are adorable! and Little Brooklyn is so cute too!

    1. oh my goodness i can just eat them! i love bradleys dimples ❤️❤️❤️

  6. They're all extremely cute, but Carson's picture is my favorite: he's so cherubic! <3

  7. Which baby is Kaci, and which baby is Brooklyn?

    1. Erin is holding Brooklyn and Whitney is holding Kaci. In other words Kaci is on the left and Brooklyn is on the right.

  8. Sooo cute!! They'll probably be playmates like Mackenzie and Josie. Keep us posted!

  9. It is so beautiful to see children embracing sibblinhood with such absolute delight, no doubt seeds flourishing from the homes with Christ's love the parents were raised, may the tradition continue. May the children grow up to further choose to continue the family custom of Christ centered lives.

    Christ's Peace be with You all.

  10. so, so should update the large family pic at the beginning of the blog... with lexi and newer pics of the grandbabies added in...:)


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