
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

'I Love You' Day 2017

Over the weekend, the entire Bates family gathered in East Tennessee to celebrate I Love You Day (the Bates' version of Valentine's Day). The married couples came in for a visit, as did Gil's two siblings and their families and his parents, who live in South Carolina.

The Bates clan takes I Love You Day very seriously. (Click here to view photos from last year's celebration.) Rather than do a big family gift exchange at Christmastime when the married kids have other obligations, they decided several years ago to draw names and buy gifts for each other in February.

Check out these snapshots from this weekend's festivities:

 Allie Jane Webster

 Zach Bates gives daughter Kaci Lynn Bates her first valentine

 Lawson Bates and niece Kaci Bates

 Josie Bates, Lawson Bates, and Carlin Bates enjoy the warm weekend weather

 John Webster, Lexi Mae Webster, Papa Bil, Mama Jane, 
Alyssa Webster, and Allie Jane Webster

Whitney Bates and Kaci Bates

And these are photos that were taken last week by Lawson Bates: 

Zach and Whitney Bates

 Zach and Whitney Bates

Photos courtesy of,, Zach and Whitney Bates, John and Alyssa Webster


  1. I thought Whitney said she would continue to wear skirts when she's with the Bates Family out of respect, but in these pictures for I Love You Day, she's wearing her jeans. It was a country look theme this wear, but she could have worn a jean skirt like Alyssa did.

    1. Wow... seriously?

    2. Or.....she can whatever she wants.

    3. She could have, but at some point adults have to go their own way. She was dressed nicely.

    4. These pics weren't taken at the "I Love You Day" celebration.

    5. Grandma has pants on!! Let her wear whatever she wants! No big deal��

    6. It says the photos were taken last week so obviously not included in I Love You Day.

    7. Whitney is a grown woman, she can do what she wants too. She surely doesn't have to answer to you or me. She is beautiful.

    8. If you read above the two pictures it says they were taken last week. And the celebration happened over the weekend.

    9. She can wear what she wants. I don't think the Bates family would want her to be anything different than what she is. If so, they're at fault. Whitney should dress according to her (and some of Zachs) convictions. Not what her in laws will think.

    10. Really? Who cares what she wears? She looks very nice.

    11. Whitney Bates is SO pretty! Anyways, who cares what she wears. She was modest, and that's what's important.

    12. Maybe if the bates love her, they will accept her either way

    13. You do realize Whitney is an adult? She can wear whatever she wants. There is nothing wrong with wearing pants. She looks adorable.

    14. Be glad when Alyssa will be comfortable wearing pants around her family-think she would look better in a pair of jeans than that jean skirt in the picture on the bale of hay

    15. I can't believe that people have the need to be so critical and judgemental that they have to make negative comments over a woman wearing pants. Unbelievable!

    16. Whitney looks adorable.. who cares if she has jeans or a skirt on......!! She is NOT being disrespectful to anyone by wearing pants!!

  2. Given that they don't call it Valentine's Day, I'm guessing they don't recognize St. Patrick's Day...even though they look like they could be Irish to me...

    1. What do Irish people particularly look like?

    2. What do Irish people particularly look like?

  3. Loved the first picture of Allie Jane in her gorgeous dress, she looked so cute. What a beautiful little girl.

  4. Where's the rest of the family?

  5. Oh, the photo of Zach giving Kaci her first valentine was so precious!

  6. I love, love, love this precious family! :)

  7. Whitney is gorgeous!! The jeans really become her! I can't wait to see Erin in jeans!

  8. Can you get details of how they celebrate love day. I love the idea of how they do valentines but I would like better details.

  9. As the bates already said they still love Whitney no matter if she is in pants or skirt. but some photos you cant wear a skirt so pants it is. they do recognize Valentine's Day. as in one of the other shows they said that they pick another day as they et so much at Christmas time. they are the sweetest family around.

  10. Allie Jane is so cute! She looks like a little princess.😊

  11. Zach's note was so sweet!! What a thoughtful, loving dad (he had a great example!).


  13. Little Allie Jane, is sooo cute, that she looks like Tinker Bell, I knew that kid was super special, and I bet Lexi will be as lovely as her sister!!!!!!

  14. The picture of Josie, Lawson and Carlin should be a cover for a CD:)

  15. Why not just call it what it is...Valentine's Day? Why do they have to change everything? Just don't understand. I also think it not right that the married females can't wear slacks in front of their parents even if it's in THEIR OWN HOME. That's not a personal conviction like Kelly's a RULE. Not the same thing. Sometimes those young married WOMEN look uncomfortable in a skirt. Gil and Kelly need to get over that. His own mother wears pants in front of them, so why is that OK?

    1. Who are you to judge what they do as a family? Perhaps they don't call it Valentine's Day because that has a specifically romantic connotation and they want to celebrate with their entire family not just their partner? The married women can wear whatever they want and they do. They do not have rules from their parents. They might choose to wear different clothing in front of them out of respect for their beliefs just as someone might choose not to wear super short shorts or lots of cleavage in front of their parents. Some people really need to get it through their heads that these women choose to wear skirts because it makes them happy. They don't need to wear pants to be "liberated" or to "think for themselves". The fact that all of you think that they do only shows your own weakness of conviction and lack of individuality.

  16. So, the issue is that a woman should wear modest clothing. Whether or not that includes a pair of slacks should be a matter for the woman's own conscience before the LORD. If a woman allows her outward appearance to be the measure of her inward relationship with Christ, she is living under the constraints of legalism. Born-again women are free in Christ to wear whatever modest apparel they choose, and the only judgment they should be under is that of their own conscience. "Everything that does not come from faith is sin" (Romans 14:23). We are not to allow our consciences to be dictated to by legalism and the consciences of others, but by our own relationship with Christ. "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me" (Galatians 2:20). God will take care of the outward woman if we walk in obedience in the inward woman. #gotquestions


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