
Saturday, July 15, 2017

Daddy-Daughter Snuggles

Happy Saturday! Here's a sweet photo of Zach Bates and Kaci Lynn Bates to brighten your day. Kaci turned one year old last month. Zach and Whitney announced their second pregnancy at son Bradley Bates' first birthday, so you never know when another announcement will be made.

Photo courtesy of Zach and Whitney Bates


  1. "Zach and Whitney announced their second pregnancy at son Bradley Bates' first birthday, so you never know when another announcement will be made." Comments like this are not necessary. Trying to predict, anticipate, or speculate about anyone's possible future pregnancy diminishes us, including the couple involved. How many children we do or don't have does not define us as human beings We should never place pressure or expectations that having one child after another is the goal post of marriage.

    1. Anon @ 11:16 I was going to post the same thing, you beat me to it. So many fans constantly speculate about these young ladies (and the Duggar girls) being pregnant or not, as you say a womans self worth should not be tied up in the number of children they have. Also if you have one child you are every bit as much a mother as someone who has 20. Disappointed that the admin are following some fans lead with the speculation even if its only a header, really thought they were above that.

    2. July 16 at 10:52 I am with you 100 percent. "Disappointed that the blog owner is following fans lead with speculation even if its only a header."

    3. Agreed. Speculation like this is reductive and rude.

  2. That's so cute. Now I want to take a nap too! Thank you for the cute post.

  3. Both of their children - actually, all of the Bates grandchildren - are some of the most beautiful children I've ever seen.

  4. Zach and Kaci are so cute. I hope Zach wasn't mad at Whitney for taking that picture.

  5. i'd love to hear an announcement soon! it wouldnt surprise me if there was more than one announcement, in fact, i'm thinking both whitney and erin will be expecting again soon

    1. I don't know for certain if they want more children right now, or at all, so I'd be foolish to make any assumptions about possible "announcements"

    2. I don't think Chad and Erin will have a lot of kids. They both grew up in families that didn't believe in birth control or limiting the size of your family, but Erin's got that blood clotting problem during pregnancy and has to take those shots to carry to term. Being on those shots long term (9 months out of ever 1-2 years) could potentially cause issues. Despite their upbringing, I don't see them wanting to take the risk of a huge family. Maybe 4-6 children at most. Just my complete speculation though, I don't know them personally :)

  6. Despite the fact that I do not share the same religious beliefs, I find the Bates family to be relatable in ways that the Duggars simply are not. The Bates show is easy to watch!

    1. I agree with you! That's why I prefer Bates over Duggars.

  7. Omgosh this picture is so adorable!
    Thank you for sharing it❤

  8. I agree with comment #1. I'm tired of posters here playing with these young people's lives like they are a board game or something. Having children, NOT having children FAST ENOUGH, it's ridiculous. I personally hope that Whit and Zach feel a bit differently about 'babies' than his parents do. There is nothing Godly, romantic, or great about being overwhelmed with children coming too close to each other and you can't take care of yourself, them, your husband OR your household because of it. It also, IS NOT the responsibility of any unmarried sisters-in-law to routinely come over and do your housework and childcare for you just to keep up with things. So I hope Whit and Zach realize that a much smaller family can be better...they all can really have a CLOSE relationship with each other and have a Godly smaller family.

    1. Agree! I think a lot of the Duggar/Bates fan base are living vicariously through these TV families. The perception is that having large numbers of children is some kind of competition, as well as the right and "Godly" think to do. Of course, the shows are going to feature exciting moments when couples get married or babies are born. People watch and assume everything portrayed on camera is the way things are 24/7, like Leave it to Beaver. If you want to have a big family, that's fine if you have the means to care for them and can provide a loving and stable home. However, I don't think for a minute that God expects that of any of us. In fact, it may have been part of God's plan for medical advances in contraception. I'd like to think He has seen how women have suffered throughout history with relentless childbirth and exhaustion and thought, "I think there's something I can do to help with that."

    2. Perfectly said

    3. Anon @ 10.38 Agree with everything you said. If I may add one more thing many families who share the same religious beliefs as the Duggars and also have as many children as God blesses them with do not live the same comfortable lives as the Duggars. Many live in small cramped houses, children get little to no schooling and money is very tight, the reason is because it is very hard to raise a large family on one wage and they do not have the luxury of having a TV show.

    4. I appreciate your perspective Anonymous 10:38.

  9. Yes, it is up to the couples to decide IF & When they want another child or children at all. Keep in mind, their show IS CENTERED (& always has been) around the number of children they have & the trials they have gone through.
    NO one is trying to entered into their intimate lives - the comments and/or concerns are not ill natured.
    COOL IT FOLKS with the negativity.

    IMO - Whitney & Zach are very pleased with their little family.
    IMO - Chad & Erin - same thing - add how blessed they feel after her hardship with miscarriages.

    WHEN WE LEARN of "baby" news, it is given by the Bates!

    1. I didn't find any of these comments negative!

  10. Photo is so adorable!


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