
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Bates Got Grace?

Name That Bates is back! If you have been watching Bringing Up Bates since last year, you'll remember all the laughs that the Bates shared as they answered trivia questions about their family. UP decided to resurrect the video series with this clip. Do you agree with the nominations for clumsiest Bates and most graceful Bates?

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Aw, poor Michael!

  2. Why do the Bates call "Michael".."Michael-a"?? I thought her name is Michael? Adding the "a" on the end sounds awkward; and they sound natural saying it.

  3. *dont* sound natural!

  4. Since her parents wanted to 'change' her name after birth they should have called her "Mick-at-la", like Jayne Seymour on Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, that old TV show. That is the female for Michael. They seem to pronounce it improperly as Michael-uh.

    1. Or...Michelle...that's also feminine for Michael. Where did you hear they wanted to change her name after she was born? And why didn't they? I know several families who changed their children's names within a month of birth. They just sent cute updates to friends and family with" uh-oh or whoops--such and such name didn't fit. Reintroducing so and so..". We all laughed a bit and moved on. But if her name is Michael why not just call her Michael?

  5. Cause it sounds more girly. I don't think it's awkward at all and if I was named Michael I would probably have people call me Michaella.

  6. I remember reading a post on here a while back that explained it. Basically as Michael got older, she realized her name is traditionally a boy's name, so she preferred it to be femininized to Michaela.

    Aha, and here's the post:

  7. My vote for most graceful is Alyssa. And most stylish if that is a category. Didn't hear the responses cause the video wouldn't play on my computer. :(

  8. I watched this episode last night and it was quite sad. During one question, Carlin, I think, asked the couples how many children they'd like to have....Carlin then comments 'yeah, like you have a choice' disgusting that was to me. I'm not being hateful here at all, but shocked and disappointed at how uninformed these girl/women are. OF COURSE, YOU HAVE A CHOICE as to your family size. It is their personal belief that a couple uses NO family planning or birth control at all. Someone really needs to EDUCATE these people. Women are not resigned to being perpetually pregnant after marriage for 20-25 years. Just awful and quite telling as to how they view marriage and adulthood.

    1. I hope the "like you have a choice" comment was in reference to the fact that some couples struggle to have any children at all. I hope the younger generation of Bates do not feel pressured to conform to the idea that God disapproves of contraception.

  9. 7/14 @ 1:52PM...I didn't get that impression when I heard (it was Erin, my mistake, who made the comment). I understand that at times, a woman doesn't have that choice due to physical condition limitation, but it wasn't put out there like that. I took it as the women don't have ANY say over the number of children, but to continually have to conceive if their is marital activity going on. I do think these kids are conditioned to have to believe and live as their parents do. Not as much as the Duggar children are, but there is pressure to have lots. I'm sorry for Michaela, and her situation, but we don't know WHAT situation she is facing? Is it her husband who has the issue or is it her? Has HE been tested. NOthing wrong with clarifying.

    1. If Erin was the one who said it, she may be referring to her physical problems. She lost several babies and has had to have shots to maintain her pregnancies. She may not be able to have a lot of kids or carry as many as she would like.

      Just because people leave it up to God how many children they will have and don't use birth control, it doesn't mean they will have tons of children. I have friends who did that. One of them only has one child and the other only two children. Neither did anything to prevent having more children. They just never got pregnant again.

  10. Most grace: I would think Alyssa and Whitney, hands down, IMO. Erin is a close 'next one'.


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