
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Bates' Favorite Hymns

Several of the Bates are well-practiced musicians, and they all enjoy singing together as a family. In the video below, Erin Bates Paine, Chad Paine, Tori Bates, Carlin Bates, Zach Bates, and Whitney Bates share their favorite hymns. Zach's reasoning for his is especially sweet!

What are your favorite hymns?

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Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. I love hymns like Christ be our light, Shine Jesus shine and Lord of the Dance. They are so joyful and always make me praise the Lord for everything good He has done in my and other's lifes!

    1. Shine, Jesus, Shine is great! I also love "This world is not my home, I'm just a passin' through..." Not really a hymn, but a good one.

  2. Some of my favorite hymns are Come Now Fount, Does Jesus Care,Abide in Me, How Can it Be?(aka Amazing Love),Holy,Holy, Holy just to name a few.
    Ellie and Lily, do you ladies have some favorite hymns?

  3. Have a Little Talk With Jesus

  4. It is well with my soul.

  5. I go to the garden alone. How great thou are.

  6. Blessed Assurance, Beautiful Savior, For the Beauty of the Earth,
    Softly and Tenderly

  7. I like "How Great Thou Art" - "Holy, Holy, Holy" - "O Sacred Head Surrounded" and "To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King." To name a few... 👍🏻😎

  8. Jesus Paid it All.
    'Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus.
    It is Well with My Soul.
    & my favorite as a kid was Victory in Jesus!

    1. These are all great. Our church has gotten away from hymns, so I had to find a way to teach them to my kids, and I'm glad I did.

  9. I have never appreciated hymns like I do now. I used to pursue the newer contemporary Christian music (and I have no issue with it), but I see the beauty, and depth, and truth in the lyrics of old hymns. I agree with Erin on "Great is Thy Faithfulness." I love the line "Morning by morning, new mercies I see." God is so good.

    1. Beautiful line from the song. Hope and peace I get from it.

    2. Great Is Thy Faithfulness is a good one. I also love Victory In Jesus, sung with gusto.

  10. In Christ alone , I will stand on every promise, the power of the cross...

  11. my current favorite songs are panda by desiigner, iSPY by Kyle,
    and black beatles bye rae sreemmurd. thanks for asking:)

  12. Some of my favorite hymns are "Who is He in Yonder Stall", "He Leadeth Me", and "Fairest Lord Jesus".

  13. May we have an update on Campbell and Trace? Also what are Josie and Katie up to these days? We don't hear anything about them! Thank you!

  14. Love Come Thou Fount and Be Thou My Vision :)

  15. I love The Summons and Here I Am, Lord! :)

  16. Grace Greater Than All Our Sin is one of my favorites.

  17. Why always hymns and/or religious music? There are many other types of music that can be enjoyed other than religious ones which are not sinful. I'd like to know if they're aware of any other types of music and what their favorites would be...we already know about their religious music, Amazing Grace, I've Been Redeemed", they have been performed over and over again by these families and quite frankly at this point it's boring and repetitive..please bring something NEW.

    1. I dont think they believe it is sinful. The topic that was asked of them was about their favorite hymns. For us people of faith Christian music is more comforting and enjoyable. They probably listen to other music. I love old school Motown even though I'm a very conservative Christian lady.

    2. I don't think they listen to secular music. I sure do and I'm a senior citizen! Still love Van Halen, John Mellancamp, Eric Clapton, Rod Stewart, Dave Crosby, Neil Diamond, Carly Simon, and Carole King.

    3. Hymns and spiritual music are the richest in personal meaning for the Bates family, I'm sure, as they are to many of us.

  18. In the Garden, Trust and Obey, Just a Closer Walk with Thee. My list could go on. Brought our family closer when we sang them.

  19. It Is Well With My Soul

  20. Here I am Lord (in the Catholic Church). Love that hymn.

    1. Oh me too! "Here I am Lord, Is it I Lord? I have heard you calling in the night". I'm singing it in my head now--LOL!

    2. Oh yes. Love that one. I also love They Will Know We Are Christians. We've been singing that at Mass since the 70's. It always puts a Spirit of Unity in our hearts.

  21. I agree with May 24, 2017 at 9:16 AM can we get an update on Trace and Campbell and Nathan. I've seen pictures of Ashley back and forth in TN. Don't see much of Josie or Katie either. Can you give us any updates, @Lily and Elllie

  22. Some of many favourites are Abide with me, Great is thy Faithfulness, Thine be the glory, My Redeemer Lives and All is well - all are special as define a different trial or period of my life and helped sustain my faith. I listen to modern spirit filled Christian songwriters too and they too have helped to build
    my faith.
    Laura Story' "Blessings" brought me great comfort that I wasn't alone in my thinking during a difficult few years of severe illness.


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