
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Bates Visit Mayberry

Tomorrow on Bringing Up Bates, the family visits the small town of Mount Airy, North Carolina. As Andy Griffith's hometown, Mount Airy is said to be the inspiration for Mayberry, the setting of The Andy Griffith Show. Lawson Bates and Nathan Bates have some fun with an old police car in the entertaining video below.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. A quick Andy Griffith Show quiz:
    1. On the very first show, Aunt Bee comes to live with Andy and Opie. What was the name of the housekeeper she replaced?
    2. Andy's first love interest was Ellie Walker. What was her profession on the show?
    3. Who was Mayberry's telephone operator?
    4. Barney had two love interests. One was Thelma Lou, who we saw frequently. The other was referred to only when he spoke to her on the telephone. What was her name and where did she work?
    5. What character did Ron Howard's little brother, Clint, play on the show?
    Hint: He always carried a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
    6. Where did Ernest T. Bass meet his "chosen woman", Ramona?
    7. What was Ernest T.'s favorite method for getting attention?
    8. Gomer Pyle ended up joining which branch of the military?
    9. The Darling family would make an occasional visit to Mayberry. What was the name of the daughter who had a thing for Andy?
    10. Who was known for the line... "Hello, Doll!
    11. Did Andy and Helen Crump ever end up getting married?
    12. When Barney left Mayberry for greener pastures, where did he go and what job did he have?
    13. Opie accidentally destroyed something of Aunt Bee's that was dear to her heart and she planned on entering in a contest. What was it?

    1. 1.Rose
      4.Juanita at the diner
      6.At a party/get together at Mrs Wiley's
      7. Throwing a rock through a window
      8.The Marines
      10. Emmett Clark?
      11. Yes
      12. Raleigh Police Dept.
      13. A rose

    2. I know some!

      2) A pharmacists.
      3) Sara?
      4) Juanita
      6) At a party?
      7)throwing rocks
      9) Darlene
      11) No?

      Darn I thought I knew the show! Awesome quiz thanks for it!

  2. 1.Rose
    2.Pharmacist or "last druggest"
    6.At a socialites party
    7.Throwing rocks thru Windows
    10. Thelma Liu?
    11.Yes, on the first episode of Mayberry FED

  3. Number2 how could Andy's first love interest be Ellie the pharmacist/store lady , what about Opie's mother

    1. Opie's mother never appeared on the show.

    2. If you watch the show, they occasionally mention that Andy is a widower.

  4. 1. Rose
    2. "Lady Druggist" (Pharmacist)
    3. Sarah
    4. Juanita, at the diner
    5. Leon wearing a cowboy suit
    6. At Mrs. Wiley's "Soiree"
    7. Throwing rocks through windows
    8. The Marines
    9. Charlene Darling (later Mrs. Dud Wash)
    10. One of the "Fun Gals"
    11. Yes
    12. Mt. Pilot; police detective
    13. A rose

    -Ginger Scott
    Bloomington, IN (A BIG Andy Griffith fan :-)

  5. Andy Griffith Quiz
    1. Rose
    2. Pharmacist
    3. Sarah
    4. Juanita at the Diner
    5. Leon
    6. Mrs. Wiley's house
    7. Throwing a rock through a window
    8. The Marines
    9. Charlene
    10. The Fun Girls
    11. In a movie: Yes
    12. Raleigh; Police Dept.
    13. A Rose

  6. Oh the only answer I know for sure is question 8. Gomer joined the Marines. The reason I remember is his spin-off show Gomer Pyle USMC.

  7. Remember how the Duggar kids are only allowed to watch certain episodes of the Andy Griffith Show, because some episodes are not appropriate?

  8. Question number two if memory serves me right, Ellie Walker ran a drugstore and she was played by Eleanor Donahue. I may be completely wrong.
    I'm excited to see the correct answers to the quiz.
    Thank you @2:45!
    Oh and I remember being angry at Thelma Lou for breaking Barney's heart.

    1. Barney's fault for not proposing.

  9. I never watched the show.

  10. I think it would be a lot more fun if Ellie made a Bates Quiz for us about the Bates family! Ellie what do you think? :)

    1. I agree! I'll add that to my to-do list. :)


  11. 1. Rose
    2. Pharmacist
    3. Sarah
    4. Wanita; The Diner
    5. Leon
    6. Mayberry
    7. Throng rocks
    8. Private? What do you men by branch?
    9. Charlene
    10. Daphne (Fun girls)
    11. Yes
    12. Raleigh; Detective
    13. A rose

  12. A branch of the military refers to a part, like the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, etc.

    1. Ok, I knew that he was in the Marines but didn't know what she meant by branch.

  13. Here are the answers to the Andy Griffith Show quiz (From an Andy fan who came up with the questions!)
    1. Rose
    2. Pharmacist
    3. Sarah
    4. Juanita Beasley, she worked at the Bluebird Diner
    5. Leon
    6. Mrs. Wiley's mixer, or party, in Mayberry
    7. Throwing rocks through windows
    8. Marine Corps
    9. Charlene
    10. Daphne, one of the "Fun Girls", the other part of the duo was Skippy
    11. Yes
    12. Raleigh, police detective
    13. A rose

    10+ correct: Expert!
    6-9 correct: Not bad!
    3-5 correct: Good try!
    2 or less: Your assignment, should you choose to accept, is to check your local listings for Andy Griffith reruns and tune in. I am the same age as Ron Howard. I grew up watching him play Opie and it is my all time favorite show. (My kids grew up watching the reruns.) The writers were very skilled at character development and weaving some very important life lessons into each episode... hard to come by these days!


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