
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Websters Celebrate 3 Years

Happy 3rd wedding anniversary to the Websters!

John Webster and Alyssa Bates Webster

Photo courtesy of John and Alyssa Webster


  1. Why is it that all the little short girls feel the need to sit on their husband's laps??

    1. Because they can without breaking his lap?

    2. They are just cuddling, nothing wrong with that, plus its just for a photograph. Shorty here 5'3' not in the least bit offended by this. Mind you you never see a short guy sitting on a tall girls lap, that would just look odd lol.

    3. or marry all the tall guys!

    4. Well I'm a little short lady and I don't mind sitting on my husband's lap!

    5. Yes, aren't they cute?

    6. Well, I'm short, and I don't feel the need to sit on my husband's lap. It does look funny.

    7. My daughter is 5'11" and sits on her husband's lap. He's 6'3". It's not just short women, it's love

    8. I personally do not find it cute at all. In my opinion, sitting on anyone's lap after the age of five is immature and inappropriate. Someone needs to tell Alyssa that she is a grown woman and not a little girl visiting Santa.

    9. Anonymous 4:43, I find it more creepy that parents let their kids sit on strangers laps, than wives sitting on their husbands laps. And Anonymous 7:40, I'm so tired of hearing people say "short girls marry all the tall guys" or that we're "stealing them" and that we need to "leave them for tall girls". Short girls can marry tall guys, and honestly tall girls can marry short guys if they want to. I don't know if you were serious or just joking, but depending on your context that's really an immature/shallow thing to say.

    10. Lighten up!

    11. Who are you comparing her to? Let her be who she is! Please enough of this foolishness!!

  2. Congratulations John and Alyssa. With God at the centre of your marriage, I'm sure it will continue to bloom. Blessings!

  3. Happy Anniversary, John and Alyssa!

  4. Happy Annversary

    John & Alyssa Webster

  5. Married only 3 years and already 2 children? I thought Alyssa and John were going to go a bit 'slower' in the baby department? Well, whaver, I still wish them a happy anniversary.

    1. I know what you mean. Most 22-year-olds are graduating from college and launching their careers, not giving birth to their second child in less than two years.

    2. I had two sweet girls at 22 and later had two more before I was 30! I also "launched my career" at 51. So sad that people have to force stereotypes onto people.

    3. What happened to "children are a gift from the Lord!" Congratulations John and Alyssa on your third anniversary and your two beautiful children... may you have many more anniversaries... and babies!

  6. Congratulations! God bless you with a long, beautiful life together. You've made it through the awkward part so the kinks are worked out by now. 😊

  7. Happy THIRD Anniversary Alyssa & John.
    You make a lovely couple and what a beautiful family you have started.
    Bless you all

  8. I had my second son on our third anniversary - we kind of match in the baby department.

    Happy anniversary and many many more.

  9. These families seem to ALWAYS feel the need to convey 'just how happy they are together'. I've rarely seen any photograph where they aren't at least touching each other. From my experience in life, and I'm older than Kelly Jo, that's a sign of things not being like they show. A secure couple doesn't have to always be touching or sitting on each other's laps when photographed. It loses it's meaning after a short time.

    1. I don't get it, either. Kelly Jo always hanging on him. They seem like such nice people but all the PDA makes me wonder and cringe.

    2. It's so wonderful to see couples so much in love they don't have to worry about cooties if they are touching each other.

    3. Sounds like jealousy to me! You obviously don't have that in your life or you would not make such an insensitive comment! They are in love, What could possibly be wrong with that?!! They are an example this world should follow.

  10. Yes ,I always wish they wouldn't do that so much...
    As soon as they marry ,it's kiss,kiss, kiss...we don't all want to see that
    Maybe because they can't do it before marriage.....
    But too much doesn't look sincere....💚

  11. I find it creepy that people are ok with watching all kinds of inappropriate garbage on tv, but when a married couple shows physical affection (which God created as an expression of love for the marriage relationship), people are disgusted by it or think it's strange.

  12. ...if you find the Webster's touch a bit too much..dont sit there and gloat...just change the remote!!! I personally think they're all they Bates. Webster's or Paines.


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