
Friday, June 2, 2017

Meema's Wedding

For those who weren't able to tune in to the season premiere last night, you're probably wondering who got married. (Be sure to read our recap if you missed the episode.) The surprise wedding was Kelly's mom, Betty Jo (affectionately called Meema). Betty Jo and Kelly's dad divorced when Kelly was young, and her second husband passed away.

The Bates are thrilled for Meema, saying that she has had a spring in her step ever since she met Tom. Check out these snapshots from rehearsal and wedding.

Photos courtesy of UP


  1. It looks like a Catholic priest?!
    That's very strange since the Bates are Baptist...
    There is a BIG difference between those religions!!!

    1. Sign on the front of the church said Lutheran I believe

    2. That is not a catholic priest.... those vestents are more in keeping with Anglican/Protestant practice. These denominations would have slightly more in common with those of Baptistic persuasion.... catholic faith is very much different as it's a salvation by works not 'saved by grace through Christ alone'.

    3. Not two separate religion. Its different denominations.

    4. Its not different religions its denominations.

    5. Its not different religions its denominations.

    6. Nope. Pastors look the same no matter that the denomination (not religion).

    7. Not all pastors look the same. Especially if you're at a church that is more traditional/liturgical (Lutheran or Presby) versus some of today's more casual "come as you are" non-demoninational churches.

    8. FYI Catholics also believe salvation comes through Christ. But are called to be more Christ like through good works. Just thought you might want to get your facts correct.

    9. Also the Roman Catholics use a Crucifix -- the cross with a representation of Christ on it unlike protestant denominations that use a bare cross

  2. Congratulations

  3. I'm not assuming anything, but who is the girl by Nathan in the photo? Like I said, I'm not assuming anything. just curious

    1. Could it be Campbell Brown??? The one who went skiing with Trace.

    2. Her last name is Conley.

    3. It looks like Whitney.

  4. Wait, what??? When did Kelly's step dad die? Last I heard of them, they were house hunting!

  5. Love her dress!👗💙

  6. Betty Jo looks absolutely beautiful! So happy for you both!

  7. Who is the girl in the pic with Nathan?

  8. Whode the girl with Nathan in the picture?

  9. Who is the girl talking to Nathan?

    1. Good question. @Ellie and Lily, who is that girl? Is it Campbell Brown?

    2. I think the girl you are referring to is Campbell Conley but I'm not sure if that's her or not.

    3. From her side profile she looks like she could be Bobby's sister! I have no idea who it is, just saying they look alike.

    4. Taken directly the Masanutten recap. "Trace’s friend, Campbell Roberts, also comes along. At the end of the trip, she insists that Trace did great." So therefore I will ask again, @Lily and Ellie, is that Campbell ROBERTS talking to Nathan?

  10. I know so many seniors that never want to get married again (don't want to do the extra laundry, the extra meal planning, don't want to negotiate and compromise again, don't want to sleep with someone who snores)...sooo many different reasons. Especially women, they say they've been there, done that. They are enjoying their "freedom" and never want to be married again. I think it's so cute that Meema was willing to take that next step....Tom must be a very special person. Congrats to them, on finding each other, and being willing to turn it into a marriage.

  11. This is a subject I wonder about, re-marriage after divorce, because of what the scripture says. "He who marries a divorced woman commits adultury", so why do Christian people encourage remarriage? Is it based on her circumstance surrounding the divorce? Just curious if someone can shed some light on this, or is the light the scripture and were just not paying attention to Gods expectation of us if we dont stay married. God wants us to reconcile or remain single, right?

    1. It's wrong to divorce, but it's also wrong to judge someone for their past mistakes. That person will need to speak with God about that divorce.

    2. Both former husbands are dead.

    3. Rather than give an opinion on the matter, I will just share scripture. It is straightforward to me. (Though I have many close family that have been divorced and remarried-- it does not change what the Bible says).

      Mark 10:12 - And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.

      Romans 7:2 - For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to [her] husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of [her] husband.

    4. There's also a verse stating that a widow should marry her deceased husband's brother! Every church seems to have their own take on the Scriptures. There is much in the Bible that is simply not practical, nor an expectation that we follow today. ( I
      question whether any of it was ever inspired by God.) While I don't think marriage should be entered into lightly, there are legitimate reasons for seeking a divorce and it should be no one's business why.

    5. According to a Lutheran pastor: "The ideal is one life-long marriage–"What God has joined together, let not man separate," as the Saviour says in Matthew 19. However, in a broken, imperfect world, people sometimes fall short of the ideal. Without abandoning the ideal, we need to meet people where they are with God’s love and God’s forgiveness. Forbidding remarriage would seem to establish divorce as an unforgivable sin–which it is not. So most Lutheran clergy are open to remarrying people who have been divorced."

    6. Quoting scripture without context is dangerous and can be very hurtful. Moses was allowed to give certificates of divorce even though it was not a part of God's original plan. In my studies I have found that God often allowed things that he didn't initially intend (like plural marriage and divorce) in order to protect women. Even the apostles thought marriage without divorce was too hard to obtain (to which Jesus replied, yes and if you can't handle it then you shouldn't do it) because women were seen as expendable. Obviously God does not see women in this light since he had so many laws meant to protect them from the culture. God hates divorce because it hurts people, including innocent children...but its not unforgivable or beyond his grace. I would be very careful before spouting Jewish law though without a full understanding of the context and culture it came from.

  12. I see the officiant is wearing vestments. They're not Catholic, but his attire is similar. What faith was Kelly's mother married in? I wonder what the Bates family thinks about this official clergyman, the symbols of the religion, etc? The Bates seem to think that Gil IS a minister without ever attending a seminary?

    1. I've also wondered about Gil's ministry. I have never heard of him attending seminary yet he has officiated in the weddings of some/all of his kids. I suppose he obtained a certificate from the state that allows him to perform weddings. I also noted that Kelly's mother wore slacks and kissed her groom before they were married. If her own mother, as well as Mama Jane, both wear pants, where did Kelly get started with the dresses only rule for her and her daughters? Just wondering.....

    2. Her faith doesn't matter, but all clergy look similar. You can't tell by their dress.

    3. Not true that all clergy look similar. Some wear vestments, a clerical collar, etc. Baptists do not, but Lutherans, Catholics, Episcopalians and others do.

    4. I was raised Church of Christ and our ministers aren't ordained, nor do they wear robes or anything like that. The majority of ministers I know (male and female) have advanced degrees in theology and leadership. Every individual church is autonomous and hires their own staff. Just to say, not all denominations do things the same way. We also don't usually call our ministers by a title (like father or pastor) they are just called by their first name.

  13. So happy for you!! I hope you have a great marriage.

  14. who is the young lady sitting in the picture with nathan?

    1. It looks like Campbell Brown, but I'm not sure. I thought Trace liked her

    2. Campbell Conley*

    3. Taken directly from the Masanutten recap and by watching the show again. "Trace’s friend, Campbell Roberts, also comes along. At the end of the trip, she insists that Trace did great." So the question remain, @Lily and Ellie is that Campbell ROBERTS talking to Nathan?

    4. Hi Readers,

      Nothing more has been announced about Trace and Campbell, but when/if an announcement is made, we will let you know right away. :)

      Lily and Ellie

    5. @Lily and Ellie, but is that girl Campbell Roberts? Cannot tell by the quick showing of her in the episode. Also what happened to the Bates friend Courtney who was taking Cosmetology classes with Josie? She was in almost all the episodes for a bit and now she is gone.

    6. Hi there,

      Still no announcements about Campbell Roberts. Courtney is still a close friend of the Bates but has not appeared in as many episodes as she used to.

      Have a blessed day,
      Lily and Ellie

  15. Congrats to the bates for their new season!! May the lord bless you with many more seasons 🙏💕

    Question: Does any body knows where I can see all the previous seasons? Neflex, Amazon, or Hulu? I don't have UP tv😔 I just started to follow the bates, I think they're amazing!!💕😊

    1. I believe you can buy the previous seasons on itunes and Amazon.

  16. BRAVO! Meema!!!! May the lord bless you con mucho mucho AMOR ❤️!!🤗😊
    Is meema Catholic? Because it looks like it was a catholic ceremony. I didn't get to watch the episode (church night) I am catholic by the way and it would be nice to know that the bates don't have a problem with our faith because I don't have a problem with their faith and as a Christians we know that Jesus bring us all together at the end! With his unconditional love!!💕❤️
    Love 🌹

    1. I believe the sign on the front of the church said Lutheran.

    2. All clergy look similar. You can't tell by their dress.

    3. Very incorrect-a Lutheran collar is different than a Roman collar!!!

    4. Catholicism and Christianity are completely different. Catholicism has a co-redeemer, Mary (per Vatican II). Also, Jesus is offered up over and over in the Mass. Christianity, Jesus is the only Redeemer and was offered up once, not repeatedly.

    5. Is the answer the Catholic Church? Because I'm pretty sure Jesus was my answer would be Christianity is rooted and began in ancient Judaism. The Catholic Church is a product of Rome and burned thousands of people who disagreed with them for 1500 years until enough Bibles were translated into languages other than Latin and put into circulation. I don't have anything against Catholics, Martin Luther is the father of protestantism but he always considered himself a Catholic...however all the apostles died still thinking of themselves as Jews so I can't get on board with "all the churches" coming from the Catholic Church.

  17. Love is the air!!!❤️💐

  18. That was so sweet. For them to find love and happiness at their age gives me hope for Lawson and Nathan. Love is a great gift that can't be rushed or you may not be happy.

  19. Wow! Bride and bridal gown are gorgeous!

  20. That was such a cute episode! Meemaw is beautiful and funny! For all the people who were claiming this would be Tabitha Paine's wedding - they fooled you!!!

    1. I for one am glad they didn't show that wedding. I dont think someone like that should be given air time. If they are happy to socislize with him thats up to them, and speaks volumes.

  21. Is that a Catholic priest?!!

    1. It was a Lutheran church /ceremony. So precious!I hope their honeymoon will last a lifetime. I wish the world could understand how love can change things.We could probably (all) benefit from a little bit of what this family shares so openly. May God bless and keep us.

    2. I highly doubt it because his cross and the other crosses in the church are not crucifixes. If they were, it would def be Catholic. Also it doesn't appear to have a tabernacle. And another reason, unless your previous marriage was annulled, a divorced person cannot get married in the Catholic church.
      Maybe she's Anglican or something?

    3. Why would it matter?

  22. I LOVE the Bates family!
    It was a Lutheran Church /ceremony. I hope the same thing will happen for me. Proof that love can bring us together at any age. I hope their honeymoon will last forever! May God bless us all. The world needs more of what this family surely has.

  23. I agree with a previous post regarding asking about why it's ok for a remarriage after divorce. Kelly's mother was divorced, she remarried; her second husband passed away and she is marrying now. If both of her previous husbands have passed on; she'd ok to marry again. When did Kelly's father pass away? If he is still alive, how could she have had a Christian marriage with one of the previous spouses still alive. Christian marriage, they say, is indisolvable. It's just not a Catholic thing. The Church of England believes this, although Henry VIII got away with it. Protestants, for the most, don't have the remarriage impediment that Catholics have, without annulment; so what faith were these two very nice people married in and why do the Bates family ignore this faith and do what they want to do as INDEPENDENT Baptists? How can Gil claim to be a minister looking at this traditional clergyman?

    1. Why would Gil have to have the same faith as his mother-in-law? How do you know she wasn't the one that changed? Maybe she went with her new husband's faith. Baptists ministers don't dress like priests. They wear suits and ties for the most part.

    2. Conservative Anabaptists also teach that remarriage after divorce unless former spouse has passed is wrong. Meema's former husband is with the Lord. She is no longer bound to him and is free to marry,

    3. Divorce among Christian couples definitely is a thing, for better or for worse:

    4. I think I remember reading an article about how Gil began attending a Baptist church in high school while his family continued to go to the Methodist church they always had. Some of the other commentors have indicated that the service was a Lutheran one. It's certainly possible that Kelly also changed demoninations.

      And the Lutheran church (to my knowledge) while they don't "endorse" divorce, per se, it's treated more on a case by case basis.

      From a Lutheran pastor, discussing divorce: "The ideal is one life-long marriage–"What God has joined together, let not man separate," as the Saviour says in Matthew 19. However, in a broken, imperfect world, people sometimes fall short of the ideal. Without abandoning the ideal, we need to meet people where they are with God’s love and God’s forgiveness. Forbidding remarriage would seem to establish divorce as an unforgivable sin–which it is not. So most Lutheran clergy are open to remarrying people who have been divorced."

  24. Has Nathan found a lady

  25. Who is the young lady with Nathan ?

    1. Yessss,and what's that smile on her face telling ? ?

  26. Meema looked so pretty in her blue wedding gown. And, those cakes were just lovely. Congrats to her and Tom. I hope they will be very happy together.

  27. Perhaps Meema's first husband has remarried also, in which case she cannot be reconciled with him and is free to remarry.

    1. I'm pretty sure he's deceased.

    2. I believe Meema's first husband was Kelly's dad, and he has passed away since their divorce.

  28. What religions did Kelly and Gil grow up in? If Kelly's father was still alive when her mother married husband #2, how could that be since Christian marriage does not allow for divorce? Since the Bates family absolutely forbids divorce, how is this marriage one that they attended, which means they support? I am confused about their beliefs and then see their practices conflicting with those things. thanks for clearing it up for me.

    1. Some Christian traditions do allow for divorce.

      Currently it seems like Gil and Kelly are involved in a church that does not advocate divorce. Similarly the Catholic Church does not recognize civil divorces (although they do recognize annulments, which treat the marriage as never having truly existed before, and to my understanding are somewhat difficult to obtain.)

      Interestingly (sadly?), from data collected in a 2008 study, it was found that, "Born again Christians who are not evangelical were indistinguishable from the national average on the matter of divorce: 33% have been married and divorced." Twenty six percent of evangelical Christians are divorced.

    2. Not all Christian denominations forbid divorce. Do you know the circumstances regarding Kelly's parents' split? Most churches I am familiar with make allowances for it- it depends on the situation.

  29. I'm curious about the reception. Very happy for the new couple and all. They showed very little of the reception and I wonder was any music or dancing allowed? Waltz-type couples dancing? Lutherans don't have an aversion to dancing at a reception, they? How about some very nice mood music for the 'atmosphere'? What are Lutheran beliefs about ANY alcohol being served, even a champagne toast at wedding receptions? Receptions on church property? Anyone know? Who is Lutheran, the groom?

    1. Life-long Lutheran here. Music and dancing totally allowed. problem. Reception...totally fun. I'm guessing the groom is Lutheran.

    2. Life-long Lutheran here. Lutherans have no restrictions on dancing, alcohol, music, receptions, etc.

    3. I've attended very few weddings where the reception was held at the church, Lutheran or otherwise. Regardless of denomination, most of the time a dance/reception was held after the church ceremony at a different venue. Alcohol was also served. I guess you might find different ways of doing things depending upon the region where you live. 27 years ago, my Lutheran minister uncle married us at a ceremony/reception held at a country club. We had
      a catered meal, live band/ dance, and served champagne.

  30. John MacArthur interprets scripture to say that if your prior husband is either remarried or dead (so there is no chance of reconciliation), you are free to remarry.

  31. 6/4 @9:14...No, no this is NOT correct. The only Redeemer and Savior is Jesus Christ. The Blessed Mother, Mary, the mother of Jesus LEADS US TO JESUS. She was a human being; not ever a Divine Being. The Catholic Church does not believe nor does it teach any 'co-redeemer'. Catholicism IS's the first, original Christian religion left to us by Jesus directly himself. Please read the Catechism of the Catholic church, not your church's interpretation. May does NOT perform miracles, cleanse from sin, nor is she anything but human. She is eternally loved and respected by her Son, Jesus, as being His mother and he can't deny her anything she brings to Him in intercession for us in our prayers and askings of her to be our prayer partner.

    1. Thank you! Couldn't say it better my self 🙏😊

  32. I LOVE her blue dress. What a fun color!

    Congratulations to Meema and Tom! 💙💙💙

  33. Life-long Lutheran here. Music and dancing totally allowed. problem. Reception...totally fun. I'm guessing the groom is Lutheran.

  34. I wish everyone would just knock off being so judgemental. If she chooses to get remarried, it's her business, not yours. If the Bates choose to attend out of love for a parent, it is up to them.

  35. Meema is very petite. . . . appears that Alyssa is built exactly like her. . . . Bates children vary greatly. . . . Trace SO tall. A few children built like Kelly Jo/some like Gil. AND facily the children are a real mix.

  36. Jesus is NOT offered up over and over again. He did say at the Last Supper, "do this in memory of Me."
    Why, then, do we celebrate over and over again, the birth of Jesus every year at Christmas? Was Jesus repeatedly born every year over and over? No, He wasn't. It's a celebration/remembrance of His birth. The same at the Mass. It is the highest for of worship because it contains all 4 areas of prayer: prayers of adoration, prayers of thanks, prayers of sorrow and prayers of petition. Mary IS NOT A CO-REDEEMER. Please read the Cathechism of the Catholic church regarding this issue. Catholics believe that there is ONLY ONE REDEEMER, Jesus Christ. He is it. Your understanding is incorrect and this is coming from someone who is a Catholic CHRISTIAN. Everything in the Mass can be found in scripture, which IS IN THE BIBLE. Thank you/

  37. I would like to thank my fellow Christians, the Lutherans, who responded here to my questions about Lutheran wedding reception practices. I appreciate learning about other denominations and I'm glad you have a nice time at the receptions you hold. I'm a Catholic Christian and I respect all faiths and have an interest in knowing more about them.
    Does anyone know if Meema and Tom had a 'toast' and any music at their reception? If they did, they cut that all out on the show. Why would they do that, if they did?

  38. Who is John MacArthur and why does his interpretation of scripture hold any weight? How is he ordained to interpret correctly? Thank you.

    1. Google John MacArthur if you want to know more. He is universally respected within Christendom.

  39. June 5th @4:59 I wholeheartedly thank you for your intelligent and respectful post. You have posted quite lovingly and I thoroughly enjoyed learning what I learned in your post. Thank you from this Roman Catholic Christian. God Bless You.

  40. When did Meema's husband,Ed,die? How soon did she meet & marry Tom? Regardless, I think it's great that she found love again. Congratulations to both of them.

  41. Was wondering what the name of the song is, that was sung at beginning of the wedding scene? I searched the lyrics online but did not get results. It starts, "love is a constant friend who is ever by your side"... THanks!

    1. The song is called "Nothing More" by Andrew Bissell. Just so you know for future, the songs found in the episodes aren't always available for purchase online.

      Lily and Ellie


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