
Friday, April 7, 2017

Bates in Australia (Video)

Did you catch last night's episode? (Click here to read our recap.) What you won't see on the show is footage of the trip to Australia and New Zealand that Gil, Kelly, and Carlin take while the younger boys spend time in Chicago with Michaela and Brandon.

The video below contains some of the highlights of the Bates' time Down Under. Those who are from Australia or New Zealand, we are curious if Gil's accent attempt is anywhere near what the folks down there really sound like.

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Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. People won't be criticizing Gil here for laughing at Kelly for being scared on the road. Because Jeremy was criticized nonstop. I don't see anything wrong with having a laugh when doing something new and kind of scary for the first time.

  2. Hello from Australia! Unfortunately that accent is not even a little close, LOL! It's cringeworthy! Just to clarify Australia and New Zealand are two seperate countries and we each have our own accents.

    1. I know! My father is from NZ and is always annoyed when people put the two together.

  3. The comment about how hills and mountains was hilarious!! So true though! there are so many "big mountains" that those hills we would call mountains anywhere else are really just hills to NZ. ;) And on a scale of one to ten with the accents? -4 lol you failed big time but did give us all a laugh in the process!

  4. It was so awesome getting to meet the bates and hearing them speak! Hope you'll come back again!! :)

  5. Gil's accent wasn't even close i'm afraid. At times it sounded like an English accent (this is what often happens when people try to do an Australian accent) and at other times it sounded more like a European accent. Hope they had a great time.

  6. I volunteer to come back with you ;P It was so awesome to meet you guys! (btw Kiwis and Aussies sound NOTHING alike ;P ) I love how the girls think Aussies speak Spanish!!!

  7. And all us Kiwis loved your accent too! :D

  8. Kia ora from New Zealand! It was amazing to meet Gil and Kelly. And as much as they laugh at our accent, we made just as much about theirs!

  9. Did anyone else catch Gil saying".. our driver Mr. Evan" or something to that effect. I think Carlin's friend was with them on the trip but they had not gone public yet. Nothing wrong with that, just a fun little tid bit.

    1. Would be interesting if Carlin's friend Evan were with them. Good opportunity for them all to get to know each other. However, it is clear that Gil is talking about the tall, thin, bearded local gentleman who was escorting them in New Zealand.

    2. But then I think the camera showed him and it was a middle-aged man-not Evan Stewart. And I don't think Gil would have called Carlin's boyfriend "Mr."

  10. It's very strange seeing Gill and Kelly driving near my home town in Australia.

  11. I see that they glossed over the names of the organizations that they went over there to promote. Why do they do that?
    I also think it wasn't polite for Kelly to refer to driving on the 'wrong' side of the road when over there. It's the correct side of the road in that country. Just say the left OR right side of the road. Not cool. They should have asked some of the older children about where Australia is and what language they speak. The little girls wouldn't have necessarily needed to know that yet.

    1. Well to them it is the wrong side of the road. As far as it being impolite and not cool, I think its a bit of an over reaction.

  12. Australians speak English!! Why would they ask what language they speak in Australia??

  13. LOL!!! Not even close Gill. SOOO funny. It is incredibly rare to find an American who can do an Aussie accent, but it sure is fun listening to them try. Also, Aussie's and New Zealander's have different accents.


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