
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Erin the Prankster

"Probably the most practical jokes I've heard from her family are actually from this sweet little girl right here."

-Chad Paine (pointing to Erin Bates Paine)

In this entertaining webisode, the Bates discuss pranks and reveal the biggest family prankster. Would you have guessed that it's Erin? To her credit, she says she always had at least one accomplice.

Does your family pull pranks?

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Those sound mean!(but funny) :-)

  2. I don't know if its happing to anyone else but when I come from the Duggars blog to the Bates blog it redirects and says the blogs no longer there and to click a link which brings me here. I've just do it but now I'm wondering if it is safe. Did you change anything? THANKS

    1. Hi there,

      Thanks for the heads-up. That link had an old URL, so it had to redirect. Don't worry, it's completely safe. I just made a change that should fix it. Can you let me know if you see a difference?


    2. It worked! Thanks 😀

  3. Dumping water and flour on someone is entertaining? I am surprised a family that makes a big deal out of "I Love You Day" would participate in such pranks or practical jokes. Those on the unsuspecting receiving end are being used for whatever purposes drive the prankster. The Bates may consider it good natured teasing, and some supporters of this behavior may say, "Lighten up." I find it to be nothing more than a way to masquerade the marginalization and intimidation of others.

  4. It's called a sense of humor! I guess you have never played ding dong ditch it, put saran wrap on the toilet, or prank called "is your refrigerator running"? How much you missed growing up!

  5. As long as nobody gets hurt, and everyone knows the ground rules, gentle practice jokes are a great way for families to create great memories that become legendary over time.

  6. Marginalizing and intimidation of others? I think you are making a mountain out of the proverbial mole hill! They were harmless pranks. Nobody was was injured. You must have never read in Scripture a "merry heart doeth good like medicine". God himself loves laughter, and obviously has a sense of humor...or He wouldn't have put it in His Creation as one of our emotions!!

  7. It really all depends on the family. In my family, we have a crazy sense of humor and love to play pranks. Can we go overboard sometimes? Sure. But the pranking is never meant to be mean, and the one pranked is just as apt to be the prankster next time so there's no hard feelings! Really, what works for one family won't necessarily work for the next, but don't diss pranking altogether, because we really enjoy it!

  8. No we don't prank in our family but we do enjoy making fun of each other. In a healthy way of course

  9. Practical jokes are insensitive and I don't like them. It's not nice to put someone in n awkward situation or to ruin their clothes or hair to laugh at them. Good natured or not. It's silly and childish.

    1. I sorry that you have such a lack of a sense of humor.

  10. Pranks can make someone look like a fool and aren't very nice to do to anyone.

    1. That's rarely true. In our family and every other we know they are a lot of fun and everyone loves them. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.

  11. Not appreciating pranks is not having a lack of a sense of humor. It could be considered being considerate of the feelings of others.

  12. If you aren't perfectly certain of how someone "will take it" it's not worth risking IMO.


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