
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

6 Grand-Bates

The wait is almost over! Season six of Bringing Up Bates premieres tomorrow at 9pm ET/8pm CT on UP. Visit our Showtimes page to read the episode summary. In honor of the Bates' return, we have an adorable, summery photo of Gil and Kelly Bates' six grandchildren to show you.

Carson Paine, Brooklyn Paine, Allie Jane Webster, Lexi Mae Webster,
Bradley Bates, Kaci Lynn Bates

Photo courtesy of


  1. Asking out of pure curiosity... why are the middle names of the two Webster girls and Kaci included, while the middles of the other children are not? I'm sure their full names are used on occassion (and they're beautiful names, so I understand wanting to use them!) but the inconsistency confuses me.

    If you include middle names, why don't you include the middle names of all of the grandkids?

    1. My understanding is that those three are actually double-barrelled first names. Some double-barrelled names have a hyphen or a space and some don't. These have no hyphen but have a space.

      If I'm wrong I would be happy to be corrected, but this is how I understood these names from the first few times I read them.

    2. I think because Carson is addressed as only Carson where as Allie Jane and Lexi Mae are addressed using their full names.

    3. I would guess because Alyssa and Whitney use the middle names often in referring to their girls, but Erin does not usually call Brooklyn by both names.

    4. Because allie jane, lexi may, and kaci lynn are what the kids go by. You'll notice it is a thing in the south to go my both first and middle names.

    5. I believe that's how the parents call them too. From what I know it's pretty common in the South to give two names to girls but use them as if they were one (like in three of the baby girls), I guess Brooklyn is already long enough on its own to call her by her second name aswell.

    6. Even though they are middle names I think the Bates use them as double names, as in they call them Allie Jane or Lexi Mae instead of Allie or Lexi.

    7. The three girls you mentioned are usually called by their first and middle names. It's pretty common to do in the south. The other three just go by their first names. It's like how Kelly is usually called Kelly Jo.

    8. I might not be remembering correctly, but don't the family members call Alyssa's little girls by both their names some times?

    9. The girls names are Lexi Mae and Allie Jane. It's like Jim Bob Duggar. You wouldn't leave out Bob, would you?

    10. The kids with 2 names have 2 first names. They aren't middle names.

    11. I think it's because Allie's name is Allie Jane, as in Jane is part of her first name not her middle name. Same for Lexi Mae. If not, it does seem like Alyssa and the family call the girls by both their names when they're talked to, but not Carson or Kaci for example, so even in conversation Alyssa's kids usually have the second name

    12. It's a Southern thing for girls especially to have short names and use them both. Since Carson is a nickname, his whole name would be odd to list. Brooklyn Elise is kinda long as is Bradley Gilvin so neither are probably said - until they are in trouble!

    13. Its probably because the girls go by their full names on a semi-regular bases. Allie Jane, Lexi Mae, and Kaci Lynn are typically introduced and talked about using their full names. The others do not. Carsons full name is Charles Stephen Paine IV that seems like a lot to put on one of these.

    14. Haha, I find this very annoying as well. Mae, Jane, and Lynn are their middle names, not part of their first names, as said by both sets of parents.

  2. Such cute kids!!!!!


  4. I LOVE this picture, as I'm sure the grandparents and parents do too.

  5. Whoa, they all look like siblings!

  6. How adorable!! So many little blessings!! Gil and Kelly are lucky grandparents.

  7. Ok...that might be the cutest group of grandkids/cousins on the planet!

  8. They are so squeezably cute!

  9. They are so adorable! And I love the color palette!

  10. This photo is precious. They have such cute grandkids.

  11. That's kind of interesting that all second-born bates children and grandchildren are girls.

  12. What an adorable picture!!!

  13. Beautiful children, but are the massive bows on the little girls a 'southern' thing because we don't have them where I live? The one on little Kaci Lynn is a bit OTT, in years to come she will probably look at pictures and ask her mom what she was thinking.

    1. Its definitely a Southern thing. I moved from NY to MO and even here huge bows on baby girls are a norm.

    2. Huge bows are popular were I live,Liverpool UK. I think they are very cute

  14. That is the most adorable picture such cutie pies

  15. This the the cutest picture ever! What adorable children

  16. Cute picture of the grandchildren. I love the bow on Kaci Lynn it's cute and it's not to big.

    1. The bow is definately too big for her little head, infact it might just be the angle of the shot but you can't see most of the rest of her head lol! Anyway they are all beautiful kids bows or no bows.

  17. forgot to take out the paci/binky! :)

  18. those kids are soooo adorable...


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