
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Bates College/Career Update

 Lawson, Josie, Carlin, Tori, Trace, Nathan

Four of Gil and Kelly Bates' 19 children are married and out of the house, but what about the non-married siblings who are finished with high school but still living at home? They are all preparing for their futures in different ways.

Lawson Bates (No. 4, 24 years old) devotes most of his days to his budding music career, splitting time between Nashville and Rocky Top.

Nathan Bates (No. 5, 23 years old) has been in Mississippi for a few months, working on his commercial and instructor pilots licenses. He took a big test last week and plans to be home for a while.

Tori Bates (No. 7, 21 years old) is in an official courtship with Bobby Smith. She attends The Crown College of the Bible and will graduate with an education degree in May 2018. Tori's current plan is to wait until after graduation to get married. Bobby finishes school in Florida this May and has thought about moving to Tennessee to be closer to his girlfriend.

Trace Bates (No. 8, 20 years old) is also taking classes at Crown. He had hoped to be a trick rider for the Dixie Stampede, but that hasn't worked out yet. He and Tori, Carlin, and Josie enjoy carpooling to school each morning and having each other as a support system. Trace has not announced his major.

Carlin Bates (No. 9, 19 years old) is working on her music major at Crown. (Hear more from her in the video below.) She is also getting to know Evan Stewart of Nashville, although the two are not in an official courtship.

Josie Bates (No. 10, 17 years old) is studying cosmetology at Crown.

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  1. Does Tori plan to teach after she gets her degree?

    1. Teach her own children. Crown college is not accredited.

    2. Yes, Crown recently became accredited.

    3. This is correct that college is NOT accredited.

    4. Crown is acreddited since last year. She can teach if she wants.

    5. Good to know!

    6. Crown is not regionally accredited which is the preferred accreditation.

    7. The only difference between national and regional accreditation is that national is usually more for trades and religious schools and regional are for for more academic based schools. They are not mutually exclusive although transfering credits from a national to a regional is sometimes challenging. Most states only need you to have a bachelor's degree from an accredited school (doesn't matter which) that has an approved preparatory path or access to a path such as CAEP or NCATE.

    8. Tori did not graduate from an accredited program to teach in a public school or most private schools. Her degree is a bachelor of biblical studies in education and the coursework does not match the required classes for a traditional education degree. She is educationally qualified to teach in a church affiliated school program if they don't receive federal funds for it or in a homeschool co-op where parents take turns teaching classes others cannot teach.

  2. Hi, Ellie -- I have a question about Crown College. Will Tori's degree in Education qualify her to be a licensed teacher in Tennessee, like in a public school? Is it considered a Bachelor's Degree? Thanks! -- Meg

    1. Yes, Crown College is a Credits school.

    2. Excellent question.

  3. I love these updates! Thanks!

  4. Thank you so much for this! This is the most wonderful post. :) I'd love to see more posts like this, as well as one about the married Bates' (and their spouses') careers and whether they went to college!! :)

    1. The only "married Bates" who went to college is Erin, she attended Crown for music. Zach did the police academy but his wife, Whitney has a degree for medical billing and coding. Alyssa and her husband has a cleaning business on the side (he also works for the family business) she didn't go to college (not sure if her husband did or not) and Micheal (sp??) didn't go to college, but her husband did (that was the hold up in them getting married he wanted to be done with school, I think he went for ministry? Not 100% sure though).

    2. Didn't Michaella say she'd been taking classes after she was married? I'm pretty sure she made a comment about finishing her classes.

    3. Yes, Michaela has a college degree from Roane State.

      Lily and Ellie

  5. Thank you so much for such a wonderful update on the bates older kids still at home. Your hard work is appreciated. Love that all of them are following their own interest and are doing what it takes to reach their goals.

  6. It would be nice to get this same kind of update on the Duggar kids who are at home but out of high school.

  7. Love all of you! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Comment to Lawson ....Please, pray about getting into Country Music! ...It is not the same as it was / it is more about Rockabilly not Country these days . jim

    1. Anonymous at 8:35 am, there are a lot of music producers who are members of the occult as well, so it is a spiritual safety issue.

  9. I think Tori is being very mature and wise to wait until after finishing college. As they always say "True Love Waits" and she has differently found it.

    1. That's such a silly statement. True love does not always wait.

    2. Maybe it would be more accurate to say "true love is willing to wait" if it's the best thing to do so.

  10. What does Carlin plan on doing with her education degree? I don't believe Crown is an accredited college so it would be very difficult to get hired as a teacher for either private or public school district...

    1. It is accredited:)

    2. You must mean Tori,since Carlin is going for Music and not an Education degree.

    3. It is accredited and from what I read on the Crown College website, they can teach in a regular classroom. But, I'm sure Carlin would want to be at a private religious school at least. Not a public school.

    4. Carlin will probably go Erin's path and do private music lessons from her home. It's Tori doing education although as of last year it's an accredited college so she can teach in the classroom. Even before it was accredited though you have to remember they mostly hang out with a deeply religious circle so a degree from Crown would of been okay with them, Tori could of gotten on as a tutor for homeschool kids like Chads sister did for the Duggars.

  11. I am curious- Nathan and Lawson are expanding their horizons away from home (Nashville, Mississippi) and I wonder if the adult daughters would be allowed to do the same. I assume these young men travel without a chaperone. Could or would the daughters do the same, or do they require someone to accompany them at all times? Is this why they all go to Crown College? I do think it is encouraging to see that they all seem to be getting some kind of training or education past high school homeschooling.

    1. There are two reasons they elect to attend Crown College - strong religious values and they don't have to pay room and board to attend. Can you imagine the cost of paying room and board for 19 kids for 4 years each?

  12. And what about Katie?

    1. Katie is just 16 and still in high school. This says it is a college/career update.

    2. At only 16, she probably has not finished high school yet.

    3. This post is about older single bates graduated and living at home,Katie is still in school that's why she is not listed in this post.

    4. Katie is in high school still!

    5. Katie is not an adult yet.

  13. I did not recognize Josie at first with her new hairstyle. She looks so pretty! (Not that she didn't before, but she looked more like a kid and now she looks like a young lady).

  14. @Lily and Ellie, what is the status of any about Trace and his friend Campbell Roberts? Do you have any more information on Evan, Carlin's friend? Does he attend college? What does he do for a living? How old is he? etc. Thank you, and also what about Katie? She is a gem but we don't see much of her

  15. I think that Katie is still in high school.

  16. According to the Tennessee Higher Ed. Commission's data website, Crown College of the Bible's annual performance reviews show startlingly low historical job placement rates, some years less than 20%. The graduation rate is low, also. I can't help but wonder why this is the case. (Their school of trade/technology must be fairly new, as there is no data.) If I were a young person contemplating higher education, I'd think twice about taking on college debt with an institution that holds such a dismal track record.

    1. It seems like a college Bate type families go to, to find spouses, so low graduation rates may be from young women who started school there, but got married and then dropped out. Not being at all critical, I don't think it's necessary to have a degree to get far in life.

    2. I agree with you 11:52. I know some girls who went to Crown. Their ultimate goal was to walk away with their M.R.S. degree. Most did. None work outside the home.

    3. I beg to differ. In my part of the country (NJ), it is close to impossible to have a high standard of living and a good career with a college education. Also, college is such a great experience. Everybody should give it a shot for at least a year.

    4. I'm wondering if the data includes people who go on to be missionaries or to otherwise be in the ministry, since that's a major emphasis of the college.

    5. 9:09 The data includes in -field job placements. If this college is properly forthcoming with their information, it would include those who have completed a ministerial degree.

    6. Regarding the comment that it's not necessary to have a college degree to get far in life- Of course, there are some degrees that do not hold much promise for gainful employment and we all know that Harry Truman never went to college. However, statistically those who do have a degree earn more over their working years than those who do not. Where would we be without doctors, nurses, lawyers, accountants, architects, scientists, teachers, etc.? They all had to go to college! It stands to reason that some kind of post secondary training or education is beneficial.

    7. Hey I'm poster 11:52. To 12:09; I meant not EVERYONE needs to have a college degree to get far in life, not that no one needs one. :)

  17. Are Michaela and Brandon finished with school. Are either of them working?

    1. Brandon went to college and now works. Michaela doesn't work outside the home but seems to be doing some sewing and selling it from their website and also they were working on that children's book (no idea what came of that though).

  18. What happened to Nathan's courtship/girlfriend?

    1. She dumped him.

    2. Pretty sure it was a mutual decision.

  19. I'm glad to hear that the older Bates are pursuing higher education even if Crown is not known for high grad rates. The Bates family are so full of personality & joy. Due to their great parents!! The Duggars seem suppressed by comparison.

  20. For the record:

    1. That's the wrong Crown College. The one the Bates attend is not regionally accredited which is the preferred accreditation.

  21. I wish Lawson well in his music endeavors, but how long will he 'give it' before he realized his need for a real paying career/job if this doesn't pan out soon?

  22. IMO, Josie doesn't have a new hairstyle. She merely chopped off some length. It's the same hair do otherwise.

  23. Nathan is like the man of my dreams. What a sweet guy he is.

  24. I'm so glad, that they're all pursuing their dreams. Each goal, perfect for them!

  25. Their parents have done a great job. Nathan and his pilot training, Zach and the police academy-all but Lawson appeared to have pursue higher education. That is a great reflection on their parents' emphasis of education. Kudos to Tori on getting her college degree. It shows her determination if she finished while married, pregnant and suffering from morning sickness.


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