
Monday, April 24, 2017

Special Delivery From Pilot Nathan Bates

Having a brother who can fly a plane sure does come in handy when you're in a long-distance relationship! In this deleted scene from the Bringing Up Bates season five finale, Nathan delivers Bobby Smith into Tori's waiting arms, just in time for the annual Bates Couples Dinner. What do you think of Nathan's landing?

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Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. So sweet. What a precious couple. Nathan is so sweet for that.

  2. I think Nathan's landing was awesome! I don't think I've ever seen a plane land that smoothly.

  3. Flying is NOT a cheap hobby...UP paychecks must be NICE! Also, where was the dinner located? That house doesn't look familiar.

    1. Maybe he isn't doing it as a hobby and since he hasn't been on the show as much this season I doubt he is being paid much by UP.

    2. They said they rented a cabin just for all the couples. Yes they have come a long way since we first saw them on the Duggars show.

  4. Aww, Nathan is so sweet! What a thoughtfulness gesture from a brother. And he did land it well!

  5. I don´t understand where Nathan got the plane from. Is it his own plane? Did he rent it?

    1. He probably rented it. My dad's a pilot and he rents a plane from someone he knows when he wants to fly.

  6. Usually they don't hold hands until they're engaged so nice to see them doing that.

  7. Are Tori and Bobby engaged? I can't remember if they are.

  8. Up doesn't pay for them to fly. Nathan probably saved him money for flying lesson.

    I'm so sick of people saying that Up payed for everything which they don't.

  9. This family didn't have two nickels to rub together a short time ago. They were asking their older sons to lend them grocery money for the week. They have said this themselves. Their original house was a shack, almost falling down around them. Gil was cutting trees at that time. His work didn't change, he's still cutting down trees with his sons, as he has been doing for quite some time. We all know pastoring doesn't pay big bucks either, especially a 'self found' church pastor. So, it's logical that since television has stepped in with their salaries, perks and episode fodder, life has drastically improved for this family financially. It's logical that UP has paid for a lot and pays this family well for each episode. That is the change. Don't be naïve. I'm not saying its a bad thing to be in their present situation, nor do I envy them this, but they really aren't being honest to the public about the finances here. How could this same family afford flying lessons, a plane, a remodeled, expanded house, etc and all that we have seen on that same tree trimming income alone? With the Bates family wanting to advertise their lifestyle of having as many children as they can conceive to other couples out there, do they think that a TV show will come to their financial rescue too? It's quite unlikely that it would happen to them. How would this family support themselves?

    1. Good points. I've often wondered how they afford just the insurance and gas for all those vehicles, even with the UP money.

    2. Actually the duggars built there home

    3. When have they said everyone should be like them or that they weren't getting paid for the show? Why are you assuming the parents are paying for Nathan's flying lessons? He is an adult. He may have been saving up for years to pay for lessons or used money he made from the show. Just because they are on tv doesn't mean they owe us an explanation for how they spend their money. I don't think other people are stupid enough to think all they have to do is have 19 kids, and they will get a tv show. The Duggars helped them add onto their original house before they had their own show, so the show didn't pay for it.

    4. 2:48 - I don't remember their original home as being a shack, falling down around them. I just remember that it was a tight squeeze for their large family. I'm curious what specifically you remember seeing that would cause you to describe their original home so negatively.

  10. Can't you just be happy for the financial blessing this family has received? What they do with the money is their business. They are not deceiving anyone.

  11. I have been a fan of the Duggar's for a long time. I only knew of the Bates family through them. Recently I watched some episodes of Bringing up Bates and I have to say this family is amazing. They are so down to earth. I don't get the feeling that every conversation or interview is scripted. I love that they feel comfortable enough to hug each other without an awkward side move. I don't mean to compare the two families as we are all different and do things the way we see fit, but it is so refreshing to see these children follow their dreams with a sense of freedom. God bless this family and of course the Duggars!

  12. Yes, life has changed dramatically. I think at one time they had about 10 kids living in about 1000 square feet. Can't imagine the grocery bill. They are doing so much traveling now too and I kind of doubt that was the case before TV.

  13. It doesn't bother me that the Bates, or anyone else, get paid for their TV appearances. And I don't care how much they are paid. But I do wonder how they are paid. Do the adult kids get their own paycheck? Or is the family paid and they dole it out however they want? I wonder about this for the other large family shows that exist on this and other networks. I just wonder if the adult kids get their own income?

  14. There is a lot more to private air travel than simply having someone capable to fly the plane. Even the smallest private planes require a LOT of money. The aircraft itself is incredibly expensive, the fuel for every trip is very expensive, and there are a host of other costs. The Bates may act as if they live frugally but anyone who is taking private air travel is living quite lavishly, even if they paint it as "oh, we fly the plane ourselves." Flying it is the least of the expense.

    1. Well, a person would have to be quite naive to think the Bates have not come into a lot of money with their TV exposure or that flying is not expensive. Perhaps they've purchased a small plane now that there's a pilot in the family. I think it's fine that Nathan has earned a commercial pilot's license and is working towards being an instructor. It isn't just a hobby, but obviously a career move.
      Regarding "acting as if they live frugally", people who have known hard financial times and have had to learn to be careful with money don't necessarily just abandon those habits when they do find themselves with substantial resources. My parents, both products of the Depression, never stopped counting pennies- even long after they were married and had well-paying jobs.

  15. The Duggars built the addition/expansion to the Bates home. It was on an old episode of 19 kids & counting. I believe it was presented as a Mother's day gift for Kelly from the Duggars.


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