
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Preparing for Lexi Mae (Video)

"Everyone tells me that your second is so much different than your first, but this baby kicks so much and is so active that I think I'm going to have a wilder child than Allie."
-Alyssa Bates Webster

Tomorrow on Bringing Up Bates, check in with Alyssa and John Webster in Florida, as they await the birth of their second daughter. Although she struggles with morning sickness, Alyssa has made progress on updating the girls' bedroom. Allie Jane has moved into a toddler bed and vacated her crib ahead of Lexi Mae's arrival (see video below).

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Don't put a baby to bed with a bottle. She'll have cavities before she's 2.

  2. Lovely to see Allie-Jane growing up, but don't her parents know that a bottle past 12 months can seriously affect her teeth? Not to mention going to sleep with milk, which can pool around her teeth if she falls asleep and cause cavities.

    1. I have to agree that bottle in bed wouldn't be good unless the bottle has water only. I got that lecture from our daughters dentist and pediatrician. Allie-Jane is so cute!

    2. That really depends on the person. My kids slept with bottles and all have strong healthy teeth. Some people yes just have weaker teeth than others

  3. No kid is the same. Not all babies are ready to give up the bottle at the age of one. My first born was fine when I took the bottle away. My second one is 19 months old and he cries a lot for his bottle. But I don't put him to bed with his bottle. Instead I hold him while he drinks it. When he's full he'll give it to me. I take care of his teeth so cavities are no concern to me.

  4. Why can't I ever see the videos? I can view the Duggar videos, but not the bates. Same problem occurs on the UpTv website. Can't view any of the videos. Any ideas?

  5. I put my son to bed EVERY NIGHT with not one, but 2 bottles!!! Not a cavity to be found, and he's 15 now. Leave Alyssa alone. She knows what she's doing.

    1. Annique- Just because your son has been lucky, does not mean this is going to be the case for everyone who puts a child to bed with a bottle of milk. I would take the advice of my dentist over someone on an internet forum.

    2. I gave my kids bottles at nap time too and no cavities, they are 16 and under... With my last three kids I breastfed and sometimes they would fall alseep with breast in mouth and no cavities either.

    3. Yes, 12:09, but I can guarantee that you weren't leaving the breast in their mouths all night. So what is your point exactly?

  6. It's baby teeth so who cares. They get a second set. Everyone I know puts their kid to bed with a bottle. Also, it wouldn't make a difference since children Allie's age don't brush their teeth.

    1. The problem with your opinion is that baby teeth can get cavities. Then, you are left with the choice of filling them or letting the child suffer until they fall out and they get the permanent teeth. By the way, as soon as my kids had baby teeth, I brushed them. As soon as they were able, they brushed their own. Starting good habits at a young age is important.

  7. It could be water, right?

  8. Yes, the milk can damage their baby teeth and the health of baby teeth DO affect the permanent set. I put my sons to bed with a bottle of water and decreased the amount of water in it slowly so they weaned off the bedtime bottle. A one year old is still too young for no bottle at all.

  9. I like Alyssa. I hope she realizes that being unnecessary severe is NOT NECESSARY to live a godly life and isn't afraid to make her own choices about her own life. So far, it seems like she's establishing her own comfort. I hope her parents give her that opportunity guilt free, and that they realize their own severity.


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