
Thursday, March 23, 2017

Bates Take on the Slopes

If you're a skier, you'll enjoy watching the Bates take on the slopes at Massanutten Resort on tonight's episode, and if you're not, you'll be eager to give it a try. Tune in to UP at 9pm ET/8pm CT for Bringing Up Bates "Mass-a-somethin.'" Scroll down to view snapshots and a promo video.

Although Kelly is a nervous Nelly and is concerned for everyone's safety, she decides to give skiing a try. (She and Gil are in white and dark green in the photo below.)

Some of the kids invite friends of the opposite gender. Carlin and her "special friend," Evan, sure do make a cute couple!

Bobby Smith, Tori's boyfriend, also comes along.

Everyone is surprised at how well the little Bates do after a short lesson.

 And what's a day on the slopes without sampling the snow?

 The older boys all elect to try snowboarding, while everyone else goes skiing.

During a break, the family FaceTimes with Alyssa, John, and Allie Webster, who are looking forward to the arrival of Lexi Mae Webster in just a few weeks.

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Photos/video courtesy of UP


  1. It looks like all the women are wearing similar skirts made of waterproof material, like jacket fabric. I wonder of one of the girls sewed them especially for the skiing trip? I find it a little extreme to wear skirts all the way onto the ski slopes but more power to them for making no exceptions to their standards.

  2. Clearly Kelly is NOT concerned about her children's safety, or she did not take the time to become well informed about the safety precautions of skiing and snowboarding. Why get worried about kids going on a chairlift when they don't even have a helmet on...

    1. You'd think the ski rental places would push helmets if it's such a necessary piece of equipment, wouldn't you? Not everybody wears one, you know. And yes, I know the stories of accidents without one. But not everyone automatically thinks skiing = always wearing a helmet.

    2. In Austria and Italy, helmets are mandatory for all children skiing or snowboarding. Same goes for the state of New Jersey, and at Vail Ski Resort as well.

      That alone should tell you that helmet safety is not to be taken lightly. There are plenty of studies out there on how helmets can save lives. Sure, you think you might be taking it easy, taking it slow, but you can't control others - someone out of control going straight at you has the potential to send you flying and hitting your head. It's that quick and simple. Wearing a helmet is such a simple way to protect yourself, plus it keeps your head warm. Why not do it??

  3. Are the older girls & Kelly really wearing skirts over pants?? LOL. Could be restrictive if falling. Common sense should prevail.. nothing immodest about ski pants & long jackets. Bates are still more fun than Duggar family.

  4. This mama won't be trying to ski. I'm a member of the Wimpy Club!I'm glad they all had fun though.

  5. I'm really surprised the ski slope allowed the girls to wear skirts. It seems to me like that would be a genuine safety hazard. Snow pants are so ridiculously puffy, I don't think there are any modesty concerns with them, lol!

  6. I'm from Alaska and snow skirts are extremely popular for the wintertime, even for women and girls who don't usually wear skirts. If you go outside in the winter, probably half of the women or girls you'll see will be wearing snow skirts.

    1. Thank you for this interesting information. Do the snow skirts help with keeping warm?

    2. That's really interesting, thanks for sharing! We wear skirts only typically but you do have to do the best you can with different activities. Not sure why people are upset about it. I can do anything in a skirt that someone can in pants. It just takes some creativity like this sometimes.

    3. Yes! Very much so. That's their main purpose. :)

  7. Someone pointed out in another post that the wearing of skirts/dresses is due to a desire to not dress like a man according to the Bible. However, one has to remember that in Biblical times, men and women both wore robes and some Roman soldiers wore skirt like uniforms. In more recent times, Scots men wore kilts. But it is their choice and if they feel right about it, all the better for them. I simply hope that as each girl becomes an adult and perhaps makes the same choice as Alyssa and Whitmey regarding jeans, they are not criticized or shamed about their choice.

    1. So well worded. If only more people could see it this way!

    2. I don't want to shame them for their clothing choices either way, I just think that in this instance it might be considered a bit of a safety issue to be skiing in skirts, especially as beginners

  8. Their 'skirt standards' have no real basis.

    1. Sure they do. See discussion in the last post.

  9. So, then don't the guys need to be warm too? Why don't they wear snow skirts if it's to keep warm? Sometimes, they can just carry this skirt thing a bit too far.

  10. Would be better letting everyone decide themselves what to wear. Skirts over ski pants is stupid for anyone particularly beginners.

  11. They are so adventurous. Proud of them trying something new.


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