
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Carlin vs. Anesthesia

This week on Bringing Up Bates, both Carlin Bates and Josie Bates have their wisdom teeth extracted. Let's just say that the anesthesia has a very entertaining effect on Carlin. This video is sure to make you laugh (and maybe feel a little sorry for Carlin, too). As you'll see tomorrow on the show, Josie's reaction to the medication is very different.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. oh bless her! I remember having mine removed.

  2. Oh my goodness! LOL I hope I never have to have mine removed

  3. I cried laughing!!

  4. are you writing a book

  5. LOL. I could hardly keep myself from laughing watching this!!!!

    It's so funny how anesthesia affects everyone so differently. My brother was kind of like her when he got his wisdom teeth out - kept laughing and saying whatever strange thing came to his mind. Then I have a friend who reacted the opposite and just couldn't keep from sobbing! I've been under anesthesia once but my reaction wasn't as dramatic - I mainly just kept asking the same things over and over.

    Makes you wonder what that stuff does to your mind....

    1. it is really bad for your brain. Older folks tend to not ever fully recover and show signs of dementia (even if they did not show any signs before)

    2. So grateful to God my Dad nearly 79yrs old just had anaesthesia for a hip replacement before Christmas -he' back walking miles again & hasn't changed at all, despite having a few silent mini-strokes in previous years.

  6. Oh my, I think maybe she should have stayed at the dentist's office a little while longer, until some more of the anesthesia wore off!!! She is sooooo loopy!!!!

  7. I admit it. I laughed the whole time! I'm sorry she hurt, but that was funny!!

  8. Poor girl! Maybe she wasn't ready to go home yet especially if she couldn't stand.

  9. I'm so glad that they gave me a little too much anesthesia when I had it done. I slept the whole day so I didn't have any embarrassing moments video taped.

  10. I laughed so hard! "I wanna walk" *sinks to her feet* :)

  11. That is one of the funniest wisdom teeth videos I have ever seen! Can't even name a best part of it. Although its really cute and heartwarming to see how Gil interacts with her. When I got mine out, I was hoping for a really funny moment like that (about the only positive I could see in getting them out was having something to laugh about later) but, like Gil and Kelly said in the video, it affects everyone differently. So I was just a really tired version of my normal self.

  12. Wow! Does their dentist always use such strong anethesia? Just wondering. My previous dentist removed my wisdom teeth and my 2 daughter's wisdom teeth. He only used novacaine. I requested something stronger for my root canal, but only novacaine was used.

  13. Very funny poor love bless her

  14. I sadly didn't have a terribly funny reaction. My mom almost passed out after she saw me though. The only funny-ish thing I did was repeatedly try to do the spock hand thing. Loved the video though!

    James 1:2-3

  15. When I was about 20 something many years ago, I had anesthesia that had me flirting with the doctor! Now that's embarrassing!

  16. Poor daddy Gil! I felt awful for the girl's suffering but Gil got stuck with the worst of it. Kelly Jo cries when the kids are hurting so I'm glad Gil has the strength and grace to handle it.

  17. Best wisdom​ tooth video ever!!!!! Still laughing!! Poor girls.....

  18. Oh my goodness I cried with laughter I'm still laughing


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