
Monday, July 31, 2017

Lawson & Sadie's Big Breakup

Lawson Bates' "Past the Past" music video releases on Thursday, and that evening on Bringing Up Bates, fans will watch the budding country music star film the video with actress Sadie Robertson. Lawson also enlists help from his super-sized family to pull off this big project. For information on the meet and greet in Manchester, Tennessee, click here to be redirected to yesterday's post.

"Past the Past" is a heartbreak tune and is featured on Lawson's latest CD, What Country Means to Me. Check out this preview of Thursday's episode:

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Meet and Greet with Lawson Bates

Last week, Lawson Bates uploaded a sneak peek of his upcoming "Past the Past" music video, featuring Sadie Robertson. (Click here to watch the clip on Wednesday's post.) The full video is set to release next Thursday, August 3rd, and Lawson is inviting his fans to celebrate with him!

If you live in the neighborhood of Manchester, Tennessee, the music video filming location, head on over to Coffee County High School on Thursday night to watch the music video, a behind-the-scenes look at filming the music video, and a performance by Lawson and his band.

The event is free, open to the public, and family-friendly. If you would like to attend, RSVP to

Thursday August 3rd
Coffee County High School (100 Red Raider Dr, Manchester, TN)
6:30-9:30pm (doors open at 6pm) 

Photo courtesy

Friday, July 28, 2017

Brooklyn is Going Home!

 Erin Paine, Carson Paine, Brooklyn Paine

We have some good news to share to kick off the weekend! After almost one week in the hospital, Brooklyn Paine is going home. She was admitted because of an infection in her finger and had surgery Sunday morning. Brooklyn will celebrate her first birthday in nine days.

Doesn't the photo above just melt your heart? Twenty-six-month-old Carson sure does love his little sister!

Photo courtesy

Thursday, July 27, 2017

'More Bloopers, Outtakes and Mishaps, Oh My!' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "More Bloopers, Outtakes and Mishaps, Oh My!"
  • "One of the problems we have in our family [is] we have never learned to let one person talk at a time," says Gil. "There's this huge barrage of verbal things coming, and everybody's talking at one time."
  • When asked who the best driver in the family is, Lawson responds: "This family lacks good drivers."
  • During an interview, the producer asks why there's a rooster crowing at 2:00pm, and Kelly responds, "He's a Bates!"
  • Do you remember the Bates' visit to Dollywood? Although Kelly is terrified of heights, she faces her fears and rides a roller coaster, but the Bates mom screams the entire time. 
  • Which Bates are the most out of control when they laugh? Tori and Callie. Tori's laugh is a loud cackle, and when Callie gets going, she can't stop.
  • What are the Bates' favorite words/phrases? "Awkward," "epic," and "oh my stars."
  • Now let's talk about weddings. "The coolest part about going to the Bates weddings are watching the little kids," says Lawson. "They get standing up there on the stage, and they just lose their attention, and they start going crazy."
  • And then there's the food fight that breaks out while "Kay Kay" (Kelly's sister Kay) is teaching the kids how to decorate wedding cakes.

Laugh Like a Bates

If you're in need of a good laugh, tune in to Bringing Up Bates tonight at 9pm ET/8pm CT for an episode titled "More Bloopers, Outtakes and Mishaps, Oh My!" The Bates have said and done some wacky things on set. Sit back, relax, and relive the most hilarious and entertaining moments from the show (promo scenes below).

Be sure to come back to the blog this evening after the show to read our recap. And just a heads-up: Next week's new episode will feature Sadie Robertson! Details on our Showtimes page.

Photo/videos courtesy of UP

Bates #4 Turns 25

Wishing Lawson a very happy 25th birthday! How do you think he should celebrate this big milestone?

 Lawson Bates

Lawson Bates

Photos courtesy of UP

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Brooklyn Update

 Chad Paine and Brooklyn Paine

On Monday morning, we announced that Brooklyn Paine had had surgery on Sunday to release pressure and remove infection from her swollen finger.

Erin and Chad Paine say that Brooklyn is doing much better, although she is still in the hospital and will most likely remain there for the next few days as the antibiotics continue to work. The Paines say they are grateful for the staff at East Tennessee Children's Hospital and the many prayers that have been lifted up for their daughter. They still do not know how the infection started.

Photo courtesy of

Sneak Peek of Lawson's Music Video with Sadie Robertson

Happy Wednesday! We know you all are eager to see Lawson's "Past the Past" music video, featuring Sadie Robertson. He just released a sneak peek, and here it is!

Photo/video courtesy of

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Clean or Messy?

"I think if Bates is the last name, it doesn't qualify for tidy."
-Gil Bates

Here's some entertainment for your Tuesday afternoon. The Bates discuss which family members they think are the tidiest and the messiest. Some of them humbly nominate themselves, while some graciously give the titles to others.

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Monday, July 24, 2017

Prayers for Brooklyn

Erin Paine and Brooklyn Paine

Erin and Chad Paine had a difficult weekend. On Friday, Brooklyn Paine's finger started swelling, and she soon began running a fever. Doctors conducted multiple tests and administered antibiotics, but the problem worsened.

Brooklyn ended up having surgery to release pressure yesterday morning, and the Paines say she is recovering well. We know Erin and Chad would appreciate your prayers as they wait on lab results and care for their sweet baby. Brooklyn will turn one year old on August 6th. Big brother Carson Paine is praying too!

 Carson Paine

Photos courtesy

Friday, July 21, 2017

Photo of Lawson Bates and Sadie Robertson

As we shared in May, Lawson Bates invited Sadie Robertson to be part of his music video project for the song "Past the Past." The video is set to be released on August 3rd.

Photo courtesy of

Thursday, July 20, 2017

'Stop, Drop and Wash' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Stop, Drop and Wash"
  • The Bates still look back on their November 2016 house fire as one of the most frightening ordeals their family has walked through. The fire department comes over to give the kids fire safety lessons and help Gil and Kelly place their new smoke detectors.
  • To give back to the community and help fund the volunteer fire department, the Bates are planning a benefit car wash.
  • The day before the car wash, Zach, who has plenty of practice washing his police car, comes over to show the family how to wash a car. “We’ve never washed our cars at our house,” says Josie. “We let the rain wash them.”
  • “My goal was to come over and get everybody assigned a specific dob,” says Zach. “In real life, everybody doing their own thing all on the same car, I felt like we were never going to get finished.”
  • It doesn’t take long before chaos breaks loose. Gil asks for water, and Zach gives it to him…with a hose…all over his clothes.
  • “When everybody starts getting wet, I thought, You know what, I’ll jump in my parents’ car because Dad will surely tell them, ‘Don’t get the inside of my car wet,’” says Zach. “Then I forget, oh wait, it’s my family’s car. They don’t care!”
  • Zach’s next idea t is to grab the water hose, thinking it will give him an advantage, but when the little kids purposely put a kink in it, he is left with no way to defend himself.
  • Meanwhile, Erin and Chad are searching for a permanent home for their little family. When they moved into their rental cottage, they knew it would only be temporary.
  • They are looking for an old fixer-upper with land and charm. “We are open to the option of buying something very soon or waiting even several years,” says Chad. He and Erin drive by two beautiful country homes that they both really like.
  • On the day of the car wash, it’s pouring. “God’s wetting all the cars!” says Gil. The family is bummed, but Jeb suggests they pray. Before long, the rain stops!
  • In the middle of the car wash, Carlin’s boyfriend, Evan Stewart, shows up, and Carlin is ecstatic.
  • The car wash is a huge success. Even some of the volunteer firefighters come out to help. “I’m amazed that as the car wash rolled on, I think we really got the hang of it,” says Gil. Even little Bradley gets in on the action!

Epic Bates Water Fight

As we shared earlier this week, the Bates are hosting a car wash tonight on Bringing Up Bates, but during their lesson with Zach, chaos breaks loose, and everyone gets soaked. Check out these epic action shots. (You can double click each photo to enlarge it.)

And here are a few more snapshots from the episode. To help ease Gil and Kelly's fears of another house fire, members of the Medford Volunteer Fire Department come out to show the kids how to use a fire extinguisher and teach them other fire safety tips.

When the day of the car wash arrives, everyone pitches in to make it a huge success.

And when Carlin Bates' boyfriend, Evan Stewart, shows up announced, she is elated.

The show starts tonight at 9pm ET/8pm CT. Visit our Showtimes page for more details.

Photos courtesy of UP

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The touchy-feely Bates

Are you the "touchy-feely type"? In this Name That Bates video, the Bates try to decide who gives the best hugs, but their answers are all over the place. The last response is the most endearing, though, as Carlin Bates gives a shout-out to a little brother who gives her genuine hugs and tells her she's beautiful. Can we get an "awww"?

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Free Car Wash?

"Mom sent people out with signs to bring people in, and some of the signs were saying things like 'free car wash,' and some said 'donation car wash.' There's a difference there."
-Jackson Bates

If you're going to plan a car wash with a group of people, you should probably be in agreement on whether you're going to charge for the service. During their fundraiser (coming up on tomorrow's new episode of Bringing Up Bates) the Bates send mixed messages to passersby. Gil Bates lovingly says it's because his wife wants to give everything away for free.

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Bates-Sized Fundraiser (and Water-Fight)

"I don't think we have ever washed a car."
-Trace Bates

The Bates may have a fleet of cars, vans, trucks, and heavy machinery, but surprisingly, they have never washed any of their many vehicles. This Thursday on Bringing Up Bates, police officer Zach Bates gives his family a crash course just in time for a car-wash fundraiser. And if you predicted a Bates-sized water fight, you're right on!

Be sure to check out our other blogs ( and

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Love Moments with Nathan

The Bates loves playing group games together. In this rowdy round of Name That Bates Love Moment, the family guesses which special memory Nathan Bates, Carlin Bates, and Josie Bates are acting out.

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Daddy-Daughter Snuggles

Happy Saturday! Here's a sweet photo of Zach Bates and Kaci Lynn Bates to brighten your day. Kaci turned one year old last month. Zach and Whitney announced their second pregnancy at son Bradley Bates' first birthday, so you never know when another announcement will be made.

Photo courtesy of Zach and Whitney Bates

Friday, July 14, 2017

No Goats For Zach

Earlier this year, the Paines added two members to their already boisterous family--pygmy goats. Erin loves the chaos, but Zach says he would never take that kind of stress upon himself. His explanation is quite entertaining.

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Thursday, July 13, 2017

'Don't Worry, We've 'Goat' This!' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Don't Worry, We've 'Goat' This!"

  • As they show opens, some of the younger children are over at Erin and Chad’s house playing with the goats. “I think it was a great idea to get two kid goats,” says Chad. “And I think they bring a lot of smiles to Carson’s face.”
  • Gil joins them to help paint the goat shed. Chad lets the kids help cover it in a white water-based paint, with plans to finish it off with a black oil-based paint later. “I think they did awesome,” says Chad. “It was a lot of fun.”
  • Later, Gil and the boys redo the zip line that Nathan connected to the unstable shed. Isaiah tries to help, but it is a little difficult with his arm in a cast. While playing softball, he tripped over a bush and broke two bones.
  • When the zip line is finished, Trace is the first to try it out. Everyone is nervous that the trial is going to add badly, but it doesn’t. The family is thrilled about the new outdoor activity.
  • In celebration of Chad’s 30th birthday, Erin plans a getaway to Hot Springs, North Carolina. Granny and Grandpa watch Carson and Brooklyn.
  • “Of course we love getting to babysit, but it’s even more special when we’re babysitting and we know that it’s helping…one of the couples go out and spend quality time together,” says Kelly.
  • When Erin and Chad arrive at Mountain Magnolia Inn, built in 1868 by a Civil War colonel, Erin asks Chad to go check in. While the hostess gives Chad a detailed tour of the building, Erin slips away to decorate their cottage. “I knew he was so polite and so gentlemanly that he would probably sit there and just nod his head and say yes for as long as she talked to him,” laughs Erin.
  • Erin puts up fishing poles and fishing-themed banners with cute phrases, such as “Old but still a catch,” “I can’t believe I reeled you in,” and “You took my Bate bait.”
  • “You really think I’m old?” laughs Chad. “You really do think I’m old, don’t you? Just you wait. When you turn 30, you’ll wish you never turned 30.”
  • The next day, Erin takes Chad fishing in the rain.
  • “I think after I get married and have a lot of kids, I’ll like fishing, too,” says Tori. “You’ll like anything away from your kids,” adds Carlin.
  • Later, Erin and Chad relax in a hot tub filled with natural mineral water from the hot springs.
  • Back home, Gil and the kids go over to Erin and Chad’s house to check on Max, Bubby, and Sissy. A pet sitter comes by to show the Bates how to feed the goats. “Erin lived at our house for many, many years, and Erin did not trust us to take care of her animals,” says Jackson. “It’s funny that Erin trusts us to take care of her kids but not her ‘kids.’”

Goats, Zip Lines, and an 'Old' Man

It's Bates night! An all-new episode of Bringing Up Bates airs tonight at 9pm ET/8pm CT on UP.

Nathan has connected the Bates' old zip line to the shed, but Gil doesn't think it will hold, so he and the boys scout out another location.

First they try tethering it to the fort, but Gil nixes that idea, so they try another location.

Once the homemade zip line is set up, Gil appoints athletic Trace as the guinea pig. The previous zip line dropped its first rider on the ground, so Gil is a little wary.

Also on tonight's episode, Gil and the little kids visit Erin and Chad to play with the goats.

"Bubby" and "Sissy" are a breed of miniature goats called pygmys. Gil sure seems to like them!

When Chad returns home from work, everyone helps him paint the goat shed, a daunting tax with so many little ones running around.

The Paines hope the shed will help keep the goats from eating their flowers.

Towards the end of the episode, Erin and Chad head out on a romantic getaway to Hot Springs, North Carolina, to celebrate Chad's 30th birthday. The posters that Erin puts up around their rental cottage are hilarious! Check out the video preview below:

Photos/video courtesy of UP

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Judson's Practical Side

Judson Bates: "This ain't gonna work."
Lawson Bates: "Stay positive, Jud."
Judson Bates: "I'm positive it ain't gonna work."

From the mouths of babes! In this preview clip of tomorrow's new episode of Bringing Up Bates, Gil and the boys search for a location for the zip line, but it's a harder process than they imagined, and practical Judson is wary of their ideas.

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Bates Got Grace?

Name That Bates is back! If you have been watching Bringing Up Bates since last year, you'll remember all the laughs that the Bates shared as they answered trivia questions about their family. UP decided to resurrect the video series with this clip. Do you agree with the nominations for clumsiest Bates and most graceful Bates?

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

A Gift For Gil

Do you recall what happened on Bringing Up Bates "He Said, She Shed"? Gil Bates cleaned the shed for Kelly Bates to fulfill the coupon he gave her on Valentine's Day. Well, Kelly was so thrilled that she wanted to do something for her husband in return. In the heartwarming video below, watch the Bates Mama give Gil a coupon that brings a big smile to his face.

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Monday, July 10, 2017

A Home For the Goats

"I really didn't know what to expect with having that many kids on rollers and paint brushes. The biggest thing for me was trying to keep the paint out of everybody's hair."
-Chad Paine

Would you be brave enough to let a bunch of youngins help you paint a shed? Most people wouldn't be, but Chad is up for anything. And when your "kids" need a house, you've gotta do what you've gotta do.

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Saturday, July 8, 2017

A Video For Kelly Jo

Hope you are having a relaxing weekend. We're back from our blogging break and are still getting caught up. In the meantime, here's a post we know you will enjoy. It's the video that Brandon Keilen and Michael Keilen put together, with help from the other Bates siblings, for Mama Kelly Bates' 50th birthday.

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Thursday, July 6, 2017

'Newlywed Edition' Recap

Bringing Up Bates “Newlywed Edition”
In today’s newlywed edition, the Bates couples play a light-hearted guessing game to see how well they know their spouses. 
Tori and Carlin lead the game as lively hosts to quiz Zach and Whitney, Michael and Brandon, Erin and Chad, and Alyssa and John. 
The categories are: Bad Habits, Favorite Candies, Places to Vacation, Favorite Type of Shoes, Best Gifts, Closest Bates Member, Splurge Item, Number of Children, and Dream Job. 
When Michael and Brandon can’t find any faults with each other, Tori quips, “They still have on rose colored glasses.” 
On the question of the best gift Zach has given, Whitney answers, “His heart, my ring, Pandora Charms, Hawaii trip….there are too many to count.” 
When answering about what item Erin would splurge on, Carlin says about the couple, “I think he’s more right, he knows you better than you know yourself!” 
John tells Alyssa, “How ever many (children) you want to have is how many I want to have.”
Talking about the number of children they want, Erin declares, “Not 19, not 18, not even 17 or 16! No teens!”

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Bringing Up Bates 'Newlywed Edition'

Happy Wednesday, blog readers! We've been on a break this week, but we will be back with you soon. Tomorrow night at 9pm ET/8pm CT, tune in to UP for episode six of Bringing Up Bates season six (showtimes and promo video below).

Thursday, July 6, 2017
8pm: Sibling Revelry
8:30pm: He Said, She Shed
9pm: Newlywed Edition (NEW)
On this special 'Newlywed' episode of Bringing Up Bates, we'll see how well the younger Bates couples know their partners! Can they guess their spouse's favorite meal? How about their dream vacation destination? Let's hope they've been paying attention to each other over the years, otherwise things could get awkward! 
9:30pm: Newlywed Edition
10:00pm: Sweet Tea and Sit Ups
10:30pm: 15 Kids and an Empty Nest

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Bates 4th of July Pictures

We interrupt this blogging break to bring you snapshots from the Bates' annual Independence Day celebration at Papa Bill and Mama Jane's South Carolina Farm. Happy 4th of July to our American readers! How are you celebrating?

Photos courtesy of Zach and Whitney Bates,,