
Monday, May 22, 2017

New Bates Header, May 2017

Happy Monday! What better way to celebrate the new week than with an updated header? What do you think of the new style/colors/pictures?

Photos courtesy of UP


  1. Not my favorite header, but I understand its getting harder to put all the family in the header. The purple color is really nice:)

    1. Hi Meg,

      What could we change about the header to improve it? Our web designer wasn't able to design this one for us, so I had to put it together myself. My training is in journalism, not graphic design, so I would love to hear your feedback. :)


    2. I like how the families are grouped together. It feels less haphazard than with all the children trailing along behind. But I would label it differently, either "Zach, Whitney, Bradley & Kaci" or "The Bates Family" , "The Webster's", etc.

    3. I like the colors and the layout, the font could be a little more fancy, but there's nothing wrong with it :)

    4. The names are hard to read black against purple like that, particularly on mobile. I do think doing group pictures for the family units is a good direction, but will also continue to prove difficult as the family grows (not always easy to get group pics with new babies, as seen with Lexi above). May be worth going back to one large group shot of the whole fam? I'm thinking this format isn't going to remain sustainable unless you're prepared​to make the header bigger and bigger. ;)

    5. Using "Zach/Whitney" instead of "Zach, Whitney," is a little strange- the "/" seems to imply that they are the same person, which they certainly aren't! I do like grouping the families together better than how it was before.

    6. @Lily and Ellie, thank you for doing this. Looks great. Could you shed a little insight for us on Trace? Is he still trying out for the Dixie Stampede? What if anything is happening with Campbell Roberts and Trace? Oh and one more thing, are Ashley and Nathan trying to work things out?

    7. I preferred the old one... I thought that it didn't look as professional. I liked the individual photos better than the family photos. The way it is now the bates' children's families and Mr. and Mrs. Bates seem different than all the other kids, since they are a different size. It doesn't seem like family togetherness, as the old one did.

    8. The spacing and photo sizes are inconsistent. There's barely any space between Brandon and Erin, Zach and Whitney's family spills over, etc. That makes it look a bit amateurish. But I do commend you for having no graphic design experience and creating this!

    9. You did a good job with it. I like it, you are never going to be able to please everyone, so if you are happy with your handywork give yourself a pat on the back.

  2. This is perfect ladies! I think when the new Duggar and Dillard babies get here your webmaster should use the same format if possible.

  3. I am not a fan myself. This looks unprofessional and sloppy to me compared to the old format.

    1. I love it. I especially like the families as one unit. I think Lily and Ellie are doing great as they creatively add more and more to these headers.

  4. I love it better than the other ones. I think you done a great job. Nothing sloppy about it. Just an ugly comment.

    1. My comment wasn't "ugly." They asked for opinions and I gave mine honestly. I understand and appreciate that other people will have different opinions. But from a designer POV, the Comic Sans font, the inconsistent photo sizes, inconsistent borders, etc. make it look less professional than previous ones.

    2. There's a difference between constructive criticism and ugly comment. The latter serves no purpose and is better not communicated.

    3. L not fight, to some it may seem like n ugly comment, but Lily and Ellie wouldn't have posted it if it was. And I have to agree wit anonymous that about the inconsistency of this ne one.

    4. If someone asks for feedback then all opinions should be given honestly. There is nothing ugly about calling this header less professional and neat than the previous ones. I find that comment pretty constructive.

  5. I like it better then the old one. I like that the families are grouped together and the purple colors. I would try to find a better pic of the webster's so that it includes the whole family. Also, Lawson & Nathan are looking pretty lonely. I hope they find someone soon.

    1. Not everyone is meant to be married, I'm 49 never married and I don't feel I am missing out and my life isn't affected negatively by this. I'm sure they are both "OK".

    2. Yes it makes the none married older ones like Nathan and Lawson look awkward.

  6. I don't love the color or design, but I do like how the pictures are laid out.

  7. Great job Ellie! I love everything about it! :)

  8. I really like the family groupings.

  9. Love the purple and I think you did a great job! :)

  10. I think it looks great and the updated pictures of everyone are just beautiful. Good job IMO.

  11. Love your blog, not this header. it seems very "photos slapped onto a microsoft powerpoint background" to me. I do like that the families are grouped together, though i would not use a "/" in the couples. I'd do either "spouse & spouse, kid, kid, & kid" or "spouse, spouse, kid, kid, & kid". I would also use different fonts - it seems like the names are in the childish comic sans font, and the title is very plain and block-ish as well.

  12. Doesn't Michaela's name have an A on the end not Michael?

    1. Her name is Michael, and Michaela is a nickname! :)

  13. I love it! Great job, Ellie! I especially like how each family is grouped together and not each in an individual picture. Very uniform!

    1. Grouped together pics will be VERY difficult for anyone to keep us all updated on how fast the kids are growing. Single pics of kids are better for updating us readers to see what they look like as they grow.

  14. Love it! Thank you for keeping us update on this family who loves Jesus with all of their heart. It is a great encouragement!

  15. I love that you have everyone's names !

  16. I like it the families being together is nice. Great job ladies!!

  17. I think it looks great! The blue faded to purple looks very nice! I liked how they put the families together. It makes it easier to tell who's baby is who's! Lol

  18. Wonderful job for having no graphic design experience! I think putting Gil/Kelly first might help relieve some confusion, as well as finding a picture of the Websters that includes Lexi so that she isn't shown separately! As the family grows, you might have to switch to a family tree format, LOL!

  19. I would use another Font. Comic Sans MS is a very amateur one. And I would write "Gil & Kelly Jo" instead of "Gil/Kelly Jo", for example. With "&" it seems more like you're presenting a couple, instead of just listing people.

  20. It's great, but I'd probably change the font and the way you write our the names, not like Zach/Whitney, but Zach, Whitney... etc. Thanks for being open to feedback! (By the way, I'm not suer if the blue/purple is your best color... 🙂)

  21. Ellie you did a wonderful job!! Loving it:)

  22. What a lovely family! So BEAUTIFUL !

  23. I luv the new header! Adding all the spouses & babies is a sweet touch.

  24. You can see that it's "home made" and not professional, but that's fine, after all it's the whole blog's vibe too. ;)
    I like the idea of group pictures for families too, it makes it easier to identify the original Bates family members and gives an idea of the progression with the new generation.
    I also agree with those who said that it woul be better to write "zach, whitney...", than "zach/whitney...".
    All in all, it's a good start.

  25. I LOVE it! Purple and blue are my favorite colors. :)

  26. I love the new header! I like it because it's a different layout!

  27. Looks good but should you put a pic of Bobby and Evan on there?

    1. Hi Amber,

      I don't usually add significant others to the header until they are engaged. :)


  28. The pictures are great, but I would change the font type, the yellow color and get rid of the black outline. I would use a bolder font, especially the 'By Lily and Ellie" part doesn't look good with this font. I'm undecided about the background.

  29. It looks fabulous!!!!

  30. Love the family boarder. Love to see how the family has grown.

  31. Love the family pictures. Love seeing how much your family has grown

  32. I think it looks nice. Great job! Love! Love the Bates family!

  33. Looks great!
    I love the color and pictures!

  34. Hello, ladies. I thInk the only thing I would change it's the letter's font. And would put the parents picture first. Thanks for the blog. God bless!!!

  35. I like the new header and the group shots of the married kids but I do think it's weird with Gill and Kelly not at the top but that's just me. Great job though!

  36. It's my favorite one so far, and I think you did a fabulous job. I like seeing the couples and families grouped together, and as these families grow, this approach will be much more manageable.
    Well done, Ellie!

  37. I couldn't begin to attempt it, Ellie! You have done SO well with it. I have no criticism. Well done! Love the lavender!!

  38. It should read "Zach, Whitney, Bradley, & Kaci" not "Zach & Whitney, Bradley, Kaci"

  39. Love the new Bates header, bright and cheerful. Thank-you Jane

  40. It looks great! You did awesome!

  41. GREAT JOB!
    When you (we) think about how many changes will be happening with pending engagements and most likely more babies, this will be temporary.
    I do not think anything has to be changed - it is so nice to see Lexi Mae! Thank you for the upgrade

  42. Love this header, what a beautiful display of the families on top and then Gil & Kelly Jo in the middle with the other kids that still live at home, beautiful job..... K

  43. I'm not wanting to sound critical. I do like the header. My suggestions are from an aestical view: 1. Add the "a" back on Michaela's name, and is Gil's name spelled out? I can't tell on my phone; 2. Be consistant in listing Hubby's name first and then his wife's name afterwards. You did that with Zach and and Whitney, but not with Brandon and Michaela. I realize you may be listing the original Bates child first, but the marrieds are one flesh now. Seems most people address the wife first these days, but etiquette says otherwise; 3. I do agree their names are hard to read on the purple (at least from way out here in California, it is. Lol). Maybe switch to a yellow font color, or at least a lighter colored font? IMHO

    My family loves the show! It is inspiring.

  44. I think you do a awesome job, thanks for all the hard work you and keeping us update on there family. Ugo girl!!!

  45. You did a great job. I like it. Love the colors and the families together:)

  46. Ellie you did a good job. I love it.

    I love this better then just a group shot. This way I can tell who the kid's are on the show.

  47. I like it and the way the families are grouped together. I find it makes it easier to find each family member.

  48. this is the most awesome header you've had! absolutely love the way you have the families grouped & the color is perfect! wanted to leave a comment on how much i like it & see that you did this yourself! wonderful job ellie, and thank you for the updated pictures!

  49. Straight to the comments. I just knew they'd be a hoot!

  50. I like it except for the fonts. I also think it would look better if the Webster were all in one picture, but you probably had to do it that way for some reason. It does look great though. I like how the little families each had their own little pictures. I hope you start doing it like this from now on with the Duggars too.

  51. Looks good! I think you should post each individual photo though so we can see them better.

  52. Gil & Kelly Jo should be top center- the rest below them! This needs to be "tweaked" a little. :)

  53. The colors on mobile make it hard to read and i don't really like the / between the name. Also i would follow the birth other so Kelly and Gil first kids and family after. I like the family photos

  54. Honestly I prefer the old one :/

  55. Ellie, I like the colors and design BUT I think it should not be where family's are grouped in one picture because that will be very difficult to keep updating pics of children if they are lumped in one family photo! Couples can be together but put their children in single pics after the couple.

  56. To be truthful, I liked the older one better,but will get used to this one quickly. thanks for running the blog!

    James 1:2-3
    Galatians 2:20

  57. Ellie I love it. Good job and I know you took your time. Thank you very nice.

  58. I agree that the older one looked better/more proffesional, but I do like the updated pictures!

  59. Love the update and the new color scheme!

  60. Looks good!!! I think it might look more like Gil and Kelly are the parents if you put them where Zach and Whitney are. Great work on keeping the blog updated!!

  61. Great job Ellie! Thanks for all the hard work you do in keeping us up-to-date on the beautiful Bates family. It means all the more to me because I live in Canada, and I'm unable to get UPTV. I hope that will change some day. I always feel inspired after reading something about them. Blessings!

  62. Do you have an email address we could send designs to?

  63. I think you did a great job, Ellie! I love the new pictures. The Bates have a beautiful family.

  64. @Lily and Ellie, what is the status of Trace and Campbell Roberts friendship? And are Nathan and Ashley restarting their relationship?

    1. Nothing about those two couples has been announced, but we will let you know when/if any announcements are made. :)

      Lily and Ellie

  65. @Lily and Ellie, what is the status of Trace and Campbell Roberts friendship? And are Nathan and Ashley restarting their relationship?

  66. Did I see correctly on the preview last night that one of the couple's are expecting twins?

    1. Lisa Erin confirmed they are her goats so kids in a wsy. Lol

  67. @Lily and Ellie, what is the status of Trace and Campbell Roberts friendship? And are Nathan and Ashley restarting their relationship?

  68. Awww!!! I love it!! Lexi is so precious!! I love the family pictures! Great job Lily and Ellie!!


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