
Thursday, February 9, 2017

"I 'Donut' Know What I'd Do Without You" Recap

Bringing Up Bates "I 'Donut' Know What I'd Do Without You"

  • It's fall break 2016. Tori and Bobby met each other one year ago through a mutual friend, who happened to be Bobby’s roommate. “Their first meeting was at the beach,” says Kelly. “Daddy told Tori… ‘Whatever you do, Tori, don’t dive in too soon,’ and Tori said, ‘It’s too late.’” Courtship is new to Bobby, and when he talked about starting a courtship soon after meeting Tori, Gil advised him to get to know Tori better first.
  • The Bates are spending fall break in Pensacola, Florida, with Bobby, and Tori is convinced that Bobby is going to ask her to start a courtship.
  • Lawson, Nathan, Carlin, Josie, and Jackson arrive at the Pensacola condo 30 minutes before the rest of the family. Bobby recruits them to help decorate for Tori’s arrival. They put up signs, balloons, and beach-themed décor to remind Tori of the first week she met Bobby. One of the signs says: “Of all the fish in the sea, I’m so glad you chose me.” Another says: “In my ‘court’ room you have been found guilty because you have absolutely and completely stolen my heart.”
  • The decorations give Tori a pretty good idea of what’s coming, but she doesn’t know when it will happen.
  • Later that afternoon, the family goes mini-golfing at Fast Eddie’s Fun Center. While they golf, Tori and Bobby share a few hugs. Kelly says the courtship rules have gotten a bit more relaxed over the years.
  • The next morning, the Bates meet up with Bobby’s family and John and Alyssa for a dolphin cruise.
  • Bobby pulls his parents, Gil and Kelly, and Alyssa aside to discuss plans for the sunset dinner that evening. “I think you should surprise them all and just get engaged,” jokes Alyssa. “Dad would be the most surprised.” “Who invited her to this conversation?” responds Gil, laughing.
  • The next event is parasailing. Tori is scared at first, but she ends up enjoying it. “When we got up there, 600 feet away from everyone else, that was really nice,” she admits.
  • That evening, the moms, Alyssa, and one of Bobby’s sisters set up a table on the beach, while Gil and Bobby’s dad pick up food for two from Outback Steak House.
  • When everyone leaves and Tori and Bobby arrive at the dinner spot, Bobby gives Tori a beautiful infinity bracelet. “I know this is one step along the way, but are you ready to go with me?” he asks Tori. She says yes! The parents come out to congratulate them, and then they leave so the couple can enjoy their dinner.
  • “You pray when your children are born about who they’re going to marry and will God bring the right person along,” says Gil. “I think Bobby and Tori are definitely moving in the right direction.”
  • “More than any of the other couples, I think when I’m looking at Tori and Bobby, I’m looking at a little Kelly Jo and Gil in a lot of ways,” Kelly adds. Gil jokes that they might just end up having 19 kids.


  1. Let me preface this by stating what a sweet and genuine couple Tori and Bobby are. However, they are an extremely physically affectionate couple. Now I personally don't find anything wrong with that, and do believe everyone has the ability to refrain from crossing the line into immorality. What I don't understand is how saving a first kiss for marriage is so bragged upon in this particular denomination, but nearly groping each other at every opportunity is appropriate? Again, I'm happy they are not so rigid in their courtship boundaries---affection is healthy toward the one you will marry--but why not seal the deal with a kiss too??

    1. Immorality? Since when kissing or being physical would be immoral?

    2. The original poster never said kissing was immoral. Never even implied it. In fact just the opposite. They said affection was healthy, and was happy they weren't so rigid. Please don't try to start something.

  2. So sweet to see this stage in their life happen. Happy for them and can't wait to see what happens next. I'm thinking an engagement will be announced soon. :)

  3. Agree with you @8:44. When Bobby was officially asking Tori to court and they were hugging at sunset on the beach what did Bobby do?? He knocked Tori on the head with his chin trying so hard to not give her a kiss. Aside from being awkward it's just plain silly. As a parent of courting age children I would much rather see a sweet kiss than watching 2 people getting "handsie" at every opportunity.

    1. I know, right@9:30! I actually thought "ouch"! I wonder years from now when they are married will they ever realize how completely ridiculous it was not to give a kiss? I mean Tori can literally hang on Bobby, but a kiss is to much? It seems it has more to do with pride than actual conviction about physical boundaries before marriage. After all they are always chaperoned so ...boundaries will naturally be in place. Hope it's not a long courtship/engagement time frame or someone needs to get poor Tori a hard hat:)

  4. I agree that the no kissing stuff is ridiculous. If you raised them right and they know the boundaries, they should abide by them BY THEMSELVES. If they aren't trusted to do that, what confidence to their parents have in their children and in the job they did as parents? None.

    1. I don't necessarily agree. My parents were too trusting and I know of plenty others who were as well.


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