
Sunday, May 14, 2017

Carson Turns 2

Wishing Carson Paine a very happy 2nd birthday! We would also like to wish all the mamas out there a blessed Mother's Day!

A bundle of joy to his parents, Carson's full name is Charles Stephen Paine IV. (Chad is Charles Stephen Paine III.) He was born more than three weeks early and weighed in at six pounds.

Here's a throwback to Carson as a newborn...
Erin Bates Paine, Chad Paine, Carson Paine

Photos courtesy of UP, tarynyagerphotography


  1. Happy Birthday Carson

  2. Happy Birthday Carson!🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎆🎆🎆

  3. Just wanted to wish Carson a very happy blessed 2nd birthday today hope you have a wonderful day may god bless you and keep you safe always

  4. Just wanted to wish mama jane, moma Kelly jo, Whitney, Erin and Alyssa a very happy mother's day today hope all of you have a wonderful day today with your friends and family may god bless all of you and keep you all safe always

  5. Oh how precious! Absolutely adorable. Hard to believe he was so tiny at birth. God bless him with many happy and healthy birthdays.
    Happy Mother's Day 🌹

  6. Happy Birthday Carson

  7. Happy 2ND Birthday Carson!

    Happy Mother's Day Kelly Jo,Whitney,Erin, Alyssa

  8. I sure hope Michaela had a good day yesterday. Placing her worth as a woman on conceiving easily is not right.

    1. I don't think you have to belong to a strict fundamentalist religion to feel like you don't measure up when suffering from infertility. Granted, in a huge family where no one practices birth control and they place quite an emphasis on conception, it would be very tough.
      Any woman who wants to conceive a child, but can't for whatever reason, will go through all the stages of grief- not unlike that we experience with the death of a loved one. It is a death, a death of the dream of future children- something that most of just take for granted will happen without any problems. What makes it even harder is that you are constantly reminded every time you are invited to a baby shower, see a pregnant woman or a newborn. And it's hard to miss the condescending remarks from some well-intentioned people, like "Just relax", or "Adopt and you'll be sure to get pregnant!" It's extraordinarily difficult to give up and move on.

    2. I agree, 6:33. It would be a lot less stressful (and Biblical) to leave your family size and timing in God's hands than to have this expectation that you will immediately start having kids after the wedding and keep going and going and going.

  9. Happy birthday little one and Happy Mother's Day to all of you!!!

  10. Even if her heart hurt yesterday, she could still find joy in being thankful for the awesome mom that she has. I saw someone posting a great thought on Facebook - Mother's Day isn't about what I'm going to get or how people are going to celebrate me - it's about how I can celebrate my mom. Turns out I really needed that. I have five kids, and got very little recognition from my husband or four of the kids. One made me a card. That was it. But I got to be with my mom, and I was able to give her gifts and tried to do as much as I could to prepare lunch (she wouldn't let me do much!). My heart hurt in a different way, but it still hurt. And I had the choice to get the focus off myself and lessen the hurt or to dwell on what I didn't have and be upset.

    1. You have five children and haven't a clue how heartbreaking infertility can be. I doubt that Michaela was hurting because she wasn't being celebrated. It is the reminder that you may never, or won't, be able to conceive a child that hits you like a ton of bricks- every single time. I am sure she celebrated her own mother.

    2. 10:21 AM -- I agree. My ingrate child didn't honor me on Mother's Day, but I chose to make the day about my own mother, and it was a great day. I'm still not understanding how these great "Christians" can be suffering such heartbreak for not getting pregnant immediately. If they TRULY trust in the Lord, then trust Him about everything -- having kids, not having kids, etc.

  11. Happy 2nd. Birthday, Carson!

  12. Wishing you a year of happiness and blessings.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  13. I have to ask because I'm confused: Why are the grandparents called "Mama Jane and Papa Bill"? Are they both Gil's biological parents? Why doesn't he call them mom and dad? Why don't the grandchildren call them grandma and grandpa or a close derivative of those titles? I have never heard of doing this. Thank you.
    Obviously, Gil's parents and siblings don't follow his belief system as Mama Jane has a becoming short hair do and wears pants. Gil's siblings also dress this way. Is Gil telling his children that his own family are not godly for dressing in such a manner and watching TV?

    1. I will try to answer your question about why our family does something similar to this. When I married my husband, I had a fourteen year old son. First of all, my in-laws did not give me permission to call them mom and dad. I asked them about my son calling them Grandpa and Grandma. They said why can't he just call us by our first names, which is how I address them also. So, when our daughter was born, we just had her call them Grandpa and his first name and Grandma and her first name. I hope this helps answer your question on why someone might address someone this way. Besides, it can get confusing when both sets of grandparents are called Grandpa and Grandma.


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