
Monday, February 13, 2017

Bates Steak Dinner Date

"When I was in high school, I would have never dreamed I would have been married with two kids at 23."
-Whitney Bates

In this video clip, Zach and Whitney Bates go on a dinner date to Ye Olde Steak House, the restaurant Gil and Kelly Bates ordered a celebratory meal from after each of their kids was born. Life with two babies is busy, but Zach and Whitney take advantage of every opportunity to spend time alone.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. How old was Whitney when she and Zach got married?

  2. Yes, that is young. And Alyssa is even younger at 22, married with 2 kids. But, if you're happy, and it certainly seems that you are, then all the power to you. The beauty of FREEDOM is that you get to choose what life is right for you. No one else.

  3. That is a great idea! Keep having fun dates together. You've got lots of aunts and uncles to babysit!

  4. What happened with Whitneys adoptive parents? Does she still keep in contact with them?

  5. My mum was married and had two kids by 23.we lost dad in January,they where happily married for 51 years.

  6. Without sounding funny, Whitney, I think you've turned into a lovely lady, in the real sense of the word, and I am happy for you!!

  7. Can't believe after all that Zach didn't even order steak, lol, just a hamburger. That's funny! Whitney had steak though!

  8. They are a darling coue.congratulations to them both and lots of love.xoxo

  9. I meant darling couple...sorry


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