
Thursday, March 16, 2017

Allie and Lexi Webster, March 2017

Are you ready for a flood of cuteness? Twenty-three-month-old Allie Jane Webster and seven-week-old Lexi Mae Webster are as cute as can be, and you can definitely tell they are sisters. Hear from them in the two clips below.

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Photos/videos courtesy of Alyssa and John Webster


  1. They sure do look like sisters. Soooo so sweet!!!!! Oh my goodness, made my day

  2. It is time update the header with Lexi in it, I ALSO THINK THE UPDATE PAGE needs to be updated too

  3. You, really have a couple of wonderful girls!!!! I can't have children, so when I look at them, it kind of hurts, they are lovely, and I hope you are doing very well!!!!!!!!!

    1. It always irritates me when someone says they can't have children. Yes, you can. Maybe not biological children, but there is a huge world out there with children needing parents. Go to Africa, Haiti, China, Russia, Guatemala, USA, India..wherever! I promise you there are babies ready for adoption. And parenting goes way, way beyond biology. Believe me I know. I am a Mother of Children. My quiver is full as God promised.Now maybe you are not strong enough to Mother a child who is black or tan or Asian. People, especially Christians, are rude. They will question you and bully you about not having enough faith to believe for "your own children". I am a Christian by the way. Thankfully The Lord , my husband, and I believed his faithfulness to build our family. And what a diverse, beautiful multi-cultural family it is. Stop hurting and longing for children. Go out into the world and adopt!

    2. Not everyone has the tens of thousands of dollars to do a foreign adoption. Encourage those who can to do so, but don't criticize those who cannot.

    3. Infertility is not the only obstacle to having children. Some people aren't healthy enough to be parents. Maybe they have mental disabilities or other serious health problems. In which case they would not qualify to adopt or foster children. Plus, adoption is expensive, especially foreign adoptions. And it often falls through and takes a toll on people emotionally.

    4. I think you're over the top, all I am saying is I can't have children, that's all, I AM NOT PREJUDICE, if I were you, I would not write something that is way from left field, I have polycystic ovarian syndrome, of course because it is me, it is the worse kind, I will never, be able to have them, and that HURT me for years!!! I used to be a preschool teacher, I don't do this anymore, because I felt, so sad, when I found out I could not have children, I could not be around them, because my heart would break, every time I would see the children leave go home with their parent, I'd cry, that is why I never adopted anyone, because being around kids, brings up the wanting of having a child, self hating, because my body can't do what I want!!!!

    5. @8:18 that's a terrible thing to say to Justine! It's great you were able to adopt many children but not everyone can adopt children for various reasons. Maybe you didn't intend for your comment to be harsh but I found it very unChristlike.

    6. Thanks VERY VERY MUCH, because it kind of hurt me, and I meant to cap, Preschool Teacher OOPS!!!!

    7. People make excuses because they like to be the victim. I chose not to live in my pain. And I had YEARS of pain and longing to be a Mother. I am not wealthy, but most people find a way financially for what is most important to them. I'm so happy I CHOSE to get out of my pain, anger, jealousy...yes, quitting a job as a teacher because it makes you cry is jealousy...coveting if you will...what you don't have.I spent years watching my sisters and friends having baby after baby. I went to more baby showers than I can count. Went to nieces/nephews school Christmas programs and cried all the way home. .I went to fertility Dr's and took the meds. I followed charts, prayed all the "baby" prayers, trusted God. I am so grateful I trusted the Lord out of His Way..and didn't succumb to the bitterness of infertility. My arms are full. I get to raise my children. I will not in anyway apologize for that.

    8. I think all of you are missing what 8:18 is actually saying. This is why social media is bad. So easily offended by people you don't even know. I took it as an encouragement to follow your dreams to parent no matter how they come along. I took it as someone who obviously walked the difficult road of infertity and wants people to know children can be in your future. I took it as someone excited about God's faithfulness. But.. hey.. maybe 8:18 is really just a jerk.

    9. To 8:18 above -- Except to exclaim, HOW RUDE!, your comment has left me speechless. I hope you are not raising your children to be so rude. To Justine -- God bless you! Sending love your way.

    10. Justine- I went through similar torment and frustration as you.
      I felt that my own body had betrayed me. Then, a very wise person, my husband, asked me if what I truly wanted was to have a biological child or to be a parent. The dawn broke for me then, because I realized that all along I just wanted to be a mother. My adopted children are all grown up now, and I can guarantee you that I never thought of them being anything less than my very own. Adoption might not be for everyone, but our kids have been and continue to be the light of our lives.
      My best to you.

    11. Again. I make zero apologies.. @ 10:49. I most certainly am raising my children to know God's Faithfulness. To know if He has put a desire and longing in your heart for something get out of His Way and let His plans unfold. My children are educated, well-adjusted, active participants in life.They understand life can be really difficult, but you never give up. You never stop believing. They have served as missionaries over-seas and in country. They know they were not the back-up plan or second best. They are GOD'S BEST! The Lord turned our ashes into beauty. He made me the joyful Mother of children. My husband is a wonderful father who adores his kids. Blessed is the word we use. But...all the debby downers on here can only "see" offense.. That's OK. I'm busy raising my children.

    12. Oohh...the hive is buzzing!! All because 8:18 was excited( that's how I took it) that she is a mother. Clearly by the following post she certainly walked the walk of infertility. Felt the desperation of wanting children. Just because she didn't communicate as "sweetly" as all of you would want doesn't make her statement any less valid.

    13. Justine, I feel for you in this. My parents had trouble and they only had one after years of waiting. They adopted three others and I would encourage you to adopt if you have the time, money, energy, and space. I agree with Anonymous 8:18 that there are lots of children without homes, but sometimes adopting isn't what's right for you and that's okay. There's also foster care and if that isn't right either don't do that. We all have our parts in the world. Some were meant to adopt some were not. Some were meant to foster care, some were not. Some were meant to have children, some were not. I pray to God that He will do His best for you, Justine. God bless

    14. I understand what everybody is saying. I have compassion for Justine. I think you will be a good mother to any child. I know that it saddens you but remember God is able to heal your sadness without judging you. Love to you Justine and everybody else who is walking in your shoes.

  4. Allie Jane looks like Callie.

  5. Very cute girls,indeed yes. Kelly said on the show that she thought Alyssa and John were going to wait until Allie was about 4 years old before child #2 would arrive. To me, that meant the Websters were going to take conception 'in their own hands'. That's not in keeping with her parents' philosophy of no birth control at all and 'leaving it up to God', In essence, a roll of the dice every time. Are the Websters of a different practice? What are John and Alyssa's views at this time in their lives about birth control OR being careful? Thank you for cleaning this up.

    1. Gil and Kelly have chosen to share their feelings and convictions regarding birthcontrol. As far as I am aware, their married adult children have not chosen to disclose their personal convictions regarding birthcontrol. It does not seem unreasonable to respect their privacy and refrain from speculation. Public curiosity is only natural, but should not compel individuals to disclose their personal choices regarding birthcontrol, eventhough they are in the public eye. Just food for thought.

  6. They're adorable!!!! Totally made my day :)

  7. I always wondered while watching the Duggers how long they would be getting pregnant. When one of the babies passed away, I was hoping they would quit. I came from a family of 15. That was just too many kids coming from a woman's body. The man is the initiator most of the time. Thank God my parents stopped. My mom almost bled to death with her 15th child. Personally, I think it's a misunderstanding on these couples part concerning the bible scripture "be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth...." by the way I had three. I only planned for one. I guess according to the Bates and Duggars, the other two were in God's will. Just my opinion.

    1. I agree with your comment about the Scripture "be fruitful and multiply". It was written and meant for people at a time when population was few. The earth today is not lacking in numbers. If everyone had these incredibly large families, it would be quite a drain on our earth's resources. I do wonder if this desire of some to have one child after another, or leave the number "up to God",
      is rooted in more selfish motivations, as if it's an ego thing. Not saying this is the case with all situations, but definitely a possibility in some.


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