
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Jud and Jeb Take Self-Defense

In the sneak peek video below, Judson Bates, 6, and Jeb Bates, 5, visit a local martial arts studio to learn Brazilian jiu-jitsu. As you can imagine, they are ecstatic, and Kelly wishes she had enrolled all her kids in self-defense classes.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Ok..Trace, Nathan, and's not to late to take these classes now. It's great your parents are being more open minded and obviously now have the wealth to provide all these extras, but that doesn't mean you can't do them too. Join an adult class. Meet new people outside your comfort zone. Bring your sisters. Go out and enjoy anything and everything you wished you could have done...because now you can!!

  2. Why are Addelee, Callie,and Ellie not included? Those girls should have the same opportunities as Jeb And Jud.

    1. It says in the description of the post "Kelly wishes she had enrolled all her kids in self defense classes".

      In the video she wonders why she didnt have all the kids take classes. I dont think they are excluding the little girls.

    2. Yet, not one daughter was with her to take the classes. why? They have time and money. They were filming Jud and Jed. So "wishing" she had enrolled all the kids...but still not doing it is quite the contradiction.

    3. Those youngest boys are very, very spoiled. There was no reason the younger girls could not have joined that class and been filmed..and Kelly Jo could have taken their pictures in the "cute" outfits too. Then her "wishing" all the kids were enrolled could be reality.

    4. Regina,
      Don't bother trying to explain. Some people don't bother to pay attention to what was said in the video as to why the little boys are taking lessons. Pay attention people and listen very carefully to what Gil and Kelly Jo said.

  3. Hi Ellie this is off subject but you do such an awesome job with your blogs. It's become my daily ritual to check up with you every day! I just wish you can do a blog on David and Priscilla Waller or the Collingsworth family!! You used to do one on the Willis family. Does anyone know if they are still singing as a family? Did the oldest girl Jessica ever get married and where is she or all of them for that matter?? Wish we could have a update

    1. Hi there,

      Glad you enjoy my blogs! Have you checked out my newest one, The Willises are not providing any public updates at this time. :)

      Lily and Ellie

  4. Yes Ellie I do know about your Nashvillewife blog. And enjoy it very much! I loved your last post about Story so much I commented on it. How awesome you could be included with joyannas wedding! I have met Joyanna at carlin and traces grad party back in spring a year ago. Such a sweet friendly girl! She was actually more friendly than any of her sisters that day for some reason. Maybe because they were trying to keep out of the limelight you know with the tv show. But Joyanna was herself and friendly to strangers. Was impressed with her. But anyway you have a happy day today! And can't wait to read up on another of your adventures soon!!

    1. I really enjoyed writing that post, so I'm very glad you enjoyed reading it. And I agree, Joy is a sweet girl. Looking forward to sharing more photos soon. :)


  5. These boys are too cute!

  6. Yes,, these two little guys are cute, but they really need to be in a school and receiving proper speech therapy. It's rather obvious at their ages that it's needed. Don't drop the ball, parents. Josie needed it too as she lisps and should have received properly trained professional therapy. A friend of mine as a child lisped and received PUBLIC SCHOOL speech therapy and it was gone rather quickly.

    1. Your friend was lucky. Most public schools will not offer speech therapy for a lisp unless it is causing academic problems, which is rarely does. You know who told me this??? My outpatient speech therapist when I was home schooling my children. Believe it or not, therapists actually exist outside of a school setting. And maybe they have already talked with one, maybe they are getting help or it was decided no help was needed at this time. Maybe we shouldn't offer unsolicited advice based from our limited experience.

    2. You don't have to go to public school to receive speech therapy. There are many fine private providers who can help with articulation issues. The only difference is you pay out of pocket if your insurance doesn't cover it.

    3. My pediatrician said to hold off on speech therapy for my child's lisp until the adult front teeth came in.

    4. Just because you attend public school doesn't mean you'd automatically qualify for speech therapy if there are articulation problems. It depends. In some states, you have to wait until the child is in third grade before certain issues will be evaluated. I know this because I was a public school teacher until retirement.
      Three of my best friends are also speech therapists. I remember troubles with 'r' and 's' were given a wait and see approach .


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