
Thursday, May 11, 2017

Bobby Graduates from College

Bobby Smith, Tori Bates' boyfriend, is a college graduate! He completed his bible and youth ministry degree at Pensacola Christian College and accepted his diploma at commencement yesterday.

Since entering an official courtship last fall, Tori and Bobby have said that they plan to wait until Tori completes her education degree at The Crown College of the Bible before tying the knot. (She is currently on track to graduate next spring.) When do you think the couple will get engaged?

Bobby Smith and Tori Bates at graduation

Photo courtesy


  1. Congratulations to Bobby, but you neglected to mention what Bobby's degree is in and what he will do with it for work?
    With a degree in education, what can/will she do with it? Will she be qualified to teach in a classroom whether it be in a public school or a Christian/private school or not?

    1. It says he received a "bible and youth ministry degree".

    2. It's in Bible and youth ministry as mentioned in the post.

    3. His degree is in Bible and youth ministry and he probably doesn't have a job yet because he literally graduated a few days ago.

    4. Such a great Christian couple. I wish him best of luck in his field.

  2. I don't understand what you can do with a bible and youth ministry degree as a person needing to work and support themselves and a future family?

    1. There are a lot of jobs for this kind of degree.

    2. Uh, as a youth pastor, youth camp director, or as my husband, director of family and youth (spanning birth - high school) for a Methodist church.

    3. Be a pastor or youth pastor. Most churches pay their pastors.

  3. Early next year. Tory will go to summer school and finish up her degree by Dec OR they will get married before she starts her fall term and still finish either in person or online. Michael finished her associates online after getting married. Erin finished her degree after getting married. Erin said Gil and Kelly got married before her last year. Oh the dilemma

  4. Nice to see this family putting an emphasis on education.

  5. Is that an ring on THAT finger????

    1. Yes, they wear purity rings.

    2. If it's not an engagement ring it could be her purity ring her parents gave her when she was 16. :)

  6. On the one-year anniversary of starting their courtship!

  7. What was Bobby's major?

  8. Tori & Bobby are so stinkin' cute!


  10. Congratulations to Bobby! That's great news. I'm guessing they will be engaged in summer of 2018.

  11. My bet is that bobby will propose the day Tori graduates! Just a hunch!

  12. I see a ring on that finger now

    1. It's a purity ring

    2. Lee that's Tori's promise ring you see on her finger.

  13. I'm going to say around Tori's Birthday and Christmas time!

  14. Does any one in this family have a proper job or attend a regular college? This family don't seem as extreme as the Dugan clan?

    1. If you count extended family....John Webster works in his family's HVAC business and runs his own janitorial business called "Johnny On The Spot. I don't know about his education. Chad Perrine works at a scrap metal recycling center. I have no knowledge what Branden Keilen does. Is he finished with school and working yet. I suspect his education is in the religious field. Of course Zack is a deputy sheriff. I thought Nathan was taking over the tree trimming business but he's been doing the pilot thing so don't know his status right now. Is Gil an ordained minister now? I thought he was a lay minister but don't know for sure. I suspect most of the family is supported by the revenue from the TV show.

    2. Well Zach is an officer and by regular college do you mean college where there is no actual sense of direction or purpose? In Christian college, students get an education that's biblical based and focused on the teachings rather than hook ups and googly eyes teachers and students not learning. Regular college from what I've noticed is less about learning and more about partying, hook ups and that sort of thing. And please don't get me started on the Duggar family.

    3. Apparently you do not watch the show.

    4. Denise- Have you attended 'regular' college? It sounds like you you are making a very inaccurate and broad generalization. I can assure you that there is no shortage of serious students pursuing any number of degrees that are essential to our society... law, medicine, teaching, accounting, research, engineering ... just to name a few. By the way, Crown College of the Bible has a very poor graduation and job placement track record. When fewer than 20% of the students are finding jobs, let alone a job in their field, that is atrocious.

  15. good for bobby bobby is a good kid for tori and cant wait bobby tori wedding

  16. Congratulations to Bobby!🎈🎈🎈

  17. Congrats, Bobby! I graduated from there twice, ?? years ago. :) Curious to see what God has next for him.

  18. Congratulations Bobby!!! May the Lord bless you in whatever path you choose. I'm sure you'll be great at youth ministry if that's what you do. You'll get lots of practice with your extended family.

  19. Tori Bates needs to do a fashion video about how she pulls off pretty outfits modestly. 😊

    1. I'd love all the Bates daughters to do so!

  20. That ring is from her Daddy!

  21. Congratulations Bobby!

    That's not a ring on Tori's finger that's her promise ring she is wearing.

    Tori and Bobby will probably get in engaged in the fall of 2017.

  22. 5/11 @ 7:44...what kind of work do your children do with a degree from PCC? I understand they aren't accredited and it isn't recognized by employers outside of like minded churches. Is this true?

    1. My friend got a nursing degree from PCC and works as a nurse in the hospital. Same as if she'd gone to any other college.

  23. To the couple commenters saying they see a ring, the Bates girls wear promise rings until marriage.

  24. Why don't guys get a purity ring too? The same purity rules should apply to them. Don't they need a reminder also? Especially since they're the ones who 'seem to stray more easily' according to their belief system. THEY are the ones who need it more. Double standard here.

    1. 6:39- Good question! Perhaps they should be required to get a tattoo or something, reminding them to remain just as "pure" as they expect their future wife to be.

    2. Anon @ 11:42 I don't think they would approve of tattoos either. I don't see why anyone would need to wear anything as a reminder of their purity. If things get that heated a ring isn't going to stop it. Surely if it is that important to you you would be self aware, and not put yourself in a situation where things could happen. Its the old double standard, placing all the responsiblity on the woman.

    3. Perhaps because girls are far more likely to wear jewelry as a daily accessory than boys? Have you thought about the reality that these girls love their purity rings and see them as beautiful, treasured gifts from their parents? They aren't wearing spiked chastity belts, they are wearing lovely gold and diamond rings. To say that they shouldn't "have" to wear them is like saying someone who is engaged shouldn't "have" to wear an engagement ring (which men don't do, by the way)to show that they are engaged, or someone who is married shouldn't "have" to wear a wedding band to show that they are married. Of course they shouldn't "have to", but they do because they love what it represents and how beautiful it is. It's not supposed to stop them. It's a symbol that each girl gets as a special token from their parents when they celebrate their 16th birthday. It is something wonderful, not something as oppressive as you want it to be. For people who proclaim to be fans of this family, you all sure do like to turn something sweet and meaningful into something dark and sinister.

  25. Referencing Anonymous' comment 5/15 @ 6:39AM regarding the sons and their lack of a purity ring, will the administrators of this blog kindly ask Gil Bates why this is so? If they give the 'talk' to the guys and feel that's sufficient, why isn't the 'talk' sufficient for their daughters? Both should have the same since the same is expected of daughters AND sons. Thank you for posting their response to this curious issue.

  26. I think Bobby and Tori will get engaged this summer and marry in November or December of this year.


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