
Saturday, February 4, 2017

Kelly's Selflessness

"She's the star example for all of us. She's supposed to be the birthday girl, and...she's the last one to finally get anything and sit down and eat."

-Gil Bates

What did you think of Thursday's new episode of Bringing up Bates? (Click here to read our recap.) In the scene below, Gil and the kids beg Kelly Jo to sit down and relax, but she insists on fulfilling her regular duties as a mommy by cleaning up messes and making plates for the little ones. Even on her birthday, she puts her own needs last.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Aww Happy Birthday!! And whether a mommy of many or a mommy of one you tend to put their needs before your own !!!😃

  2. Very enjoyable short post but it is taking forever to upload because you have all those ads now. Are you doing it for money or do you support and recommend these companies that are popping up? I must admit, I find this a bit frustrating. I come to read your blog not to have to wait until all the ads are up and done before I can read the post.

  3. We call this mom syndrome at our house. ;) My mom is the same way. She will never sit down at dinner if we don't make her. And she's always trying to make sure everyone else is taken care of before herself. They're so selfless. :)

  4. I think she is a wonderful example of a Godly mother!

  5. Great that she is being celebrated but selflessness is pretty much the definition of a good mother.

  6. Every mother I know does the same thing- they are so busy helping everyone else that they are always the last to sit down and relax with their meal. It doesn't matter if it's their birthday or Mother's Day... same story.

  7. Kelly Jo is such a great example for moms! Hey when is there going to be an updated header?? :D

  8. Kelly Jo is an extraordinary mother. This isn't just because she serves hot meals to her family but because she goes above and beyond the call of duty. Most mothers DO NOT home school their children, and that is something some people fail to understand how much of your time it takes. Most mothers ship their children off to be educated by others.


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