
Monday, March 27, 2017

Meet Carlin's Boyfriend

Carlin Bates receives a care package from Evan 

As promised in our last post, we have some neat info to share about Evan Stewart, Carlin Bates' boyfriend. He lives in Nashville, Tennessee, and is the second youngest of six children (four girls and two boys). Since he was young, Evan and his parents and siblings have traveled as a family gospel band called His Own. Here is a video of the siblings performing a song:

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  1. Beautiful voices!

  2. I would love to have them sing at my church but, they would have to travel to South Carolina. That's were Kelly is from.

  3. Is Evan in the gray suit?

    1. Yes, Evan is in the gray suit.

      Lily and Ellie

    2. I was thinking that he was probably the one in the blue shirt..... it said he was second youngest and the guy in the blue shirt clearly looks younger to me..... 😊 And he singing on the end with what looks like the "younger siblings"......

    3. Ohhh. Nevermind actually. I'd THOUGHT that the second girl on the right was the youngest and that the guy in the suit looked like one of the oldest..... Soooo I thought that for Evan to be second youngest, he had to be the one in the blue. But after finding old pictures of the family on the Internet, it looks like the two guys ARE the youngest...... So Evan has to be the one in the suit. Wow, what a voice! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

  4. *In a sing-song voice* Sounds like there'll be a courtship on the horizon!😊

    1. *in a sing-song voice * And they'll both make beautiful music!

  5. What beautiful music. Love it!

  6. Which one is Evan

    1. Evan is on the far left (gray suit).

      Lily and Ellie

  7. Is Evan in the blue shirt or in the suit?

  8. That is so nice of Evan to give Carlin the basket of Easter stuff. He see like a nice guy.

  9. Beautiful harmony Stewart family. God has really gifted you all with wonderful voices. Loved it!!

  10. I'm gonna go out on a whim an say that Carlin's favorite color is yellow! haha!

  11. Wow! All I can say is if Carlin marries him, their children will be musical superstars!! :)

  12. Wish it was in a capella. The Bible tells us to sing and make melody in our hearts. The instruments aren't necessary and take away from the beautiful words

    1. Not everyone can sing a cappella. Instrumentals can enhance any performance and I don't think the Bible has any edicts against using them. Making music with an instrument does come 'from the heart'.

    2. It was just a piano!!

    3. A capella is beautiful, and so is singing with instruments (like King David did, for instance).

    4. In every way we worship the Lord we must be very careful not to "add to or take away from the words written in this book." It isn't necessary to use instruments...God loves our voices!

    5. Good grief! What does this person have against a piano? Just by reading that comment, I conclude they probably voted for Hillary!

    6. Haha so funny well I sure didn't vote for her and make America bates again....sorry couldn't resist.

    7. There is a problem with instrumental music in worship. Under the new law in the new testament there is no example at all of instruments being used. We are only cmmanded to sing. And with the comment regarding king david...not only is that old testament law but David also had many wives. We can't take one example without taking all. When we do more than sing during worship we are "adding to" God's word.

    8. Anonymous April 2, 2017 at 4:49 PM, Would you then say that the blood of Christ is the only thing that makes atonement for our sins to God? Because that's what the New Testament teaches. God was not pleased with David's having multiple wives, but David was still forgiven for his sins because he believed by faith on Christ alone and that Christ would come one day as the final Lamb. The NT and OT are very important to be used with each other. The Law wasn't meant to show us how to live, it was meant to show how short we fall in respect to God's requirements. Using instruments is not a law at all; however, it's an avenue of sending praise to God. Just curious, to which station is your car radio set right now? "We can't take one example without taking all."

    9. There is no such thing as a "New testament law" or "Old testament law". God only ever gave one law, His law, and it is recorded in portions of both testaments. The testament division is actually man made. Anyway, Yeshua (Jesus) is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He didn't come to abolish the law but to fulfil it, big difference. Yeshua said in the New Testament that if you don't believe Moses you cannot believe Him. And I dont actually recall a specific law for the civilian regarding instruments. God does say those who worship Him must do so in spirit and in truth. But I think it's your choice whether you would like to use an instrument or not.

    10. The two testaments are one and the same. There are no two laws. God gave His law once and for all and it is recorded in portions of both testaments. And I actually don't think there is a law regarding the use of instruments for civilians to worship God. It does say in the Gospel of John that those who worship Him must do so in spirit and in truth. But I think it's your choice whether you would like to use an instrument with that or not. And Yeshua (Jesus) didn't come to abolish the law but to fulfill it, big difference. He says in the NT that if you do not believe Moses you cannot believe Him either.

  13. When did the courtship happen? I missed that!

  14. Carlin would fit in their family nicely, she is a very talented singer :)


  16. I totally understand the confusion that many are having regarding the whole "boyfriend/girlfriend" thing. I highly recommend the DVDs entitled "The Courtship/Betrothal Series" by Dr. S.M. Davis. Our family has watched it several times; it is very well done from a Biblical perspective. It will clear up misunderstandings.

  17. Anon 3/29 @ 11:31am...your comment doesn't make sense to me. If they're not even courting, they aren't boyfriend and girlfriend..that implies a personal, one on one relationship going on. They're not allowed to date; they court.

  18. Evan is a middle name family in Nashville Tennessee 4 sister 1 brother and parent name family

  19. what is Evan is a middle name are here a courtship Carlin


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