
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Kaci Bates Turns 9 Months Old

Yesterday was Kaci Lynn Bates' nine-month milestone! It was also the first day of spring, and the Bates enjoyed temperatures in the mid-60s in East Tennessee.

Kaci is just three months away from her first birthday. Zach and Whitney Bates announced their second pregnancy at son Bradley Bates' first birthday party. Do you think their third child will be on the way soon?

Kaci Bates

Photo courtesy Zach and Whitney Bates


  1. I kinda hope not, in answer to your question. I had five babies in nine years, and while I loved having every one of them and would love to have more, it's good for the mom's body to take time to replenish mineral stores and have a little breathing space between babies. Also, when my littlest became a big brother or sister, they immediately stopped their babyhood, and I think it's nice to savor the time that each one is a baby, since you will never have that time again with each one.

    1. I sooo much agree to savoring the baby time with each child! So important! I'm a young gramma and the mother of my son's children had their son a year after their first child, a daughter. And the daughter never got to be "the baby" for very long and to this day the son is over spoiled,carried at age 4, and the daughter is kind of like a minnie helper to mom. It makes me sad for her!

    2. Is the mother of your son's children your daughter in law? I'm just wondering because my mother in law rarely calls me by my name..or pretends not to know my name, which is fun after nearly 25 years of marriage. She is critical of my parenting--well everything. I say this because I'm wondering if perhaps you are being overly critical?

  2. Oh, I hope they slow down and enjoy this stage of life. They are young enough to still have a whole lot of kids without having one every 18-24 months.

  3. I can't believve she is so big, so soon! What an adorable little girl! Enjoy those two to the fullest, Zach and Whitney. We miss you all.

  4. Oh such cuteness! I can just grab her and smother who with kisses😘

  5. If they are not taking any measures to prevent pregnancy, then it would come as no surprise if they find themselves expecting another child, sooner rather than later. My immediate and extended families were always excited when there were new additions, but we never spent time speculating or wondering about who might be pregnant or "next". Couples don't need that kind of pressure to prove something to others. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, that's ok, too.

  6. What a beautiful little girl!!!

  7. No, I think their third child will be a little further apart than the first two kiddos were. Whitney seems very content right now with Bradley and Kaci, so she probably won't make an announcement until maybe the New Year. Lol, that's my prediction.

  8. Probably, but it would be nice for them to spend a little more time enjoying having just Bradley and Kaci. Now that Bradley is so active, he probably enjoys having his mom to play with! And Whitney is young, she has plenty of time to have more!

  9. I am confused. Kaci's birthday is at the end of June according to this blog, so wouldn't that mean Whitney became pregnant at the beginning of October? Bradley's birthday is at the end of October. Is it normal to announce a pregnancy after barely a month? I thought it was common for women to not even know they were pregnant until about 3 weeks! Or maybe I did my math wrong

    1. I think she got pregnant with Kaci around Sept. 8 and was due June 15 (they say roughly 9 months and 1 week = 40 weeks). She was about 7 weeks along at Bradley's First Birthday.

  10. Of course a third is most likely on the way. Same with Erin. It is a numbers games after all.

  11. I can't believe she's 9-monthes already!

  12. Cuteness overload!!! Kaci and Bradley are the cutest kids!!

  13. Such a cute pie ! Hope the parents are going to take time for the 3rd one..... There is no rush ! Just enjoy now !

  14. I don't think they'll have #3 soon. Bradley and Kaci are already sharing a room and I feel like they'll want more space before they expand their family further. Also, Whitney wears pants and her and Zach don't seem to follow a lot of the Bates rules in their house, so I wouldn't be surprised if they are taking steps to prevent another pregnancy for the time being. Either way, I wish them the best. Bradley and Kaci are both beautiful!

  15. this letting know before actually letting us know?

  16. As for room space, their home is two stories - I'm sure they have more space for when the kids get bigger. I know Zach's siblings have spent the night in the upstairs.
    They are a precious family - I wish them much happiness


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