
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Clean or Messy?

"I think if Bates is the last name, it doesn't qualify for tidy."
-Gil Bates

Here's some entertainment for your Tuesday afternoon. The Bates discuss which family members they think are the tidiest and the messiest. Some of them humbly nominate themselves, while some graciously give the titles to others.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. I am waiting for some really exciting news about some marriages or courships .

  2. It think it would be great to hear some exciting news that doesn't have anything to do with courtships, marriages, or babies!

    1. Ummm, what's wrong with marriages and courtship and babies?

    2. There are few things in life less exciting!

    3. There are few things in life more exciting

    4. There's so much more to life than marriage and babies. I'd rather travel and have a career than just be a wife and mother. I don't want to be tied down.

  3. 4:40 Nothing at all wrong with courtship, marriage and babies. It's just that some people like to hear of other news as well, such as schooling or careers. Everyone is entitled to an opinion- it's a TV show, after all!

  4. Other news is great too, it's just that to some people it can get boring.


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