
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Lawson Bates and Jana Duggar Courting?

A rumor has been floating around the internet that Lawson Bates, who turns 25 in July, is in a courtship with Jana Duggar, 27. (The Duggars were in East Tennessee visiting the Bates last week.) Gil and Kelly Bates put the rumor to rest:

"I think that probably Lawson and Jana would both be shocked by that news, although we have heard that rumor," said Kelly. "They are very good friends but no courtships that either of our families are aware of."

Photo courtesy of UP


  1. Man, some people are so desperate to see either Jana in a courtship, and/or a Duggar-Bates courtship. Just give them time. God will decide for them in His Perfect Timing.

    1. I totally agree. Thank you for fixing this rumor, ladies!

    2. I agree.

      She is 27 years old.

      She has a right to make her own choices without her parents and others interfering 100% of the time.

    3. For heaven's sake, she is only 27! She is still young. Just because she wasn't married with 3 kids by the time she was 21 is not a bad thing. I'm almost 33 and am still waiting for the man the Lord has in store for me. She should be allowed to be a young 27 year old that is enjoying her life without all the pressure of the lifestyle they live

  2. What a blessing that you both keep us updated. I'm so thankful there's a reliable source for information!

  3. Oh wow I didn't even know that wad a rumor. I think they would be better off remaining friends. 😊 but ya never know... Haha

  4. I would think Nathan is more Jana's type.

    1. Yes!! That's what I've been saying perfect match!

    2. I never thought about that, but I think you're right. His personality type seems a lot more aligned with hers than Lawson's type.

  5. I wish they were, they seem to be great people.

  6. It doesn't matter now but wasn't it Jinger and Lawson that genuinely had something?

    1. I believe that, too, was just a rumor. Jinger was dating Jeremy at the time, if I am not mistaken.

  7. I didn't think Duggar girls/women were allowed to be "very good friends" with a member of the opposite sex. Plus..I think the Bates might be to liberal for Jana.

    1. Ha ha! You're calling the Bateses liberal?!

    2. Yeah. I think she just put it that way to mean that there is nothing between them.

    3. Nobody said they couldn't be "very good friends" where'd you hear that?

    4. You know you're pretty strict when the Bates are compared liberal to the Duggars. I wish they Duggars would take some lessons from Gil and Kelly Jo. They show you can still be christians and honor the Lord but enjoy life at the same time.

    5. I thought that too but then Jessa married Ben and he has her in a music studio with rappers. Lol

    6. @2:35. I know..right!! But in comparison the Bates are quite a bit more liberal than the Duggars. They actually hug each other--yikes!

    7. Whitney and Zach front hugged and kissed before their wedding.


      A little bit more liberal than the duggars.

  8. Really wanted this to be true but glad to put this rumor to rest

  9. I have been saying this for over a year. I believe it is true but he is concentrating on his career at the moment so is holding off anouncing anything yet. That's what I think anyway. I love them both they would make a beautiful couple.

    1. @Anonymous 2:04 - Over the past few years, Jana has said that she has not found the one and that she's still waiting. And only a few weeks ago Jana said that she's still waiting for Prince Charming.

  10. Lawson does not at all fit what Jana has said she is looking for-a man who works with his hands.

    1. He uses his hands to play the guitar... does that count? Lol

    2. Yes, that it what I was thinking also. When the right time and the right person is in her life, it will be a surprise if the fella is different than what she has been envisioning, but that is her decision. And when to announce something is the their choice, not the rumour-makers.

    3. I think the choice is up to TLC and People Magazine.

  11. I never believed such a rumor. I don't pay attention to rumors. They can be so stupid most of the time.

  12. It be a shock it was true

  13. Oh that's to bad. I think it would be great for the two of them. The Bates kids are so well rounded not controlled by their parents. I'm praying perhaps that will be a true rumor.

  14. Probably started as an APRIL FOOL "joke" and it got wings. . . .via on line sources.

    Jana will find Mr. RIght IF & WHEN her father lets her make up her own mind.
    . . .. I could see her with a fireman or EMT worker.

    I can not get on the "D" website so I will wish ISRAEL
    a happy second birthday 4/6

  15. I think they would be better off as just friends. Lawson is concentrating on his music right now. God will decide in His perfect timing what is best.

  16. I thought maybe Lawson might be interested in his female vocalist. They make great music together.

  17. I hadn't heard the rumor, but I wouldn't have believed it. They just don't seem to be compatible.

  18. Someone should rescue that girl from servitude let's hope he is her knight in shining armour

  19. Jana also stated that she liked 'dirt under the fingernails' for her "guy"....not Lawson.

  20. Hey Lawson, if you really want to break into the music business, then put more videos on YouTube, and especially "I will always love you", (the song you sang for your sister Michael's wedding), and that song will be your "meal ticket"!!!!! Sell, it to Hallmark Movies, because the song will fit into their movie themes, and maybe this could be a great union, if you will. I've watched the wedding, so many times to listen to that song, so PUT it on YouTube!!!!!!

  21. I have so much respect for Jana, she has not rushed into anything and hopefully ignores these rumors! If you read this Jana, most of us know not to believe anything on the internet and have upmost respect for u

  22. I believe Jana is a bit more emotionally mature than Lawson.


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