
Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Culinary Double Date

"Ever since I got married, I really fell in love with cooking. ...It's relaxing"
-Erin Paine

"I learned to cook because I love food."
-Zach Bates

Siblings Zach Bates and Erin (Bates) Paine both enjoy being creative in the kitchen, although their reasons are quite different. Eager for an excuse to go out on a double date, they convince their spouses to take a culinary class at The Cutting Edge Classroom in nearby Knoxville, Tennessee. Check out this promo video for tomorrow's new episode.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. This gives me ideas for a date night with my husband😊

  2. Please get past it...married couples don't 'double date'..they simply go out together.

    1. Of course married couples "double date". It's one of the ways we kept the romance alive in our marriages.
      Just because we are married doesn't mean we don't go out on "dates" if you will.

    2. Sure they do! A date is "a social or romantic appointment or engagement." That doesn't discriminate against married couples.

  3. I don't mean to speculate, but Erin looks pregnant again! I wonder if their will be an announcement soon.

    1. But you just did speculate, why post at all if you didn't mean to?

    2. But you are speculating... and rude for saying that someone "looks" pregnant when they may very well not be.

    3. I was just going to say...her and Whitney both look like they're wearing maternity clothes. Yay!! That would be wonderful news if it's true!!

    4. Keep in mind this isn't a new video. She probably just has a post partum belly from Brooklynn

    5. The loose tops with empire waists that are in fashion now make just about anyone look pregnant.

    6. Anon @ 9:37 Bingo! Fans recently did the same thing with a picture of Jinger Vuolo but it turned out it was a picture taken in January.

    7. I've seen these tops and they are really cute. I'd rather see these kinds of tops than what certain members of a famous dysfuctional family post online.😮

    8. Angela- It might be wonderful news for YOU, but you have no way of knowing for certain how they would feel about expecting another child so soon. Just because their parents had a huge family, doesn't necessarily mean they are wanting the same.

  4. I love how the siblings are such great friends with each other. It would be awesome if mine lived nearby so we could do things together more often like the Bates get to.

  5. Why are the ladies both wearing maternity tops?

    1. This comment is coming from a person in the same stage of life as Whitney and Erin. My second child just turned 1 this month. Personally, I have felt more comfortable wearing looser fitting tops because it has taken longer this 2nd time around for the tummy area to return to "normal."

      The first thing I thought when I saw the photo of the 2 ladies is that they look lovely! Maybe it is also a difference in styles from different areas?

    2. The first thing I thought during the show was that they both looked like they were wearing maternity tops, but I also knew that if they were pregnant we probably would have heard about it before they started showing. They're both beautiful ladies, regardless.

  6. Fun time out together and learning something - other than seeing a movie or just having dinner out!
    Good for them.
    I'm hoping Warden gets to take cooking classes and eventually attend a culinary school. . . he appears to have a true interest in cooking.

    I so enjoy this family - I wish them all well.

  7. These couples are so sweet together!

  8. To those who can't just enjoy the preview of what the next episode is about and stop worrying if Erin and Whitney are pregnant. Seriously none of your business if they are or just the tops they are wearing. I just shake my head wondering why it's your business or concern.
    Do you concern yourselves with everyone that may or may not be expecting a child?

  9. I am now googling for a bruschetta recipe. I need to take a cooking class for an italian meal.
    I love this date idea.

  10. How wonderful that they get to do activities like this together. I hope they also get to go places without the cameras.

    Has anyone else noticed that Whitney does not seem as clingy as the Bates women? Maybe growing up in a less restrictive environment gave her some self-confidence they lack. Every single Bates woman - from Kelly down to Tori - just hangs on her man. I'm all for holding hands but the constant need to be attached is a little over the top.

    1. Maybe it is just a difference in "love languages." I have Always been a "physical touch" person... even as a child. Hugs, playing with hair, rubbing the back, holding my husband's arm, those are all things that make me feel loved and also how I express my love.

      Other's don't need as much of that. Funny thing is, my husband doesn't! ;)

      It looks to me like Chad is just as "touchy feely" as Erin, though. :) I think it's sweet.

  11. Agree they are always hanging on the guy. Whitney seems more comfortable with Zach but the others are way too clingy.


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