
Saturday, February 25, 2017

Keith the Piano Player

This week on Bringing Up Bates, Kelly took her family on a tour of her hometown--Spartanburg, South Carolina. (Click here to read our recap.) On the show, they visited her old house, her high school, and an iconic local restaurant. In this deleted scene, Kelly takes everyone to a piano store to meet a man who played piano for her dad's revival meetings.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Is it just me or has Whitney looked less happy the last few episodes? I can't help but wonder if Zach's job is taking a toll on her or if there is something else going on. I love Zach & Whitney as a couple and individuals so I hope everything is okay!!

    1. I thought so too!

    2. She has probably just taken eleventy negative pregnancy tests and getting discouraged.

    3. Anon@4:18 Two kids under the age of three... she's probably short on sleep. I remember those days well and I'm sure I was a far cry from Merry Sunshine!

    4. Zach's a policeman; those men deal with the worst people and most miserable problems out there. It's a very dangerous job, no matter what city you work in. With so much hatred in our nation today, I would not be surprised if Whitney fears for his life every night.

  2. This must have been such a precious family moment..I'm in awe of the smiles and joy of each person in this video..thank you all for sharing your life with us the viewers! The joy is truly amazing!

  3. I had no idea that many Bates children played the piano! That was a great clip, and very informative.

  4. It's amazing how many musical talented children the Bates and Duggars have. Seems as though all the children play at least one instrument and some playing more than one.

  5. That was so sweet it brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful family.

  6. i had no idea zach played piano, and so well!

  7. Whitney lived in the real world before she married Zach. She worked at Sonic, was in high school, etc. She knows that it's like when a husband works a real job. I don't think that's the issue. Perhaps being only 23 with 2 children is a bit quick for her. She said to Zach on the show, that she never thought she'd be 23 and married with two children....and she quickly prefaced that she's not trade it for anything,,, BUT. Although this family doesn't seem to have a 'death grip' on the in-law children like another large family on TV does, I think if they want to space or limit their children, there's nothing wrong with that. Not everyone is cut out for many children and all that goes along with it. Perhaps she doesn't really want to tag along as a married woman with her own family unit with the rest of them like she has no separation in her social life. I don't think they have much separation from Zach's parents and all those other kids. Just not a healthy situation if you ask me for any of the marrieds. Nothing wrong with extended family life, mind you, but it seems excessive to ALWAYS have to show up because you live locally to them. I also don't think a trip like they took is a good idea or easy with an infant and a 1 year old. Erin is in the same situation, but grew up in this family. Whitney didn't.

  8. I remember when I had my third baby (1969) my husband had to take a part time job in addition to his full time job - I felt so alone and so overwhelmed with 3 children under 5. I loved it, but there were times I SO missed my husband.
    AND, who knows(?) Whitney could be pregnant again - stranger things than that have happened.
    I so enjoy watching this family - they are truly blessed.

  9. I think Whitney looks happy...she just doesn't do that "stare at your husband while he's talking" thing. She looks at the camera. And that's ok!!!!

  10. I loved seeing how talented your beautiful children are. There were a few piano players I didn't know you had. Zach did a fabulous job. Erin has extremely gifted Talent. I have a son who has 7 children and one on the way and my grandchildren also play instruments. Amazingly, they have a passion for music. Thank you for sharing your life with us. It's very encouraging. I get to see my home state of Tennessee and also I get to see you in Florida where I live now. Love is the greatest gift and I love to see how much your family loves each other as my family also loves each other. God bless you all. Donna Doyle


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