
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Brooklyn Update

 Chad Paine and Brooklyn Paine

On Monday morning, we announced that Brooklyn Paine had had surgery on Sunday to release pressure and remove infection from her swollen finger.

Erin and Chad Paine say that Brooklyn is doing much better, although she is still in the hospital and will most likely remain there for the next few days as the antibiotics continue to work. The Paines say they are grateful for the staff at East Tennessee Children's Hospital and the many prayers that have been lifted up for their daughter. They still do not know how the infection started.

Photo courtesy of


  1. I'm so glad she's doing better, I love your family and your in my prayers...��

  2. I'm so glad Brooklyn is doing better. I love your family... Your in my prayers...💜

  3. I said a prayer for you Brooklyn,and for your mom dad and brother! I also pray that you are home soon!

  4. I'll keep praying for Brooklyn & her recovery.
    I too went through something similar in 1973, infected finger on my baby (15 months old) - it turned out to be staph & 11 days in hospital.

    . . .
    these things are difficult to diagnose.

    God bless this family.

  5. Glad to hear that Brooklyn is doing much better. God hears our prayers....Jane

  6. Poor baby. Glad to hear she will be ok. Hope she is all better soon.

  7. Quite possibly caused by something as basic as a tiny splinter. Some yrs ago my finger swelled a little and one patch went black/greenish , I felt a little unwell and was running a low temp so I headed to GP who put me on antibiotics straight away. He examined it for a splinter carefully and said there was something in there but so tiny and deep down he couldn't extract it. A week of antibiotics and I was back to normal.... I was obviously a fully grown adult and we caught it thanks to the tell tale colouring of my finger (plus my adult intuition/communication skills).... I'd imagine a child that age similar could happen and it go unknown/unnoticed a lot longer! I have a 2 yr old and I know how hard it is to work out what exactly is up sometimes.

  8. I wonder if it something she picked up from one of their goats? Really have no idea..little ones get into everything! Hope she heals quickly!

  9. I am praying for Brooklyn and all of you.

  10. I will continue to pray for their sweet little girl. Thank you for the update.

  11. Just wondering if being around the goats may have started the infection, especially if she was petting the goats who may have tried to take a nibble. Regardless, I'm steadfastly praying for her recovery. The Paines are such a great family🙏❤️

  12. So happy to hear that Brooklyn is better. Your family is in my prayers.

  13. I happy she is doing better.

  14. So glad precious Brooklyn is doing better. Continuing to keep them in my thoughts and prayers. God bless.

  15. Praying for this precious family and baby girl.

  16. Praying for all, especially sweet Brooklyn!God bless

  17. sending prayers for her healing.

  18. Hope she gets better in time to celebrate her first birthday next week!

  19. Prayers for Brooklyn for a quick and speedy recovery.

  20. Sending my prayers to your family. get well soon. baby girl.

  21. My daughter was in the hospital for a week when she was 6 years old. We were at home and all of a sudden she couldn't walk are bear any weight on her leg. We took her to the hospital and they diagnosed her as having cellulitis and said if we had waited another day she would become septic. We were there for a week and the medicine they had her on kept blowing her IV so they had to restick it 20 times just to get the medicines in her. All they could think of was that it may have been caused by a small scratch she had on her knee and I don't even know how she got the scratch.

    1. I got cellulitis I bumped my own hand into my nose pretty hard. It was really painful, so I went to the doctor and got antibiotics. I learned that cellulitis can cause major problems if untreated.

  22. Prayers for the swwet baby. As commenters, I see no reason to speculate aa to the source of infection. Let's leave it to the professionals


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