
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Bates Season Finale

We have some good news and some not-so-good news...

The not-so-good news is that season five of Bringing Up Bates is about to come to an end. UP will air a regular 30-minute episode this Thursday, with an hour-long season finale featuring Lexi Mae Webster's birth scheduled for next Thursday.

Ready for the good news? The network has six specials planned for the six weeks leading up to the June 1st season six premiere. Isn't that exciting?

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Photo courtesy of UP


  1. Wow!!!! So it's like the show will never take a break. That's all good news
    My eight year old and I love to watch this show!

  2. This is my favorite reality TV show. I love watching this family with all their ups and downs. They seem pretty genuine most of the time. There are a couple who seem a little stiff, but for the most part I enjoy it.

  3. I appreciated the basketball hoop episode. We all know that Cracker Barrel is a sponsor of theirs. A huge chunk of this episode was a commercial for Cracker Barrel and it was obvious..that's not tasteful. Why do they pretend? Kelly states that Gil allows her to 'splurge' now and then and purchase take out food for the family. It's implied that the Bates family paid for those entrees and side dishes for the episode when we know darn well that they didn't pay a dime for that food. They continued to praise Cracker Barrel when they were eating. Just tacky IMO. Just come right out, be honest and say that although they sponsor their show and THIS meal is 'complimentary' Gill allows her in other times to order take out. Just not fooling anyone here. I like Cracker Barrel's roast beef and macaroni & cheese the best, myself.

    1. I don't like when grown, married women state their husbands " allow" them do to anything! They are not children! My goodness--I would never allow my husband to "allow" or "forbid" me to do anything. I am his equal.

    2. You imply that there is something dishonest about Cracker Barrel's sponsorship. What is your motive?

    3. I think it's great that Gil and Kelly have family dinners with fellowship and memories for their family.
      I look forward to their show every week.
      If you took away that Cracker Barrel may have given them a family dinner, maybe you don't see the true value of a large family and what they represent.
      Gil and Kelly are an example of true love of family.

    4. What you don't realize is that Cracker Barrel is the only restaurant near them - everything is 10-20 minutes futher away.

      And maybe Cracker Barrel did do a product placement, there's nothing dishonest about that. Digerno did product placement in the first season.

      But seriously, Cracker Barrel really is the only restaurant in the area unless you go to the next town over.

    5. I don't understand making a big deal about the Cracker Barrel business, free meal or paid meal. Who cares?

    6. It doesn't bother me that Cracker Barrel is the sponsor. In fact, it seems to fit. However, I admit to getting annoyed when I click on a video clip on this blog and get the ad every time.

    7. Before I searched online....I guessed 3--400.00 $$
      I was close,,good for them....
      but most big families can't do that often....😁

    8. Lighten up folks! Everyone has a sponsor! C.B. is perfect, plus Kelly loves it!

  4. PLEASE UPS, LET CANADIANS WATCH BRINGING UP BATES!!!!!!!!!! I've seen up till the third season, AND THAT IS NOT FARE!!!!!! I LOVE THIS FAMILY, and want to see them!!! I WANT THE BATES, I WANT THE BATE, I WANT THE BATES!!!! Can anyone help, UPS, WE NEED GOOD PROGRAM ON TV/INTERNET, SO TAKE THE LOCK OFF!!!! I LOVE THE BATES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for the caps, but I am sad not to see them, and I will not put my card of line!!!!! Why can we see up till the 3nd, and not 4/5 season?! I've loved the Bates since 17 kids and counting, When Big Families Collide, really all those years ago, so let me/Canadians watch, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!

    1. 😂Oh Justine hopefully they will hear you

    2. Hey I'm a Canadian too. I watch Bringing up Bates through the US iTunes Store. It is a bit of a hassle because you need to create a US Apple ID and then purchase US iTunes gift cards but it works. I've been able to watch all the seasons this way.

    3. Yes, you can buy iTunes shows in another country, I do it for France, Germany and Sweden. Bringing Up Bates is on the US iTunes store, but you need an email address not currently connected to an Apple account, an address in that country (I just Google churches or businesses in that country and use that address), then purchase iTunes gift cards from that country. It's easy to log out of iTunes and then back in with a different account

  5. I hope the six specials are new content and not just a re-edit of episodes we've already seen.

  6. Please let Canadians watch Bringing up bates to .

  7. We love this show! The UP channel was recently brought back by Charter cable. We watched the first few seasons at home but then had to watch the last 2-3 seasons at another house that had UP on Comcast cable. The Bates are fantastic parents. While we're Jewish, we find Bringing Up Bates to be an inspirational show.

  8. I love this show so much. It is actually heartbreaking to me that I have been missing the show since the end of the season where Michaela got married. Why does UP have to only be accessible if you pay for the higher costing cable packages? And why is it that this show can not be found in it's entirety anywhere on the internet, and when you can find a couple episodes, you can't see it without paying out money? By the time you pay to watch on the internet, you might as well have paid for the upgraded cable package. It seems to me that unless you have money, you don't deserve to see this show. And, I find it hard to believe that The Bates family could be okay with that. As I have said, I love this show. If I had to choose only one show on tv to watch, I would choose Bringing Up Bates. Too bad I don't get that choice.

    1. they have all the episodes on iTunes

    2. When you say all episodes, are you talking about ceetain seasons or all? And are they free?

  9. Love that we don't have to wait too long in between seasons with Bringing Up Bates. They're always back to back! I hate that with Counting On it's several months in between seasons.

  10. Yeah I loved the Bates too.My granddaughter was only 6 and she wanted to put her name in when they had the 20th Bate.But we live 2000.miles and she was way to young.But that his how much this show can impact a child's life. It's for the good.
    We can't get it anymore either since ca now has jacked up their prices.Direct

  11. Let me clarify my earlier post that I didn't imply there was something dishonest about Cracker Barrel being their sponsor. TV shows need sponsors. It was the fact that they didn't come out and say so. They implied that they actually paid for that meal when they didn't. They should have clarified that to the audience for transparency. I don't dislike this family if that' what you're getting at.

    1. Why would they have to tell us? Just because they are paying for a time slot during the show doesn't mean they are giving the family free food. You are assuming that is the case, but you don't have proof. Maybe they just gave them a discount. Why does it really matter?

    2. I agree with you. But a lot of what goes on with this show and the Duggars is sponsored, I think.

  12. Cathy
    I'm 58. I love the Bates family. The values the Bates have come through in their.shows. I can always find inspiration in any episode. Even the one with the comments about Cracker Barrel. If Cracker Barrel offered a large family dinner to me, I would feel blessed. I dont believe the Bates asked for CB to do that. And really take a look at how the Bates handled it. They make efforts to eat as a family, talk about their days, give inspiration, give thanks and praise for their food, family, and faith. How many of the people who made not so nice comments can say they do these things with their meals!! The Bates give of themselves, give to their community and much more all the time. And they find thankfulness in 1 meal. Be real people, we can all learn from the Bates1


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