
Thursday, May 4, 2017

Big Sandy Highlights

Last week, some of the Bates were down in Big Sandy, Texas, for the annual homeschool/family conference. The Institute in Basic Life Principles just released a highlight reel, which we have posted below. Take a look, and let us know which of the Bates or the Bates' significant others or in-laws you see.

We have also embedded the video montage from last year's conference, which the Bates also attended.

Big Sandy 2017

Big Sandy 2016

Photo courtesy of; videos property of


  1. Didn't recognize anyone in the video

  2. Good marketing for this organisation ! Hope they paid well your blog for this - at least !

  3. Ellie,
    This question does not have anything to do with Big Sandy, but wondering how is Brandon and Michaela doing? I worry about her and pray that she will be pregnant soon. Please can you give us an update?

    1. I can't speak for Michaela, but as someone who also suffered from infertility. I dreaded the words from well-meaning people- "Any updates?" If and when there is a pregnancy, it will be announced in due time. When we finally decided to adopt, we kept it mum until the very last minute, just in case things didn't work out. We did the same with our second child.

    2. It must be awful for her, to come from such a big family there is a lot of expectation placed on these young women to reproduce like mamna, but this is not always the case. Erin too suffered heartbreak trying to start her family suffering a number of miscarriages, until her clotting disorder was diagnosed, trearment given and she now has two beautiful children. I know fans are well meaning but please leave this young couple alone until they have some news they want to share, it just adds ti their stress and worry and that doesn't help them either.

  4. I am very surprised the Bates still have anything to do with the IBLP organization. My respect for them has taken a nosedive!

    1. Mr. Bates is a board member of iblp. If you went you would realize it wasn't a cult any longer... It's DEFINITELY not any reason to lose respect for someone!
      You are obviously being harsh and judgemental!!!!

    2. Gil has been on the Board for years. They just went to Australia to promote IBLP. Their whole family is heavily ATI. Always has been.

    3. I agree with you, mine has too.

  5. It looks like fun. If you're a boy. Girls look forward to walking in a line and doing crafts on the floor. Weeee

    1. As a woman, I would prefer doing crafts with the children than doing all of the things the boys and men were doing in the video. As a child, I was also much more interested in doing sedentary activities like crafts, reading, and playing with dolls over playing outside or high energy games. Personal preference. My sister, on the otherhand, would have definitely preferred the outdoor activities. Seems like you, anonymous 3:22, prefer the outdoor activities. :)

  6. Lovely video, but why are none of the girls In Any of the outdoor pursuits? Canoeing and archery? Girls bodies need exercise too! Just sitting in doors all the time is not good, walking on tin cans and walking holding hands is not aerobic.

    1. WOW!! Enough of this "poor ATI girls" comments!! I know from experience that these girls have a BLAST! they play other games outside and run around, but the conference is meant for drawing near to God-- NOT for exercise!
      The girls love the crafts, games, songs, etc. AND they like playing outside, but the girls group focuses less on outdoor things.
      It's supposed to be like a Christian Boy scouts program. The girls are not to be mixed with that.
      Plus less womenthane been trained to teach rappelling, canoeing, etc. So putting the girls in these activities could be inappropriate...

    2. Anon @ 1:12 a genuine question how does canoeing or doing arts and crafts draw anyone closer to God? These activities are there to occupy both boys and girls, and to those watching the reel it is very gender specific. Many girls would prefer to do the 'boys' activities, I know I would have. There are many women trained in all of these sports/activities and even if it is men training the girls surely IBLP will have screened all employees and volunteers who are working with children to ensure they are safe to do so. Also if it bothers them they could also have female chaparones. Let the girls wear pants or shorts and have a go, they might just give the boys a run for their money.

    3. 1:12- Well, it sure looks like the guys are getting plenty of exercise! Looking at the slideshow, it is evident that there is a division between the girls and boys activities. That is puzzling and brings the question- are young people encouraged to participate only in gender-approved IBLP activities, or are there choices? Camps my kids were involved in had boys and girls all doing arts, crafts, swimming, canoeing, rock climbing, etc.

  7. I was going to watch video of JimB & Michelle again....
    Where did it go?


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