
Monday, June 5, 2017

Boyfriend or Boy Friend?

"He's a boy slash friend, as Dad would say."
-Jackson Bates

Does Carlin have a boyfriend, or is he just a boy friend? This week on Bringing Up Bates, you'll see Carlin Bates and chaperone Katie Bates head to Nashville to spend time with Evan Stewart and his family. Things are getting serious, and a courtship could be on the horizon.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. I highly recommend the DVDs entitled "The Courtship/Betrothal Series" by Dr. S.M. Davis. Our family has watched it several times; it is very well done from a Biblical perspective. It will clear up many misunderstandings. Many people do NOT understand the whole Biblical process and I am not trying to be disrespectful, but the Bates Family is really confusing many on this topic. BTW, betrothal does NOT mean prearranged marriages. Titles included in this series are the following: Seeds of Disintegration Planted by the Boyfriend/Girlfriend Philosophy, Commitment to Purity, 7 Bible Truths Violated by Christian Dating, God’s Plan for Finding a Mate, Essential Principles for a Successful Courtship/Betrothal, Ruth & Boaz a Biblical Love Story, Avoiding Defrauding in Relationships, Victory over the Dating Spirit, Questions & Answers about Betrothal, Timeless Bible Teaching about the Bride Price, and How to Avoid Confusion Concerning Betrothal.

    1. If you are saying that the Bates advocate prearranged marriages, I have not been under that impression at all. While I am not religious and do not ascribe to their ideology, they've been quite forthcoming and clear about their beliefs regarding courtship and marriage. While you may think Davis has a full understanding of the Biblical process, a whole lot of other people think they do, too. They all think they're right- imagine that!

    2. Let that girl just be. Her parents are oke with 'courting' thus way so why aren't you? You can be a good Christian and date.

    3. "Victory over the Dating Spirit"--LOL!!

  2. Ha, I like that Kelly just goes ahead and calls Evan Carlin's boyfriend. (Because, really, she's right, their relationship seems very boyfriend-girlfriend, despite whatever else they'd rather call the relationship.)

    I hope Evan and Carlin have fun spending time together and getting to know one another, but don't feel pressured to move their relationship along at a quick pace. Enjoy where you're at!

  3. Does each couple decide on the "rules" that they are following? Not that I think they need to have set-in-stone rules per se, it's just my understanding that some of the older kids had some very specific guidelines they followed when considering a relationship/in the various relationship stages.

    1. I wonder also who sets the rules? Do the parents or is it the couple? I thought that one time Kelly said they counsel the couple but the rules are up to the couple I wonder for example, if the couple decided to hold hands, kiss or go out without a chaperone, would that be allowed? Does Gil screen the boyfriends like the Duggars? I heard somewhere that Zack and Whitney kissed before they married but felt like they had to confess to his parents (which was strange because I thought only priests heard confession.

    2. I believe the parents made the rule that there must be a chaperone, but they have said before that the couples make their own rules.

      If that is true about Zach and Whitney, then they just felt the need to tell his parents what they did. Confess can just mean to tell something and is not related to confession (where someone might talk to a priest). The Bible does tell us that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. In that case we are telling God what we did wrong and asking for forgiveness.

  4. That was quite a hug.

  5. Haha boyfriend for sure! Awh they are so sweet. I am sure God has a wonderful plan for them.

  6. lol, poor gil. evan is definitely the 'boyfriend' and he's going to fight it kicking & screaming, lol! (not literally of course, its just a saying) and josie & katie so close in age behind carlin!!

  7. Boy❗️Y'all Bates girls sure do hug and court different than that
    other HUGE family....😊 GOOD TO SEE......❣

    1. No side hugs here! Good for them

    2. 9:15 Exactly what part of the getting physical is so "good to see"?Personally I find it kind of disgusting, very much what the secular world thinks love is, when it's about so much more. Hormones gone wild!

    3. That was a nice, well-intentioned "Hi, I missed you!" hug. There were no wandering hands. It didn't go onto for minutes. It was not kind of disgusting. Do you never hug your family or friends? Your comment was so sad.

    4. 10:42- Giving a hug, holding hands, or peck on the cheek is hardly "hormones gone wild".

    5. A hug is hormones gone wild????? Hardly disgusting!

    6. @10:42 so sad for you, I suppose you've never been hug before? I find this hug hardly disgusting on the contrary I find it very sweet!!

  8. "Matchmaked us" :)

  9. I know this is a little random, but just have to say that all the girls have such beautiful teeth!!!!! Between their dimples, great teeth, beautiful hair and flawless skin, they all look so gorgeous and healthy.

    1. That's funny you point that out...they all had braces.

  10. A little bear hug. The Bates family are a fun-loving family. I only can read about them on this blog. I can't get them on my T.V. Thanks Ellie and Lily for this blog......Jane

  11. I have lots of boy-friends an I'm married. These are ppl I've known since I was a little kid and they are my hubbies friends too. We are so close we are like brother and sister we give each other hugs at appropriate times! Before me and my hubby started courting we were friends so I guess he was once a boy - friend too but we just gave a hug for hello/goodbye same as with any of my other friends girl/boy. When we started courting things were a lot different though!!!

  12. Since when is a genuinely given hug disgusting? Didn't Jesus greet people with a hug? Were His actions disgusting to you? Man, I would hope not.

  13. I've never hug a boy before.

  14. Noticed Lawson, Nathan & Kelly Jo at Joy Duggars wedding. . . . also ssw Nathan's former girlfriend - Ashley with her sister. (Also at Jinger's wedding.)
    HOPE they can rekindle their relationship - time brings maturity and clearer thoughts for the future.
    I wish the entire family well.


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