
Friday, April 21, 2017

Double the Trouble

Allie Jane Webster and Lexi Mae Webster

How many of you have pushed a double stroller that's absolutely impossible to maneuver? Alyssa Bates Webster has found one that she loves, and she says it makes life with two kids a whole lot easier. It's the BabyTrend Sit N' Stand. Go ahead and share any tips or words of wisdom you have for surviving life with two children.

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Photo courtesy of Alyssa and John Webster


  1. $169.99 at Target. When I was a young mother, I couldn't have afforded something that cost the equivalent of this one. I got mine 'for free' from the old Trading Stamp days just as they were going out of circulation.

  2. I have that stroller and love it. My son is almost 3 and my daughter just turned 1. My only issue is that it will not fit in my car. Lol

  3. I loved my double stroller, it was a long one like that, not a wide one, which I always think must be impossible to use if you're in town! I worked as a nanny years ago for twins and the mom had a twin pram that she had shipped over from Italy which was in the style of the prams from the 70s, huge and bulky, you couldn't even get it in the car!!

  4. Looks good a brought a wide double for my 2 eldest grangchildren for the days both mums at work it was a nightmare shop doors not wide enough

  5. Yes! I had the sit n stand too but maybe they maneuver better now :0)

  6. Don't have any more. Two is more than enough.

    1. Children are a gift from God. The fruit of the womb is a reward!

    2. Aw, I'm sorry that you think people shouldn't have more than one child. How lonely!

    3. That's rather a unkind comment. I hope the Lord blesses her with more children when the time is right.

    4. Stop badgering this person just because they expressed their opinion. Some people just can't afford more than two! Plus maybe they had two very complicated deliveries, and don't think they should risk their health or life to have more children. There is nothing wrong with only having one or two children!

    5. 11:08 While there is nothing wrong with having only one or two kids, 3:17 doesn't need to be telling another woman how many children she should be having.

    6. I agree, 11:08, that there's nothing wrong with having one or two children. However, there's also nothing wrong with having more than one! The original poster seems to be making a blanket statement that just isn't true.

    7. This person was not expressing a personal opinion of not wanting anymore children for herself, but telling Alyssa not to have anymore children. In my opinion it did sound condescending.

  7. In my opinion, if you need a double stroller then your kids are too close together in age! What is wrong with spacing your children a little farther apart? Why not enjoy them a little bit more when they are young, rather than rushing to have another one right away?

    1. Why can't she have her own kids when she wants without people criticizing her decision?

    2. What about families with twins?

    3. That is your opinion. Everyone can make their own choices how they want to space their children. Why do you assume they aren't enjoying them more? You can enjoy multiple children at the same time.

    4. Anon 11:04 since when did expressing your opinion start criticizing someone? I guess people aren't allowed to disagree with anything posted on this site anymore.

    5. Sometimes pregnancies happen regardless if they're planned. When I had my first son and I was completely content. Matter of fact I was thinking of having my tubes tied right away. Anyhow two months after my first son was born I was pregnant with the second. Sometimes that's just how it happens. By the way its also up to God as some people have gotten their tubes ties or husbands had vasectomy and guess what they find themselves PREGNANT!

    6. Well I see nothing wrong with having your kids close together. Me and my oldest sister is 5 years and 2 months apart, and me and my youngest sister is 5 years and 10 months. And ther is such an age gap that we wasn't close at all growing up. Me and my youngest sister is closer now but me and my oldest isn't. I would have lived having a sibling closer to age. But, it's all up to the parents and not really anybody else business lol

  8. I have really enjoyed my Phil & Ted double stroller. It's the size of one with a rumble seat. It's pricey but so worth it! I found mine used and have used it for the last 5 years and it still works great. If I would ever need a new stroller though I think I would go for an uppa baby. It has more options. You can use as a double and also get a skateboard attachment so that you can push 3 Kids! Wish I would have had that with my first 3, they are very close in age - 2 1/2 years between the 1st and the 3rd

  9. My mom and sister blessed me with this exact same stroller. I loved using it. Yes, it makes towing two precious little ones around a whole lot easier.

  10. Double the trouble? Ummmm...have MORE children then you'll really know what trouble is. Ha Ha...

  11. We had a Graco double stroller when our oldest two were little. It was a great stroller but a bear to maneuver. And I didn't dare take it on a bus. It did however fit in our car rather nicely.

  12. She can have as many children as she wishes but if she thinks two is a lot of work, imagine having 19....

    1. It's their choice. My mottos as long as you can afford them it's up to you when to stop having them.

  13. This stroller might work right now, when the younger baby is still in a 'carrier' type of seat but what happens when she's too large for the car seat carrier? Does it convert in to a '2 child stroller"? If not, it's not worth the money, IMO.

  14. I had a Phil and Teds double, I loved it! I had 3 kids close together and it was so great. Light, easy to steer, folded up, fitted in lots of groceries underneath, not too wide because the kids weren't side by side. The baby or the toddler could sleep if they needed. It was awesome.

  15. Her kiddos are adorable. Lil Allie Jane and Lexi Mae will be best friends and have each other's back. Just like their mamma and aunts.

  16. These are great! We have used the Graco brand Sit and Stand for 4 years now. I am so pleased with it. It was compact enough to fit in my sedan, easy to steer, and just light enough for me to hoist it in my car. It is not a good jogging stroller, but perfect for stores.

  17. Please don't get me wrong, I like Alyssa very much. She likes a quiet home and doesn't really care for the chaos that her nuclear family comes with due to their large number. Having said that, Alyssa has gone on record as saying that she's not really interested in having 19 children herself, but that she 'probably could do 8'. My question is, so what are they going to do after #8 arrives? Birth control? This is a general question put out there as a logical one, since they don't believe in any type of conception monitoring.

    1. It is reasonable to assume that the Bates adult children are not necessarily going to follow every rule or doctrine that their parents have. It would also stand to reason that if Alyssa said she's not interested in having 19 kids, that at some point she and her husband would practice some kind of birth control- whether it be natural family planning or other method. I don't think the couple is obligated to share a very private matter, such as how they intend to prevent pregnancy in the future, with the viewing public.

  18. Baby Jogger City Mini Double!! Best double ever! Easy to push, easy to fold/store. Sturdy & well made, they last forever if yoy take good care. Worth every penny. 👍


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